-Removed-You are a rude person sir. I have just been diagnosed with diabetes and you tell me I'm not sick and I'm a liar just because I make a chess move when I can and now you have the right to spy on me? You are a real jerk.
And for the other jerks who constantly attack my mispellings of words you obvilously have no idea how diabetes affects ones vision from time to time. Geeeez......
-Removed-Well as bright as you think you are with your insight to what I can or can't do and when I can do such things such as post comments or make a chess move, you are wrong and arrogent to asume you know me.
If this were the first time for you to post something like this, then yes I'd pass it off but you are always on the edge or over it in being rude and very presumptuous.
Do you just wake up in the mornings with a check off list of what rude plans you have for the day to say to people?
Anyway you are who you are and I need to just ignor you.
Originally posted by galveston75So God has the right to protect his people and he showed that even before this while they were in Egypt and afterwards.
Get over your high and mighty attitude dude..... I've been sick and will try to be back tomorrow.
Actually ponder of this info till then and see if you or the others can get the idea behind God's decision on this.
The Amalekites were “the first one of the nations” to launch an unprovoked attack on the Israelites after the Exodus, at Rephidim ne ...[text shortened]... ome of the tribe of Simeon annihilated the remnant of the Amalekites.—1Ch 4:42, 43.
IT book #2
He is the "ready of hearts" and he knew with the Amalekites their hate for his people ran deep and would not end as long as they were alive and would attack his people again and again.
Yes he could have spared any of the Amalekites he chose too, but he didn't. It was in their culture and hearts to be in opposition to God and his people.
Again no human can do this and be a judge of God and what he see's in each human. He no doubt knew the existance of these people would be a constant threat to his people and this would also be an example for all future generations of ones who hate his followers to beware.
This warning is a serious one to take as is described in the Bible for the future.
-Removed-Believe me my entertaning you is the farthest from my desire....
Again God has the right to give or take a life as he see's the need to direct his will for man to eventually be free from all wickedness.
He has told his followers not to kill so that's why we do not fight.
So...this is my answer and will not change no matter how many times you insist on asking me.
Originally posted by galveston75When did God tell his followers not to kill?
Believe me my entertaning you is the farthest from my desire....
Again God has the right to give or take a life as he see's the need to direct his will for man to eventually be free from all wickedness.
He has told his followers not to kill so that's why we do not fight.
So...this is my answer and will not change no matter how many times you insist on asking me.
Are you refering to something Jesus said?
Originally posted by galveston75I was asking about the infants. They could not have yet learnt to hate the Israelites and they could have been saved.
So God has the right to protect his people and he showed that even before this while they were in Egypt and afterwards.
He is the "ready of hearts" and he knew with the Amalekites their hate for his people ran deep and would not end as long as they were alive and would attack his people again and again.
Yes he could have spared any of the Amalekites ...[text shortened]... to beware.
This warning is a serious one to take as is described in the Bible for the future.
You have not explained why a loving God would choose to butcher a baby in revenge for what his parents did, when other options exist.
You also haven't answered how you would know if an instruction came from God. If God has carte blanche to behave like we would expect Satan to behave, and does so as frequently as he does in the OT, how would we know God from Satan?
It is not by his words and deeds, as not even the command to unnecessarily butcher innocent babies causes you to question the motives of the being issuing the orders.
It seems to me that, if Satan is as devious as many Christian websites claim, one of his greatest triumphs would be to trick God fearing people into butchering young infants.