Originally posted by vivifyWhat do you know about the Word of God?
Most of you are probably familiar with the verses that day a woman should submit to her husband "in all subjection", or some variation of that. Do religious people here expect their wives to be completely subjected to them? Any women here expect to obey their husbands in this manner (or already do)? If not, aren't you or your wife disobeying the Word of God?
Originally posted by vivifymy Bitch Knows her place and she lets me do anything that's ok with her.
Most of you are probably familiar with the verses that day a woman should submit to her husband "in all subjection", or some variation of that. Do religious people here expect their wives to be completely subjected to them? Any women here expect to obey their husbands in this manner (or already do)? If not, aren't you or your wife disobeying the Word of God?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieTell that to a homosexual man trapped inside a woman's body. Also, there's a word for people who can choose a homosexual or heterosexual lifestyle: they're called bisexuals. In their case, I guess they can take turns being the man of the house.
There is no such thing as a homosexual man trapped inside a women's body.
Originally posted by C HessI am a lesbian trapped in a mans body, its great
Tell that to a homosexual man trapped inside a woman's body. Also, there's a word for people who can choose a homosexual or heterosexual lifestyle: they're called bisexuals. In their case, I guess they can take turns being the man of the house.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieso one should have no problem living alone, eating only the strictly necessary nutrients, never reading a book, never doing something fun or fulfilling.
There is no such thing as a homosexual man trapped inside a women's body. Every one is capable of homosexual or heterosexual acts making them in essence neither. They are simply free moral agents with the capacity to act in either way. These bitter protestations against the character of God are unfounded.
I reject all assertions of a genetic predi ...[text shortened]... iology of the human body and sexuality by acts.
'onest guv it was my genes wot made me do it!
it is just a matter of personal choice.
Originally posted by RBHILLI here this a lot from Christians. Host, turrets no biblical stipulation saying a wife is allied to stop obeying her husband if he doesn't love her that much. What if he doesn't love her at all, but at least treats her with basic respect? In that case, the wife is still obliged to submit. In fact, even if he's a jerk to her (not really abusive, just a jerk) sure must still submit.
In a God fearing way as long as I love her as Christ loved the church. #1. Problem is communication. Listen to your wife without salving the problem then come back in a few days with advice if it has to do with someone other then yourself.
Originally posted by C HessI provided reason Mr Hess and as a man of reason and logic you know that the logic was unassailable and the facts incontrovertible. Anyone can choose to engage in any kind of sexual activity and are in essence neither heterosexual nor homosexual. These appellations are useless façades for materialists to hang their latest fashionable pseudo-scientific theories upon. I reject them all and remain capable of rational thought.
Tell that to a homosexual man trapped inside a woman's body. Also, there's a word for people who can choose a homosexual or heterosexual lifestyle: they're called bisexuals. In their case, I guess they can take turns being the man of the house.