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Freedom FROM religion foundation!


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Originally posted by sonhouse
Religions may be a good thing in some respects but don't tell me its other than 100% man made. The hundred million dead with no response from a god says it is just as likely to be 100% also with no response from a god.

Which tells me in no uncertain terms, we are on our own, free to make up whatever gods we think will help us through whatever the crisis of the year is that year.
You want to be on your own, don't you?

The Instructor

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Religions may be a good thing in some respects but don't tell me its other than 100% man made. The hundred million dead with no response from a god says it is just as likely to be 100% also with no response from a god.

Which tells me in no uncertain terms, we are on our own, free to make up whatever gods we think will help us through whatever the crisis of the year is that year.
Sonhouse, i understand where you are coming from. It seems as if there is no responce. i stated this same thing in another forum. just because we don't see God working, or we don't see God working in the way we think he should be doing it, doesn't mean He is not there.
I wish i could put you in my shoes. i am extreemly spiritual. Beyond the understanding of most. i am not trying to brag, not even trying to convert. Just trying to show you something, something unseen. In scripture, Elijah shows a boy the angels at work. It is also what we do. Spiritual warfare is very real.

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Originally posted by Pudgenik
Sonhouse, i understand where you are coming from. It seems as if there is no responce. i stated this same thing in another forum. just because we don't see God working, or we don't see God working in the way we think he should be doing it, doesn't mean He is not there.
I wish i could put you in my shoes. i am extreemly spiritual. Beyond the understanding o ...[text shortened]... e, Elijah shows a boy the angels at work. It is also what we do. Spiritual warfare is very real.
So how much death does your god think ok before it comes down and personally says enough? Right now its running about 2 percent of the entire race dead from violence, religious or non religious.

What number would you think would cause a response directly from your god?

10%? 20? 50? 99.999999?

Would your god respond if the entire human race died from war or disease?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
So how much death does your god think ok before it comes down and personally says enough? Right now its running about 2 percent of the entire race dead from violence, religious or non religious.

What number would you think would cause a response directly from your god?

10%? 20? 50? 99.999999?

Would your god respond if the entire human race died from war or disease?
I know you will not see this as God's doing. And i know most people on here, you and christains alike will not believe what i tell you. New Orleans, the hurricane was sent by God. The revolution in the Phillipenes (sp), Gods angels destroyed the darkness. i know, i was there. The sunomi (sp) Japan, Asia etc. sent by God. God is fed up with the sin. Spiritual warfare rages all over the place. It is nearly unknown. You don't see it, but it is there.

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Originally posted by Pudgenik
I know you will not see this as God's doing. And i know most people on here, you and christains alike will not believe what i tell you. New Orleans, the hurricane was sent by God. The revolution in the Phillipenes (sp), Gods angels destroyed the darkness. i know, i was there. The sunomi (sp) Japan, Asia etc. sent by God. God is fed up with the sin. Spiritual warfare rages all over the place. It is nearly unknown. You don't see it, but it is there.
So you figure it's like the mythical flood where your god destroys all animal life on Earth except what it allows to go in the Ark and all that to just off a few nasty humans.

Sure. A god would do that.

In a pigs ass it would. That is just men making up stories using human attributes because that is what MEN would do if they hate a certain population, they could care less if a million animals died killing a few thousand humans.

That is NOT what a god would do.

A god would have a moral code that would be far superior to humanity and there is nothing you can say to ever convince me otherwise.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
So you figure it's like the mythical flood where your god destroys all animal life on Earth except what it allows to go in the Ark and all that to just off a few nasty humans.

Sure. A god would do that.

In a pigs ass it would. That is just men making up stories using human attributes because that is what MEN would do if they hate a certain population ...[text shortened]... ould be far superior to humanity and there is nothing you can say to ever convince me otherwise.
As i told you, you would not believe. There are many things, beyond physical understanding. We are a physical people. We see, smell, hear, touch all that we believe to be true. It is only one aspect, one facet of life. The God i know and serve, knows our physical limitations. And i am not allowed to share with you any more deeply than you are capible of understanding. For it is written, he shall not break the bending reed, nor put out the flickering flame. For those of you that read this, be open, recieve what i say. Then as the Spirit moves in you, maybe you will see me.

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Originally posted by Pudgenik
As i told you, you would not believe. There are many things, beyond physical understanding. We are a physical people. We see, smell, hear, touch all that we believe to be true. It is only one aspect, one facet of life. The God i know and serve, knows our physical limitations. And i am not allowed to share with you any more deeply than you are capible of und ...[text shortened]... read this, be open, recieve what i say. Then as the Spirit moves in you, maybe you will see me.
And you can't even begin to understand the degradation of human attributes assigned to gods. You swollow the ponzi scheme of religion hook line and sinker, not even CONSIDERING the idea the whole concept of your god as just made up by men who wished to set up a religion that could trap people for the express purpose of control.

I would never say there could never be in our wondrous universe, god or gods.

I can say with 100% certainty the god of the Abrahamic religions is a fake, made up by men and an extreme minority of women.

For instance, a real god would have moral attributes far above humanity and would NEVER set up a system where it would say a man is worth 50 shekels but a women only 30, thus codifying and keeping men on the top of the human sexual plane with women a distant second.

Any religion that puts words like that in its supposedly holiest of holy scripture is a dead ringer for being just made up by men.

Don't you notice how convenient that is, for men just so happen to be placed higher on an economic scale than women and it just so happens that in the beginning of this culture women were and still in some cases not even allowed in the church with men? Like men are so superior they should have their own church while women get put in another room to knit and sew?

Which goes on to this day in some places.

Why can't you escape the trap of religion and think for your own self for once?

Humanity will not begin to grow up and mature as a race until they shuck the trap of religion.

If you don't think religion is a trap, look at the Taliban in Pakistan.

Killing innocent children for the crime of learning about the world, but killing only girls, shooting kids like Malala for daring to suggest in public that girls deserve an education.

This is the result of a religion being subjugated to thuggery, crimes against humanity not seen since the time of the Nazi's.

Bombing schools to stop girls from being educated.

Which is exactly what christianity and Judaism does to women except not outright killing them, but placing them on a lower plane educationally, economically, politically, sexually.

I am telling you this: a real god would NEVER EVER place one sex on a higher plane than the other.

A real god would recognize the value of both sexes and would NEVER say a woman is worth less than a man.

For that to be in the bible SCREAMS man made attributes assigned to a god for the express purpose of control.

But you will never believe any of that, too deeply trapped inside this ponzi scheme, this 3000 year scam.

Between the 19th and the 21st century well over a hundred million people have been slaughtered but not a word of anger by your so-called god. That puts the percentage of people killed by violence, both religious and sectarian at around 2 percent of the entire population of the human race and not a PEEP out of your god in outrage.

Yet in your own bible it says DO NOT KILL as one of your basic fundamental commandments.

Yet you would just say, we are given free will.

That is another version of the ponzi scheme which takes your god off the hook.

How far would your god let this free will thing go on?

Would it say, step in if some higher number were killed? 20%? Would it take 40% for it to say enough? 99%?

It seems so far there is no number that we are not allowed to raise violence to that would engender a response from your so-called god.

Another reason that screams MAN MADE.

Which would explain perfectly whey there has been no direct word from your god in 2000 years, if indeed there was any such thing even back 2000 years ago.

Billions of people trapped inside this long scam. It is sickening to see it all play out where the entire human race is held down, not being allowed to grow to its full potential where we can live in peace and explore the world and the universe and understand the wonders therein but being told what to think and believe by people who want nothing more than control and to put them on the top of the religious food chain.

Don't you think it strange the top leaders are the ones with the mansions?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
And you can't even begin to understand the degradation of human attributes assigned to gods. You swollow the ponzi scheme of religion hook line and sinker, not even CONSIDERING the idea the whole concept of your god as just made up by men who wished to set up a religion that could trap people for the express purpose of control.

I would never say there c ...[text shortened]... gious food chain.

Don't you think it strange the top leaders are the ones with the mansions?
what have you to say about all those millions of persons, who have been helped to overcome all manner of difficulties from prostitution to drug abuse through a direct application of Biblical principles?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
And you can't even begin to understand the degradation of human attributes assigned to gods. You swollow the ponzi scheme of religion hook line and sinker, not even CONSIDERING the idea the whole concept of your god as just made up by men who wished to set up a religion that could trap people for the express purpose of control.

I would never say there c ...[text shortened]... gious food chain.

Don't you think it strange the top leaders are the ones with the mansions?
Are you advocating the religious institution of science as an escape from the religious institutions of gods? Woe to the man who offends the scientific holy grail Nobel prize. LOL

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
But parents [b]do tell their kids whom to follow.
It is the only reason religion survives![/b]
I think God has more to do with it than parents.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
And you can't even begin to understand the degradation of human attributes assigned to gods. You swollow the ponzi scheme of religion hook line and sinker, not even CONSIDERING the idea the whole concept of your god as just made up by men who wished to set up a religion that could trap people for the express purpose of control.

I would never say there c ...[text shortened]... gious food chain.

Don't you think it strange the top leaders are the ones with the mansions?
For someone who claims they don't believe in God or gods you sure
seem to know how they would act if they were real. If God is real and
does not fit in your little box of how God is suppose to act, you'd miss

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Originally posted by sonhouse
And you can't even begin to understand the degradation of human attributes assigned to gods. You swollow the ponzi scheme of religion hook line and sinker, not even CONSIDERING the idea the whole concept of your god as just made up by men who wished to set up a religion that could trap people for the express purpose of control.

I would never say there c ...[text shortened]... gious food chain.

Don't you think it strange the top leaders are the ones with the mansions?
Do you believe what Jesus the Christ taught is evil?

The Instructor

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Do you believe what Jesus the Christ taught is evil?

The Instructor
Of course not, neither did Gandhi. It is the originators who lied, the ones who put women on the bottom of the human ladder, a god would simply not do that. You can grouse all you want about how we can't know the mind of god but I sure as hell can see when human attributes have been inculcated into this alleged god.

Every attribute in your so-called god has parallels in man. That is not a coincidence.

That came about because the men who started these religions knew jack about the real world and were especially ignorant as to what a god would be like. So they just looked at the nearest people they knew and projected their strengths and weaknesses and assigned them to the god they were constructing.

There is NOTHING in the bible or Quran or any other so-called holy scripture that can never have come from men.

The fact that men have been on top of the economic totem pole for millennia scores the fact that they use religion to STAY on top, having put in the bible the idea that women are worth 30 shekels but men 50.

And of course you justify it saying how women can't do hard work, etc.

But instead of just being applied to physical labor, it is extended to the overall worth of women. It just codifies the lower class of women, which just coincidentally happens to be an attribute in a lot of cultures on Earth.

If you have pets and some are female and some male, you don't say to yourself, that female, she is obviously inferior, say dogs, where they are both affectionate to you and to each other.

You would never just go, that female bitch, totally inferior to that male.

That is more or less how I view what a god would think of humans, as our pets and one whole gender as a group not being on any higher plane than the other.

Of course you, being trapped inside this ponzi scheme religion, will forever not be able to see the contradictions inherent in all this.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Of course not, neither did Gandhi. It is the originators who lied, the ones who put women on the bottom of the human ladder, a god would simply not do that. You can grouse all you want about how we can't know the mind of god but I sure as hell can see when human attributes have been inculcated into this alleged god.

Every attribute in your so-called god ...[text shortened]... ponzi scheme religion, will forever not be able to see the contradictions inherent in all this.
It is believed that Moses wrote the first five books in the Holy Bible. Jesus told us that Moses made certain rules because of the condition of the peoples heart, even though, as Jesus said, God did not mean it to be that way from the beginning. Even Moses admits to getting angry and not always following God's command. Moses spent 40 years roaming around in Arabia and never entered the promised land that was later named Israel. Why?

If God created humans in His own image, why wouldn't Moses assume God had characteristic like humans? I believe Moses used his own emotions and characteristics as a way to present God to the children of Israel in an attempt to get them to do what he believed was God's will.

Jesus came along and presented Himself as an example of how God really was in contrast to what the Pharisees were teaching the people. But it is still our choice as to who we believe.

The Instructor

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Originally posted by RJHinds
It is believed that Moses wrote the first five books in the Holy Bible. Jesus told us that Moses made certain rules because of the condition of the peoples heart, even though, as Jesus said, God did not mean it to be that way from the beginning. Even Moses admits to getting angry and not always following God's command. Moses spent 40 years roaming around ...[text shortened]... es were teaching the people. But it is still our choice as to who we believe.

The Instructor
Actually, it has been proven at least 4 people wrote the first 4 books of the bible and the 5th Deuteronomy could not have been written by Mo for the simple reason it gave great details about Mo's death, something a bit hard for Mo himself to have done don't you think? But linguistic analysis of the first 4 books show 4 distinct writing styles and all of them now it looks like were also written after Mo kicked off.

Archaeological studies over the last 200 years have shown the historical records of the bible were for the most part, accurate. The one thing it doesn't do is show two Israel's, Judah in the south around Beershiva, not mentioned in the bible and the 'kingdom of Israel' in the more lush valleys of the north. Judah was poor in comparison and had to have more strict rules for survival in the desert.

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