Originally posted by ZahlanziIf God is real, then yes; God shouldn't let things like poverty and child hunger exist. If I knowingly let my child go hungry the way children do in parts of Africa, what would you think of me as a father?
where do you draw the line?
is it at children getting cancer? children getting measles? children getting a mild cough?
how about poverty? how about hunger? must god fix those too?
someone stealing from me is harming me. must he fix that too? won't the thief be harmed in the process?
it's easy to ask someone else to magically solve your problems.
Originally posted by ZahlanziDoesn't matter. Most Christians strongly believe that the OT god is their god, and respect OT doctrines like homosexuality being an "abomination".
the christian god is not the god portrayed in the old testament. anyone saying otherwise doesn't understand what christianity does.
11 Mar 15
Originally posted by sonhouse
So your god allows small children to be raped or killed specifically so the perp will get justice? Why not stop the injustice first? The child in this case is just a pawn in your god's game?
For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.
(1 Corinthians 2:11 NASB)
This is what God says:
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
(Isaiah 55:9 NASB)
11 Mar 15
Originally posted by Suzianneoh the irony of being called 'ridiculous' by christian!!
Don't be ridiculous. He's not supporting child abuse, nor is he "turning a blind eye" to it.
Is that really what you got from his post?
did i say he 'supported abuse'?...no, what i said was he supports turning a blind eye to child abuse...and yes (i know this is difficult for you, especially when you 'take a leap of faith'😉 your god turns a blind eye to abuse. if he stands by and lets it happen then hes choosing to ignore it. simple.
11 Mar 15
Originally posted by RJHindsActually, this is what men wrote pretending that is what some god said.For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.
(1 Corinthians 2:11 NASB)
This is what God says:For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
(Isaiah 55:9 NASB)
Originally posted by sonhouse
Actually, this is what men wrote pretending that is what some god said.
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17 NASB)
for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
(2 Peter 1:21 NASB)
11 Mar 15
Originally posted by sonshipyou know nothing and jump to too many wrong conclusions.oh, well thats okay then. im sure all the little children enduring night after night of brutal sexual abuse can rest easy knowing that gods demonstrating that he's cool being the god of abused people.
a good indication of being morally lost is when you find yourself justifying turning a blind eye to child abuse.
This is basically an a ...[text shortened]... nd His Father.
I tremble knowing that no one is getting away with anything [b](Rev. 20).[/b]
my argument was not a proof for or against the existence of god. it was an argument that your god (if he exists) turns a blind eye to child abuse. which, regardless which way you look at it....he does. if he has the power to stop it as it occurs(which he does) and decides not to stop it there and then (which he sometimes does) then he chooses to ignore it. which is wrong and makes him a bad, cruel god.
you talk of god 'standing in the gap, preventing some evil' as if that is a good thing, ignoring the fact that he only stops 'some' when he has the power to stop all.
My wife and I have custody of two children whose backround was abusive. Because we know what can happen, and we are able to petition God, we know that we are [b]available to Him to rescue and reduce some of the misfortunes befalling children. [/b]
well done for looking after the children. its admirable. I work everyday with abusers and the abused, helping fix them so they can have some semblance of a normal life. so im right there, if god wants to turn up and give us a hand he would be welcome.....as of yet, gods been too busy, or is picking and choosing who he wants to help.
You're the one turning not a blind eye but a gaping accusatory eye because the suffering of children is only useful to you for a handy excuse to reject God from being Lord in your life
this is an odd little paragraph....should the suffering of children be useful to me in other ways???? i guess you could argue that it also helps keep me in employment.....but seriously are you really going to suggest that i am 'using' child abuse just to 'get at' god.
11 Mar 15
Originally posted by vivifythere are countless ways to argue this.
If God is real, then yes; God shouldn't let things like poverty and child hunger exist. If I knowingly let my child go hungry the way children do in parts of Africa, what would you think of me as a father?
i will pick one. what do you think of the mother who fusses over every scratch her child gets? who doesn't let him outside of the house, ever? compare the time scale on which god and humans operate. god leaving you to live a 60 year long life (average) is like a mother letting her kid go out and play. bear in mind that god's children are souls.
he gave us each a meatsuit and allowed us to explore this world. what happens to the meatsuit is as meaningful to god as is what happens with the beard you shaved this morning. or the dead skin cells you leave on your pillow.
Originally posted by vivify"most"
Doesn't matter. Most Christians strongly believe that the OT god is their god, and respect OT doctrines like homosexuality being an "abomination".
most what? just as an example, catholicism stance is that evolution is real and that the earth is old.
ask christians from other countries than the US if they think the bible should be taken literally.
it matters quite a lot. you cannot call yourself a christian and condone the genocides in the old testament, the rapes, the slavery, the injustice.
11 Mar 15
Originally posted by ZahlanziGeez, stop children from being raped and from starving to death? Yeah, why don't we chew their food for them while we're at it, right?
there are countless ways to argue this.
i will pick one. what do you think of the mother who fusses over every scratch her child gets? who doesn't let him outside of the house, ever? compare the time scale on which god and humans operate. god leaving you to live a 60 year long life (average) is like a mother letting her kid go out and play. bear in mi ...[text shortened]... happens with the beard you shaved this morning. or the dead skin cells you leave on your pillow.
Originally posted by ZahlanziA "no true Christian" fallacy? Come on.
most what? just as an example, catholicism stance is that evolution is real and that the earth is old.
ask christians from other countries than the US if they think the biblhould be taken literally.
it matters quite a lot. you cannot call yourself a christian and condone the genocides in the old testament, the rapes, the slavery, the injustice.
Even if it's not "most, it's still way too many.
Originally posted by RJHindsif person 'a' is accepted into heaven can they later choose to have sexual organs and have sex with their partner.....are they also free to choose not to love god?
Atheists seem to miss the fact that there is no love without free will. They just don't understand the love of God or that they are so stupid compared to God. 😏
Originally posted by stellspalfieA person's mind and body will be renewed, so I can not imagine any reason why a person in their right mind would not love God. However, free will must allow for that possibility, I believe. 😏
if person 'a' is accepted into heaven can they later choose to have sexual organs and have sex with their partner.....are they also free to choose not to love god?
Originally posted by RJHindsso god must accept that there is a possibility that everybody in heaven may eventually not love him.
A person's mind and body will be renewed, so I can not imagine any reason why a person in their right mind would not love God. However, free will must allow for that possibility, I believe. 😏