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Originally posted by ChessPraxis
I'm sorry Sir I assumed wrong, please excuse and forgive me.
I've seen crop circles, in fact I helped make a few. πŸ™‚
Everyone thinks its so easy to make all those thousands of crop circles.

A joke is one thing, and some people have owned up to some of them, but have you actually seen them? Pretty hard to make if your on the ground, getting all that symmetry perfect every time, in the middle of the night πŸ˜•

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Originally posted by whodey
If memory serves, the Scientologists have some song and dance about coming from aliens. You may want to check that out, however, make sure you have some money in the bank if you do because they will be after you to give them your money for "instructional classes".

I also remember a cult about Hale Bop. Does anyone remember? I think their leader said to ...[text shortened]... rse, if you choose this route my only words of adivce are, "Don't drink the coolaide!!" πŸ˜›
2 great exmples of bogus movements based on power paradigms that serve only those at the top.
Another example would be the Raelians, who actually made a landing "pad" for a ufo.
Of course, it hasn't come yet, and only the most faithful stay on as RaeliansπŸ˜›

As I said somewhere else, there are plenty of false gurus in India,plenty of false alien support, and 40 000 denomonations of the bible.
We are lterally surrounded by disinformation/misinformation.

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Originally posted by EcstremeVenom
dont misunderstand me, im still all about god. i just have a different understanding of god. i thought god was a shapeless being that you could not describe or even begin to fathom. i thought he was one of a kind and i thought he was magical and miraculous. now i believe he is not miraculous, but he is technological and it makes him seem miraculous. i ...[text shortened]... ithout slowing down does appear to be miraculous but it is just really advanced technology
"i just have a different understanding of god."

Ask yourself where did you get it until you know for sure. Be sure you're not deceiving yourself or being deceived by others.

You know not everything is the truth don't you?

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Originally posted by Agerg
I'd be interested in looking over your sources for "british government even admits to it.".
All the "UFO"s I've seen (in 'photographs'πŸ˜‰ look like desk lampshades or Fray Bentos tins.
The very nature of interdimensional ufo's makes them hard to identify.
They are like an ever changing "mass" that seems to be "whirring" at what sounds like a very high speed.
Their interdimensional nature makes them easy to mistake for anything since they can be resemble just about anything or simply turn invisible to our field of vision.

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Originally posted by EcstremeVenom
furthermore, for anyone laughing at my beliefs, especially theists who believe in magic and miracles, i believe in purely scientific explanations of religion. they are theories that can not be proven, but there can be evidence provided to support my claims much like gravity. god is an alien; probability shows that there MUST be life somewhere on anothe ...[text shortened]... to be true and scientists believe those theories so why cant the theory of aliens be plausible?
I like the way you think, and I'm inclined to agree, more or less, with your theories.
I'm still open to the fact I could be wrong, but I'm just trying to evaluate the evidence ,like you, and have come to similar conclusions so far.

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Originally posted by josephw
"There would be no way to establish such ideas came from your god with any more validity than such ideas came from Hagadeshk the custard creator fairy who accidentally made our universe whilst playing Ludo with it's magic friend Blugvhah the ballet-dancing planet eater."

[b]Most folks say the same thing. They make up their mind that "there's no way", and he lack of evidence is not evidence for the non-existence of anything.
Most folks say the same thing. They make up their mind that "there's no way", and shut down intellectually.

That there is a Creator/God is evident in all that exists. The idea that what exists is not evidence for a Creator/God obviously didn't come from God. That idea originated in the mind of man. Just as all myths and fables do. But the idea of a Creator/God didn't originate in the mind of man contrary to popular belief. How could it?

Firstly I didn't say there is no way. Nor do I say there is no way that within the next 654 lottery drawings, 321 of them will be won by my little brother by choosing the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6. I just rule it out due to implausibility.
If you haven't heard me say this before I'd be surprised but I'll say it again - there are infinitely many gods I could potentially dream up in my head; all of which, given there is no way to infer anything about the supernatural,, are equally plausible. For that reason I find the existence of your *particular* god (out of infinitely many) to be implausible enough that I should not take the idea seriously.
That's not the same as saying your god definitely doesn't exist by the way.

Secondly, regarding the part I italicised (at the end), quite easily...primitive folk scared of dying who want to instill some sort of order and cohesion in society - or obedience perhaps, and eager for answers to why water keeps falling from the sky and helping their crops grow, why the sun comes up, etc.. invent or believe tales of some magic fairy in the sky who dunnit all, will punish you forevah if yer naughty, and reward you in some magical wonderland if you play nice and praise this being every day.

Assuming there is no Creator/God, and that the origin of the universe is beyond knowing, and that evolution is the explanation for our current state, then how did man develop a creative imagination that leads him into delusion?[
See second paragraph above. I see nothing remarkable about inventing gods.

But you just got done saying that you prefer to let someone else throw the ball and that you'd hit it!
I.e. if someone asserts something I disagree with, I'm ready to discuss it assuming the definitions they supply or imply.

I'm simply trying to have a reasoned discussion. With some in here it's impossible.
You seem to be rational Agerg. Don't you think it's more rational to be agnostic than outright atheistic?

Rationally, logically, the lack of evidence is not evidence for the non-existence of anything.

You seem to have a binary notion of "atheism" and "theism" in that theists say God exists and atheists say it doesn't. With that sort of reasoning I charge you with holding precisely the same beliefs as jaywill, Galveston, or Robbie Carrobie.
There are different types of atheism and I'm the type that says he doesn't believe, has no reason to believe, but cannot adequately justify or prove the statement "all gods fail to exist"
Certain types of god on the other hand I am willing to say don't exist because under scrutiny they contradict logic.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
The very nature of interdimensional ufo's makes them hard to identify.
They are like an ever changing "mass" that seems to be "whirring" at what sounds like a very high speed.
Their interdimensional nature makes them easy to mistake for anything since they can be resemble just about anything or simply turn invisible to our field of vision.
What I meant is they seem to have the same "futuristic" look about them as "computers of the future" in 1970s films. Cringeworthy!

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Originally posted by Agerg
[b]Most folks say the same thing. They make up their mind that "there's no way", and shut down intellectually.

That there is a Creator/God is evident in all that exists. The idea that what exists is not evidence for a Creator/God obviously didn't come from God. That idea originated in the mind of man. Just as all myths and fables do. But the idea of a Cre ling to say don't exist because under scrutiny they contradict logic.
"there are infinitely many gods I could potentially dream up in my head;"

That's true, and that is exactly what's wrong with your thinking.(not saying there's something wrong with your mind)

Any knowledge of a Creator/God(the real one)cannot originate in ones' mind.

What do you make of that statement?

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Originally posted by josephw
[b]"there are infinitely many gods I could potentially dream up in my head;"

That's true, and that is exactly what's wrong with your thinking.(not saying there's something wrong with your mind)

Any knowledge of a Creator/God(the real one)cannot originate in ones' mind.

What do you make of that statement?[/b]
I say it's moot since there is no valid way to establish you have the right idea or are instead barking up the wrong tree (or in the wrong forest).
Also I don't definitively say that the correct idea of some god (if such a thing existed) cannot arise in the minds without any intervention of your god - it is just highly implausible. That would be a statement I'd have to prove- I cannot.

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Originally posted by Agerg
What I meant is they seem to have the same "futuristic" look about them as "computers of the future" in 1970s films. Cringeworthy!
Apprently ufo's are a reflection of our minds/thinking.

In the past they've appeared as dragons or balls of fire, etc.
Today they appear as metallic objects to reflect our technological understandings of nature.
After all, metal is an element (In Chinese anyway).

To think a ufo is a metallic saucer shaped flying craft with little green men inside is probably as far from the truth as you can get.
Though there will be a small percentage of ufo,s that will be like that little green men scenario, the greater message of the ufo phenomena has more to do with understanding our own galactic and genetic heritage , than any actual, defined manifestations, that we may glimpse in the sky.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Everyone thinks its so easy to make all those thousands of crop circles.

A joke is one thing, and some people have owned up to some of them, but have you actually seen them? Pretty hard to make if your on the ground, getting all that symmetry perfect every time, in the middle of the night πŸ˜•
anybody who believes that crop circles can be done with a wire and a board is extremely dumb. crop circles are made with the same precision used in printmaking. its almost as if somebody took a giant stamp and flattened these geometrical patterns. how can you fake that overnight so as to not get caught in the middle of doing the crop circle? how can you know where the heck you are even going if you cant see the picture you are making from the sky? i happen to be an artist and when you draw with your face close to the paper, it becomes less accurate. you have to stand far away in order to see everything you are drawing. i think the u.s. government thinks we are retarded. one day they all woke up and said, "how stupid of a lie can we get the american people to believe? lets take bets on it" and that is how they came up with the idea to pay somebody a large sum of cash to say, "i admit it, i faked it with a board and a wire."

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Originally posted by josephw
[b]"i just have a different understanding of god."

Ask yourself where did you get it until you know for sure. Be sure you're not deceiving yourself or being deceived by others.

You know not everything is the truth don't you?[/b]
why cant you accept that perhaps god isnt so magical or miraculous? why cant you accept the possibility that maybe god was just a more intelligent being that created our race with far more advanced technology?

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Originally posted by EcstremeVenom
why cant you accept that perhaps god isnt so magical or miraculous? why cant you accept the possibility that maybe god was just a more intelligent being that created our race with far more advanced technology?
But he could ask why must you invoke alien creators; indeed if you rule out a magical god creator then as I asked you before, which alien creators most *our* alien creators invoke? and then who do they look to for their creation? and so on...
Is there some alien race X for which the sequence stops (such that they came to exist independent of any other entities and through purely natural means) or do you posit an endless chain (rules out the Big bang)?

If there is some X why must it necessarily not be us?

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Originally posted by Agerg
But he could ask why must you invoke alien creators; indeed if you rule out a magical god creator then as I asked you before, which alien creators most *our* alien creators invoke? and then who do they look to for their creation? and so on...
Is there some alien race X for which the sequence stops (such that they came to exist independent of any other entitie ...[text shortened]... endless chain (rules out the Big bang)?

If there is some X why must it necessarily not be us?
In my understanding, one must differentiate between aliens and E.T's. Extra-Terrestrials, by their very nature are in harmony with all of life on all planets throughout the universe. They are welcome where ever there is life , for they are the protectors of life everywhere, much like the jedi. (but thats a bit too simplistic, just gets you into the idea)
Aliens are aliens. Like most humans, aliens are not just separated from the matrix of their creation, they show signs of being alienated/separated from all those around them, including neighbours and loved ones.

If any E.T.'s were involved with the creation or co-creation of life on our planet, which they undoubtedly were, then it would've been in strict accordance with the very nature of nature itself. They would've "made" things as naturally as possible.

The reason I think Extremevenom invokes alien creators (E.T's !) is because he/she is trying to explain scientifically how our existence came to be, and not just attribute it to the magic of some unknown god. (please correct me if I misunderstand, EV. Cheers)

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
In my understanding, one must differentiate between aliens and E.T's. Extra-Terrestrials, by their very nature are in harmony with all of life on all planets throughout the universe. They are welcome where ever there is life , for they are the protectors of life everywhere, much like the jedi. (but thats a bit too simplistic, just gets you into the idea ...[text shortened]... e it to the magic of some unknown god. (please correct me if I misunderstand, EV. Cheers)
I take your points on board but I'm not actually arguing against the feasibility of alien creators (such a thing, in my opinion, could potentially be true)

More I'm arguing against the necessity of alien creators. At some point of the humans were created by alien race_1 which were created by aline race_2 which were created by alien race_3 which were created ...... which were created by alien race_N chain, there must be some stopping point unless he asserts an eternal universe (and this would be in conflict with science).

What is it about alien race_N that makes it so they didn't need to be created by aliens whilst we do need to have been created by aliens? πŸ˜•

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