Originally posted by FMFNo i have never met christians who loathe homosexuals but obviously i move in different
Good grief. Have you really never met any Christians who loathe homosexuals?
circles form you and what is more there is no justification for a christian hating anyone in
scripture as was actually alleged, unless of course you have evidence to the contrary.
Originally posted by BigDoggProblemEither you have scriptural evidence of gay bashing as you have alleged or you don't and we
Robbie, I like you, but I really don't take your posts very seriously. I never have.
To my mind, you are more interested in conflict than anything else. I used to be more like that, but I'm finding it less enjoyable these days.
are free to dismiss your claims as false or at very least unsubstantiated. If you are going
to make serious claims like you have then i suggest that you make sure you can
substantiate them.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI wasn't talking about about whether Christians are justified in loathing anyone. Would you say that if a self-identified Christian loathes someone, then they are not a Christian? You said "Christians do not loathe anyone". If someone does loathe someone, does it ~ in your view ~ rule them out of being Christians?
No i have never met christians who loathe homosexuals but obviously i move in different
circles form you and what is more there is no justification for a christian hating anyone in
scripture as was actually alleged, unless of course you have evidence to the contrary.
Originally posted by FMFI make no moral judgements on anyone, I have enough dealing with my own imperfections.
I wasn't talking about about whether Christians are justified in loathing anyone. Would you say that if a self-identified Christian loathes someone, then they are not a Christian. You said "Christians do not loathe anyone". If someone does loathe someone, does it ~ in your view ~ rule them out of being Christians?
12 Sep 15
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWhat does scriptural evidence have to do with the way modern Christians behave towards gays?
Either you have scriptural evidence of gay bashing as you have alleged or you don't and we
are free to dismiss your claims as false or at very least unsubstantiated. If you are going
to make serious claims like you have then i suggest that you make sure you can
substantiate them.
12 Sep 15
Originally posted by BigDoggProblemon wait a minute here, you have failed to provide a shred of evidence for the claims you
What does scriptural evidence have to do with the way modern Christians behave towards gays?
made and are now asking me to provide evidence for a claim that I haven't even made?
Your question is loaded as it assumes guilt on the part of someone.
12 Sep 15
Originally posted by robbie carrobieAre you seriously not aware of any 'gay bashing' perpetrated by Christians nowadays or in the past?
on wait a minute here, you have failed to provide a shred of evidence for the claims you
made and are now asking me to provide evidence for a claim that I haven't even made?
Your question is loaded as it assumes guilt on the part of someone.
12 Sep 15
Originally posted by FMFactually my statement is intended to be understood that there is no scriptural tenet for a
So do you stand by your assertion: "Christians do not loathe anyone"? Or you concede that sometimes they do?
christian to loathe anyone and infact they are under duress to demonstrate love to all
people. Whether they do or they do not is their affair i can only speak for myself.
12 Sep 15
Originally posted by robbie carrobieSo you now accept that sometimes Christians do loathe people, and this can include loathing of homosexuals, and can even involve violence?
actually my statement is intended to be understood that there is no scriptural tenet for a
christian to loathe anyone and infact they are under duress to demonstrate love to all
people. Whether they do or they do not is their affair i can only speak for myself.
12 Sep 15
Originally posted by FMFI have told you once already I have never seen or experienced it, I will not tell you again and
Are you seriously not aware of any 'gay bashing' perpetrated by Christians nowadays or in the past?
would appreciate it if you didn't repeat the same questions more than once as its rather
tedious having to answer them a second and third time.
12 Sep 15
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI asked you if you were aware of it, not if you had personal experience of it.
I have told you once already I have never seen or experienced it, I will not tell you again and
would appreciate it if you didn't repeat the same questions more than once as its rather
tedious having to answer them a second and third time.