12 Aug 19
@caesar-salad saidI don't talk to people who are pussies.
But you have neither the power nor the responsibility to make anyone else change.
Even if say you were to pray to G*d to effect some change in someone else, a lot of people would think that an unethical use of prayer, unless one prayed with the humble understanding that G*d has veto power over all our requests, and unless one sincerely includes "Thy will be done" in the petition.
You delete all your posts like a girl.
@chaney3 saidOK, mission accomplished! Enjoy your forum vacation! 🙂
My goal here is to point out dive's hypocrisy.
@chaney3 saidYou're the one who assumed I was male, and therefore gay.
Man up, or be gone fool.
Careful with those assumptions -- you might poke someone's eye out!
You obviously have the old "boys' club" mentality that still lingers in the chess world (as well as IT, RPG, and game-dev worlds, among others).
@chaney3 saidHave you tried praying for Dive and asking that G*d send him some nice blessings? (Of the beneficial sort, of course -- I know that "blessings" can be ambiguous.)
It's about dive.
What part of that needs explaining?
This would nourish your connection with G*d and might help to heal the rift that has occurred between you and Dive.
12 Aug 19
@caesar-salad saidNO.
Have you tried praying for Dive and asking that G*d send him some nice blessings? (Of the beneficial sort, of course -- I know that "blessings" can be ambiguous.)
This would nourish your connection with G*d and might help to heal the rift that has occurred between you and Dive.
Dive must change himself.
First, he requires desire.
@chaney3 saidAnd there we have it.
Yes I do.
He can NO longer hide.
He must change, and become a real Christian.
Right now, he's content to blame his human weakness, and that is lazy!!!
Chaney, you are talking about yourself here and projecting it onto someone else. Can you not see that? - You have, in the past, spoken about your own weaknesses and blamed God for this. Have 'you' changed? Have you become a real Christian? Or are you stuck in the same cycle?!