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God Bless America?

God Bless America?



Originally posted by FMF
Doesn't making declarations about what nations God blesses and doesn't bless require a "stretch of the imagination"?
According to you, maybe.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
According to you, maybe.
Well I don't think God ever "blessed" Britain. Nor do I think he "blessed" or "blesses" America. Is your claim about God and America a bible-based claim?

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
but they also gave us britney spears, they give with one hand and take away with the next.
Lol. But we have Lassie, and Red Skelton, and Jerry Jones who owns the Cowboys! Ok, I'll take that last one back! 🙁

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So if God did or does bless America, why would he choose this country over another? What would be the qualifications he would look for?


Originally posted by FMF
You said 'Of course the US was blessed". but then what you cited to justify saying that was: being a world superpower, inventions, technology, quality of life etc. I am curious as to why these criteria - to your way of thinking - do not apply to Britain historically.
Britain did not, on the eve of its creation, dedicate itself to God. God was nowhere to be found in Britain's founding. Oh there may have been lip service (God Save the Queen and all that) but no thanks to God for giving them the land of England. We've seen a decline worldwide in the influence of Great Britain for the past 200 years. Is this the hallmark of a nation blessed by God? Probably not.

America, on the other hand, has as its motto "In God We Trust" and to this day this motto appears on every US coin. America also believed in Manifest Destiny, or the idea that God gave America full right to all land clear to the Pacific Ocean. In America, we've been fortunate. I believe this fortune is because we've been blessed by God. In fact, most Americans think so. It's only people from other countries with some sort of axe to grind that deny the concept on the face of it.


Originally posted by FMF
Well I don't think God ever "blessed" Britain. Nor do I think he "blessed" or "blesses" America. Is your claim about God and America a bible-based claim?
How on earth would it be "Bible-based"?

Have you ever read the words "United States of America" in the Bible?

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An interesting scripture:

Acts 10:34-35
Today's New International Version (TNIV)

34 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism
35 but accepts those from every nation who fear him and do what is right.

Cross references:Acts 10:34 : Dt 10:17; 2Ch 19:7; Job 34:19; Mk 12:14; Ro 2:11; Gal 2:6; Eph 6:9; Col 3:25; Jas 2:1; 1Pe 1:17Acts 10:35 : Ac 15:9


Originally posted by galveston75
So if God did or does bless America, why would he choose this country over another? What would be the qualifications he would look for?
America is not exactly like any other country on the face of the planet, this should be obvious especially to you, an American.


Originally posted by galveston75
An interesting scripture:

Acts 10:34-35
Today's New International Version (TNIV)

34 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism
35 but accepts those from every nation who fear him and do what is right.

Cross references:Acts 10:34 : Dt 10:17; 2Ch 19:7; Job 34:19; Mk 12:14; Ro 2:11; Gal 2:6; Eph 6:9; Col 3:25; Jas 2:1; 1Pe 1:17Acts 10:35 : Ac 15:9
Peter didn't live in the 20th century, either.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
Peter didn't live in the 20th century, either.
So does that mean this scripture about who God is has changed? He has now become a partial God?


Originally posted by galveston75
So does that mean this scripture about who God is has changed? He has now become a partial God?
What? How does this even connect with what I said?

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Originally posted by Suzianne
What? How does this even connect with what I said?
The Bible says God is impartial and loves all men. But if God were to bless one country over another even to direct them to be more powerful then another country, that would ba a contradiction of this and other scriptures. That's the connection.


Originally posted by galveston75
The Bible says God is impartial and loves all men. But if God were to bless one country over another even to direct them to be more powerful then another country, that would ba a contradiction of this and other scriptures. That's the connection.
How can you possibly sit and watch America and live and work here without coming to the same conclusion as most Americans? Especially considering the quality of life in most third-world countries. Do you really think America got to where it was in the 20th century without God's blessing?

Peter was the one who said that. Do you think he could even conceive of a country like America? To him, I'm sure most countries in the world at that time were the same, except maybe countries like the Roman Empire or Egypt, and one could not exactly argue that they were blessed by God.


Originally posted by Suzianne
Britain did not, on the eve of its creation, dedicate itself to God. God was nowhere to be found in Britain's founding. Oh there may have been lip service (God Save the Queen and all that) but no thanks to God for giving them the land of England. We've seen a decline worldwide in the influence of Great Britain for the past 200 years. Is th ...[text shortened]... m other countries with some sort of axe to grind that deny the concept on the face of it.
you are wrong about britain, the industrial revolution was less than 200 years ago. we used to have an empire but then we grew up. im sure god would see that as a good thing.

i dont see how giving yourselves religious motto's means god has blessed you? great britain also has little mottos about 'god', i used to live in 'gods own county'. lots of countries have religious mottos. its not enough to qualify as evidence of being blessed.

america has lots of wealth, but much of that is down to the pure size. britain has a bigger gdp per head than america, does god even care about money, is that something he would bless somebody with??? it would seem shallow if he did.

i agree some people have an axe to grind with america, but looking at the hard facts show that america is no different to britain, france, germany, japan, norway, denmark, sweden, holland and so on.

it seems rather arrogant to think you are better than other countries, especially with no evidence to back you up.


Originally posted by Suzianne
How can you possibly sit and watch America and live and work here without coming to the same conclusion as most Americans? Especially considering the quality of life in most third-world countries. Do you really think America got to where it was in the 20th century without God's blessing?

Peter was the one who said that. Do you think he could even conc ...[text shortened]... like the Roman Empire or Egypt, and one could not exactly argue that they were blessed by God.
How can you possibly sit and watch America and live and work here without coming to the same conclusion as most Americans

you must think all developed nations are blessed then? america not top of the global list for quality of life, i think its 4th or 5th.

Especially considering the quality of life in most third-world countries. Do you really think America got to where it was in the 20th century without God's blessing?

just like all other rich countries, america made its wealth because its lands are full of natural resources and a climate for growing crops. nothing new here. im still confused as to what makes you think you guys stand out from the crowed.

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