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Evangelical Christians

Evangelical Christians


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Came across the following by Phil Zuckerman a professor of sociology in California. Looking past the provocative title, what he has to say is generally consistent with the views of Evangelical Christians I have spoken with. Anyone care to share their insights as to what they think is going on?

Jesus unambiguously preached mercy and forgiveness. These are supposed to be cardinal virtues of the Christian faith. And yet Evangelicals are the most supportive of the death penalty, draconian sentencing, punitive punishment over rehabilitation, and the governmental use of torture. Jesus exhorted humans to be loving, peaceful, and non-violent. And yet Evangelicals are the group of Americans most supportive of easy-access weaponry, little-to-no regulation of handgun and semi-automatic gun ownership, not to mention the violent military invasion of various countries around the world. Jesus was very clear that the pursuit of wealth was inimical to the Kingdom of God, that the rich are to be condemned, and that to be a follower of Him means to give one's money to the poor. And yet Evangelicals are the most supportive of corporate greed and capitalistic excess, and they are the most opposed to institutional help for the nation's poor -- especially poor children. They hate anything that smacks of "socialism," even though that is essentially what their Savior preached. They despise food stamp programs, subsidies for schools, hospitals, job training -- anything that might dare to help out those in need. Even though helping out those in need was exactly what Jesus urged humans to do...Evangelicals don't exactly hate Jesus -- as we've provocatively asserted in the title of this piece. They do love him dearly. But not because of what he tried to teach humanity. Rather, Evangelicals love Jesus for what he does for them. Through his magical grace, and by shedding his precious blood, Jesus saves Evangelicals from everlasting torture in hell, and guarantees them a premium, luxury villa in heaven. For this, and this only, they love him. They can't stop thanking him. And yet, as for Jesus himself -- his core values of peace, his core teachings of social justice, his core commandments of goodwill -- most Evangelicals seem to have nothing but disdain.


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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Came across the following by Phil Zuckerman a professor of sociology in California. Looking past the provocative title, what he has to say is generally consistent with the views of Evangelical Christians I have spoken with. Anyone care to share their insights as to what they think is going on?

Jesus unambiguously preached mercy and forgiveness. ...[text shortened]... /www.huffingtonpost.com/phil-zuckerman/why-evangelicals-hate-jes_b_830237.html
He paints a nasty picture, I guess he watches a lot of CNN and MSNBC.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Came across the following by Phil Zuckerman a professor of sociology in California. Looking past the provocative title, what he has to say is generally consistent with the views of Evangelical Christians I have spoken with. Anyone care to share their insights as to what they think is going on?

Jesus unambiguously preached mercy and forgiveness. ...[text shortened]... /www.huffingtonpost.com/phil-zuckerman/why-evangelicals-hate-jes_b_830237.html
yep, he pretty much drove that nail home.

3 edits
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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Came across the following by Phil Zuckerman a professor of sociology in California. Looking past the provocative title, what he has to say is generally consistent with the views of Evangelical Christians I have spoken with. Anyone care to share their insights as to what they think is going on?

Jesus unambiguously preached mercy and forgiveness. /www.huffingtonpost.com/phil-zuckerman/why-evangelicals-hate-jes_b_830237.html
Are you asking for reasons why they exhibit these behavioural traits? wow, it
seems really complicated the more i think of it. Its easy to say that they have
obviously completely missed the point, but why have they missed it, well, that's
something else. I guess can look at it historically, where self sufficiency and hard
work was emphasised and running through that Calvanistic streak is a tendency
towards being judgemental which when coupled with belief in fate tends towards self
righteousness. In other words, if you are financially successful, its gods blessing, if
not, its your own fault and you deserve to be poor, which of course is a nonsense,
considering many of Gods servants where of humble origin and of limited means.
The adherence to gun culture i guess stems from the Puritans, those guys who used
to carry guns to church for 'their own protection'. Thus it appears to me that if one
is to answer these questions seriously one must look at the situation historically.


who, amongst us, iz without fault???
let that person cast a stone...
but once you let that missile fly,
will you ever sit next to the Throne???

only Spirit can say, who iz righteous,
and who will be left behind...
my only job, on this ole earth,
iz to my brothers be kind...


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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Are you asking for reasons why they exhibit these behavioural traits? wow, it
seems really complicated the more i think of it. Its easy to say that they have
obviously completely missed the point, but why have they missed it, well, that's
something else. I guess can look at it historically, where self sufficiency and hard
work was emphasis ...[text shortened]... if one
is to answer these questions seriously one must look at the situation historically.
the biggest failure of those who have fallen from grace is pride. pride prevents them from seeing just how far they have fallen. that is their real problem, history only puts a perspective on it.

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Originally posted by VoidSpirit
the biggest failure of those who have fallen from grace is pride. pride prevents them from seeing just how far they have fallen. that is their real problem, history only puts a perspective on it.
Yes i agree VS, its rather easy to state that this must be the case, how else are we to
explain and account for this mind set, its quite another to try to understand why this
mindset has arisen, for arisen it has.

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Originally posted by rookie54
who, amongst us, iz without fault???
let that person cast a stone...
but once you let that missile fly,
will you ever sit next to the Throne???

only Spirit can say, who iz righteous,
and who will be left behind...
my only job, on this ole earth,
iz to my brothers be kind...

Not the only job.
You have a duty to help those who are going astray.
Astray - living contrary to the teachings of Christ].
Help - to point them to the right lifestyle.
Pointing someone in the right direction who is going astray is not throwing stones.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Came across the following by Phil Zuckerman a professor of sociology in California. Looking past the provocative title, what he has to say is generally consistent with the views of Evangelical Christians I have spoken with. Anyone care to share their insights as to what they think is going on?

Jesus unambiguously preached mercy and forgiveness. ...[text shortened]... /www.huffingtonpost.com/phil-zuckerman/why-evangelicals-hate-jes_b_830237.html
Jesus unambiguously preached mercy and forgiveness.

Ah, so then you started this thread to show how full of mercy and forgiveness you are towards all those TERRIBLE Evangelical Christians ??

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Originally posted by KellyJay
He paints a nasty picture, I guess he watches a lot of CNN and MSNBC.
you can't say he is wrong though. all them republicans who are pro life and wanting to teach intelligent design in schools (for the glory of the lord) are also anti-poor and cringe whenever uncle sam asks them to donate a dollar of their paycheck to social services.

i think jesus wouldn't give a single withered, stale damn if children learn that god did it all by magic or not. he would care to see more of his unfortunate peepz clothed and fed. he would care if the pope clothed less in gold while children starve and didn't cost mexico millions of dollars


Originally posted by Rajk999
Not the only job.
You have a duty to help those who are going astray.
Astray - living contrary to the teachings of Christ].
Help - to point them to the right lifestyle.
Pointing someone in the right direction who is going astray is not throwing stones.
and for me to teach by example iz NOT being kind???

rigid adherence,
to the rules you make...
iz a path you should gladly,
az for me,
i answer to One...
and They don't post here,
in this den of fun...

interesting how you would point out the shortcomings of my words,
while indicating with yer own that yer a "beach bum"...
should i take you to task for being a "bum"???
this iz not necessary, there iz much more to our words than the words themselves...

finding and embracing the meaning behind them, IZ being "kind"...

peace and blessings for yer day...


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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Came across the following by Phil Zuckerman a professor of sociology in California. Looking past the provocative title, what he has to say is generally consistent with the views of Evangelical Christians I have spoken with. Anyone care to share their insights as to what they think is going on?

Jesus unambiguously preached mercy and forgiveness. ...[text shortened]... /www.huffingtonpost.com/phil-zuckerman/why-evangelicals-hate-jes_b_830237.html
Now where did I place that whip.......

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Originally posted by KellyJay
He paints a nasty picture, I guess he watches a lot of CNN and MSNBC.
Since he's a sociology professer, seems likely that he's drawing on sources other than "CNN and MSNBC".

If you think the "picture" inaccurate, then explain where you think it is. Unless you do so, yours is nothing more than a vacuous childish post. Like I said, "...what he has to say is generally consistent with the views of Evangelical Christians I have spoken with."

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Are you asking for reasons why they exhibit these behavioural traits? wow, it
seems really complicated the more i think of it. Its easy to say that they have
obviously completely missed the point, but why have they missed it, well, that's
something else. I guess can look at it historically, where self sufficiency and hard
work was emphasis ...[text shortened]... if one
is to answer these questions seriously one must look at the situation historically.
The question for me is, "How can they rationally reconcile their views with the teachings of Jesus whom they presumably call 'Lord'?".

Does Zuckerman have it right when he says, "Evangelicals love Jesus for what he does for them. Through his magical grace, and by shedding his precious blood, Jesus saves Evangelicals from everlasting torture in hell...For this, and this only, they love him...And yet, as for Jesus himself -- his core values of peace, his core teachings of social justice, his core commandments of goodwill -- most Evangelicals seem to have nothing but disdain."?

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Originally posted by rookie54
who, amongst us, iz without fault???
let that person cast a stone...
but once you let that missile fly,
will you ever sit next to the Throne???

only Spirit can say, who iz righteous,
and who will be left behind...
my only job, on this ole earth,
iz to my brothers be kind...

Not sure what this is supposed to be directed at. Perhaps where Zuckerman says the following?:
"Jesus unambiguously preached mercy and forgiveness. These are supposed to be cardinal virtues of the Christian faith. And yet Evangelicals are the most supportive of the death penalty, draconian sentencing, punitive punishment over rehabilitation, and the governmental use of torture."

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