Originally posted by sonshipRight now what they are seeing is an effect, a circular pattern of hotter and colder areas in the CMR record. It is a real effect but the interpretation is up for grabs. One is that another universe outside our space time bubble bumped up against ours and made that double circle pattern.
I guess theists cannot accept the idea there may be multiple universes since that would go directly against the 'in the beginning' part of the bible.
As of yet there is no scientific evidence for multiple universes. If you have [b]EVIDENCE put your link up. I don't mean the hand wavings of imaginative quantum physicists ...[text shortened]... better get some arguable scientific evidence from your link if I go spend the time there.[/b]
The idea is to explain that circular pattern in a hot/cold region of space.
At this point it is only speculation about actual evidence for other universes but that explanation gives a possible answer as to why the circular pattern is there to see.
All that aside, I still don't understand why theists insist there can be only one universe. If there can be many universes why can't your theology just accept that maybe your god is bigger than you think?
Sonhouse's link first ASKS -
The dark circles show regions of the universe that are cooler than average. Could each ring provide information about what happened before the Big Bang? (V.G.Gurzadyan and R.Penrose)
That's merely a question.
Going on -
Scientists analyzing the ubiquitous cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) observed throughout the Universe have claimed they’ve discovered a pattern in its signal.
And having watched a recent episode of Stargate Universe (SGU) — an awesome sci-fi series, and one of my favorites — a storyline involving a pattern in the CMBR has just aired. Although the SGU CMBR pattern has a very different origin to what this most recent discovery is suggesting, it is a testament to how awesome accurate science fiction writing can be.
sonhouse balks at reference to Bible. But refer to all the Science Fiction movies you want ! Sci-Fi movies are OK for support of his beliefs.
Going down reading a few more paragraphs -
The CMBR provides strong evidence of a Big Bang (i.e., everything came from a compressed, hot state) and universal inflation (i.e., the rapid expansion of the Universe immediately after the Big Bang).
I'm looking for beginningless multiple universe evidence sonhouse.
Reading on further - Aha, maybe HERE !!
In an unpublished paper submitted to the arXiv preprint service, world-renowned Oxford University physicist Roger Penrose and co-author Vahe Gurzadyan from the Yerevan Physics Institute in Armenia have announced a pattern in the CMBR that could reveal events that occurred before the Big Bang.
Hmmm. Unpublished ? Altogether now "PEER REVIEW! PEER REVIEW! Where's the PEER REVIEW ?"
You know, like what you demand of creationists sonhouse ?
Reading on about this "unpublished" paper -
If Penrose and Gurzadyan suggested that evidence of a pre-Big Bang Universe survived into our Universe without any physical proof, it would be highly speculative at best; the kind of discussion you’d only have in an advanced theoretical physics class.
Did anyone see the word MULTIVERSE yet ? I didn't. I see "Universe" written there in the SINGULAR. But let's go on.
ANALYSIS: In the Beginning, the Universe was a Liquid
A Cyclical Universe?
According to the pair of physicists, there is a circular pattern embedded in the CMBR like ripples (pictured top). These ripples show slight decreases in average temperature in a cyclical manner. The reason? This could be evidence for repeated birth and death of the Universe, or universes, that came before our current 13.75 billion year-old Universe.
So far this sounds like going back to some sort of inflationary one universe bouncing out and back and out again and again - an old theory re-examined. That's what it looks like up to this paragraph.
No mention of MULTI - in MULTIVERSE yet sonhouse.
here's something about "previous" universes -
Cosmic inflation — the rapid, exponential increase in universal volume between 10-36 to 10-32 seconds after the Big Bang — would have erased any trace of these pre-Big Bang cycles. If we can “see” previous universes, this suggests inflation might not be entirely correct, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Now I will leave the board and find sonhouse's evidence amid all this speculation.
" If Penrose and Gurzadyan suggested that evidence of a pre-Big Bang Universe survived into our Universe without any physical proof, it would be highly speculative at best; "
Sonhouse, so far I read about speculative concepts about what I would call a rebounding universe, repetative cycle style. [edited]
So far I do not see discussed PARALLEL multiple universes. Possibly, one right after another after another in non-simultaneous secession.
Sounds like a new variation of a steady state situation which the Big Bang cosmology unseated as the most plausible model of the universe.
I am reading on though.
So are these apparent rings in the CMBR the remnants of universes past? Are they a cosmic ticker-tape keeping count of the number of universes that have come before?
Needless to say, there’s a huge number of reasons to believe this CMBR pattern could be something entirely different, but it is certainly intriguing considering the physicists used two different instruments (WMAP and BOOMERANG) and found a similar pattern in both.
This is speculation which I am happy to see what will come of it in the future. I cannot say it is conclusive evidence of multple universes. And they don't seem to be parallel or simultaneous. And I see nothing yet suggesting absolutely NO BEGINNING to the whole theorized concept.
And the article says - " there’s a huge number of reasons to believe this CMBR pattern could be something entirely different, "
Get that Bible verse out of there !!!
Now the article really pulls out its heavy artillery for parallel universes in a MULTIVERSE - a Science Fiction episode -
ANALYSIS: Are We Living in a Hologram?
Sci-Fi Does Sci-Fact
So what’s my reference to SGU got to do with this mindboggling research? In the sci-fi plot line, our human explorers aboard the Ancients’ spaceship Destiny are currently on a whirlwind tour of interstellar and intergalactic space where each episode is punctuated with crew problems, alien encounters, stargates and wormholes. The Ancients, as the name suggests, is an extinct (we assume) ancient hi-tech alien race.
In “The Greater Good,” an episode that ran a couple of weeks ago, physicist Nicolas Rush (played by the superb Robert Carlyle) announced that he knows what the Ancients were studying (thereby revealing the main story arc of the whole season): a pattern discovered in the cosmic background radiation.
The thing is, in this sci-fi universe, the CMBR pattern isn’t natural, it has an artificial structure.
Hey, I like Sci Fi just as much as the next guy. But this doesn't count as serious evidence for an assemble of multiple parallel universes. It only suggests that human imagination has conceived similar concepts for entertainment purposes.
Finally the conclusive article comes to its end -
Needless to say, when I first read about this research, SGU came to mind. Although I don’t think for a second that some kind of intelligence created our universe (and the ringed pattern in the CMBR is some kind of signature of the technology that did it), it is a wonderful sci-fi plot that has stumbled into science fact.
As Robert Carlyle says in the following Stargate interview, “That’s pretty epic.”
I couldn’t agree more.
Sonhouse, with a straight face ? With a straight face you link me to this Sci-Fi fan blog as evidence of a multiverse with no beginning ?
See any other good Sci-Fi flicks lately ?
The Article is Called " Cosmic Rebirth Encoded in Backround Radiation ? "
And Rebirth of a universe is not parallel multiple universes.
It is more like the reincarnation of the same one over and over again.
And you are welcomed to pinpoint where NO BEGINNING to this cycle was theorized in that article. I didn't see it.
Originally posted by sonshipYou still haven't answered my question, why does it matter whether we live in a universe of one universe and that's all folks or we live in a universe where there are an infinite number of the suckers? So what? I am totally prepared to accept evidence for both ideas, it won't make a whit of difference as to whether or not I can pay my mortgage or anything else on the planet, it only matters as a quest to more knowledge. Hey, maybe (going sci fi on you here🙂 a thousand years from now, if we prove there are other universes, we figure out a doorway to visit them and also solve the problem of what to do if our universe collapses in on itself or some such.
Finally the conclusive article comes to its end -
[quote] Needless to say, when I first read about this research, SGU came to mind. Although I don’t think for a second that some kind of intelligence created our universe (and the ringed pattern in the CMBR is some kind of signature of the technology that did it), it is a wonderful sci-fi plot that has stu ...[text shortened]... med to pinpoint where NO BEGINNING to this cycle was theorized in that article. I didn't see it.
Hey It could happen🙂
You still haven't answered my question,
Oh , I STILL haven't answered YOUR question ?
Well you STILL haven't linked me to evidence of multiple universes ours with a beginning and the others with no beginning.
Your initial comment to me:
I guess theists cannot accept the idea there may be multiple universes since that would go directly against the 'in the beginning' part of the bible. The thing is, there IS evidence of other universes, in the CMR, cosmic background radiation:
The circular patterns are real and one explanation is contact with another universe.
If you have another explanation, I would be glad to read it. Hopefully not just a pile of scripture but your own mind working on the problem, unlike RJ who has no mind to give his own analysis, he can only spout what others have told him.
Conclusive explanation ? Or " " there’s a huge number of reasons to believe this CMBR pattern could be something entirely different, " ?
why does it matter whether we live in a universe of one universe and that's all folks or we live in a universe where there are an infinite number of the suckers?
What matters at the moment is that we know of ONE universe. And we are pretty certain that the ONE we know of had a beginning.
Sacred text said so in Genesis first. Then some time latter thinking cosmologists and physicists said the same thing from their best calculations.
That's the current state of affairs. "Why does it matter?" is personal philosophy question for each man to answer for himself.
What matters to me at the moment is that you don't pretend the current scientific understanding is something other than it is.
So what? I am totally prepared to accept evidence for both ideas,
So you had no need to link me to one with no real evidence of. If both ideas you feel apathetic about why didn't we notice that apathy until it was pointed out that you had no good evidence of a multiverse ?
Sounds like the fox scowling about sour grapes from Aesop's fables.
When he could not reach them, he decided that they probably didn't taste good anyway.
it won't make a whit of difference as to whether or not I can pay my mortgage or anything else on the planet,
Next time try that as a reply before you fake an effective link to support a purely speculative idea supported by a good Sci Fi story.
it only matters as a quest to more knowledge. Hey, maybe (going sci fi on you here a thousand years from now, if we prove there are other universes, we figure out a doorway to visit them and also solve the problem of what to do if our universe collapses in on itself or some such.
Hey It could happen
Okay, back to Spirituality Forum concepts:
A Beginning strongly implies a Beginner. If there was a Big Bang - Who or What Banged it ?
It had to have been something outside of nature for it is nature that came into being AT the big bang (as the current state of cosmology states).
God - a Being trancending space, time, matter, energy and of immense power and intelligence then becomes subject matter possibility.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1) then is relevant to the discussion.
You can always take your marbles and go to the Science Forum where you're likely not to have to deal with sacred scriptures.
( I don't do too well with little graphics. I guess I should say thanks for the smiles ? )
Originally posted by sonhouseWell I cannot speak for all Theist, but I do believe there is a lot more
Well it sounds like you can at least THINK about the idea that there is more than one universe.
It just solves some nagging problems with entropy if there are a bunch of universes floating around out there. Remember, when we say 'floating', we are not talking about a ping pong ball literally floating on water, they would be floating in some kind of high ...[text shortened]... t just a visualizing aide.
But why do theists reject the very concept of multiple universes?
going on than we can see, a spiritual realm along side of this one, so I
guess that could be called another universe.
"What matters at the moment is that we know of ONE universe. And we are pretty certain that the ONE we know of had a beginning"
Nobody is arguing against that point. There is evidence that what we think of as our universe is more than it seems.
So do you have some kind of explanation as to the presence of the patterns in the temperatures of the CMB?
Regardless of whether there are other universes or not, why are theists so dead set against even THINKING about the possibility? You can't state as a fact there are no other universes so what is the big deal?
"What matters at the moment is that we know of ONE universe. And we are pretty certain that the ONE we know of had a beginning"
That's the current consensus cosmology. Whether I as a theist like it or don't like it is besides the point.
I expect theories to come and go.
Nobody is arguing against that point. There is evidence that what we think of as our universe is more than it seems.
Of course it is more than it seems. You are now morphing multiverse into a universe that is "more than it seems."
Who is objecting to the suspicion that the universe is more than it seems?
Not me.
So do you have some kind of explanation as to the presence of the patterns in the temperatures of the CMB?
No, not at the moment.
Regardless of whether there are other universes or not, why are theists so dead set against even THINKING about the possibility?
I don't see theists "dead set" against even THINKING about it.
What I was cautious about is your prematurely jumping on a evidence for thinking so.
I might have said why are atheists like you dead set against a UNI-verse with a BEGINNING ?
By the way - I would still regard umpteen universes as still a ONE universe - perhaps an assemble. I think it is still a universe.
You can't state as a fact there are no other universes so what is the big deal?
NO big deal. Let's be realistic about the current state of cosmology, Sci Fi episodes notwithstanding.
"I might have said why are atheists like you dead set against a UNI-verse with a BEGINNING "?
In the first place, why do you insist on putting in the atheist category? I never claimed to be atheistic, just deny the so-called god you people in your delusions, worship as if it were real.
Also, I am not dead set against a single universe with a definite beginning. I know you love that idea because of 'in the beginning', but that alone is not enough to prove the biblical fairy tales of creation.
Although it does tickle my fancy to see theists squirm at the mere mention of the idea of multiple universes.
How many dimensions do you think there are to our universe?
Originally posted by sonhouseI believe there are three dimensions. Today, many people believe time is also a dimension. That would make four dimensions, at most. However, there are some spaced-out people who claim there must be ten dimensions based on their wacky mathematical formulas and religious beliefs. Some believe the Heaven where God lives is in another dimension that we can not see. To my knowledge, no one has yet provided anything but theories for the existence of these added dimensions.
"I might have said why are atheists like you dead set against a UNI-verse with a BEGINNING "?
In the first place, why do you insist on putting in the atheist category? I never claimed to be atheistic, just deny the so-called god you people in your delusions, worship as if it were real.
Also, I am not dead set against a single universe with a definit ...[text shortened]... the idea of multiple universes.
How many dimensions do you think there are to our universe?
The Instructor
Originally posted by RJHindsIf we only have 3 dimensions and time, how do you explain the fact that space, the composite of those 3 dimensions, is malleable? Light follows space so if space is bent so is the path light takes through space. Do you deny that?
I believe there are three dimensions. Today, many people believe time is also a dimension. That would make four dimensions, at most. However, there are some spaced-out people who claim there must be ten dimensions based on their wacky mathematical formulas and religious beliefs. Some believe the Heaven where God lives is in another dimension that we can ...[text shortened]... et provided anything but theories for the existence of these added dimensions.
The Instructor
Originally posted by sonhouseI don't explain it. I let scientist try to explain it. I just believe that the scientists that respect the truth of scripture probably have the best explanations.
If we only have 3 dimensions and time, how do you explain the fact that space, the composite of those 3 dimensions, is malleable? Light follows space so if space is bent so is the path light takes through space. Do you deny that?
The Instructor