Originally posted by Rajk999yawn, while you hide your talent in the ground so that when Jesus returns you can say,
You should be ashamed that you publish lies and false prophesies in over 400 languages and distribute Biblical knowledge free of charge.
here you are lord, take what is yours, I dont think we shall be taking any lectures from
you on what it means to be a Christian, Jehovah is blessing us and we are growing
awesomely while you lonely little pontificates of your own pinions are like chaff blown
by the wind.
Originally posted by divegeesterI understand its the best you can do, thank you Jesus. Where are you going now, to
I'll close on this final piece of obfuscation from you. I think enough discredit has been done to your organisation for one morning and this exemplifies it.
dig up the talent you hid in the ground, so that when Christ returns you can say, here
you are Jesus, take what is yours, interesting.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieJehovah is blessing 'US' ?
yawn, while you hide your talent in the ground so that when Jesus returns you can say,
here you are lord, take what is yours, I dont think we shall be taking any lectures from
you on what it means to be a Christian, Jehovah is blessing us and we are growing
awesomely while you lonely little pontificates of your own pinions are like chaff blown
by the wind.
With what ? The ability to shamelessly lie and deceive without conscience?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieHere you go; so you can't again say "I can't say, never read it..."
cant say, haven't read it.
Thread 146895
Originally posted by divegeesteryawn, 'here you are Jesus, take what is yours'.
Hereyou go; so you can't again say "I can't say, never read it..."
Thread 146895
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThe Gman gas not stated that the world ended in 1914, you lie! that is what he actually
yawn, 'here you are Jesus, take what is yours'.
But he did not say on any level the world had ended as we are still here aren't we as
well as he was alive when he stated that, right? - Gman
Yes i agree, you dont understand anything.
Originally posted by robbie carrobie9th and 10th posts on page one of that thread.
The Gman gas not stated that the world ended in 1914, you lie! that is what he actually
But he did not say on any level the world had ended as we are still here aren't we as
well as he was alive when he stated that, right? - Gman
Yes i agree, you dont understand anything.
LemonJello said:
...And, yes, he did state on some level that the world had ended. Duh!
Galveston replied:
Yes he did and on a level you don't understand. So there ya go.
So the world ended, on a level [LemonJello] did not understand.
Originally posted by divegeesteryou sound like an old women gossiping, he said and then he said, get a life!
9th and 10th posts on page one of that thread.
LemonJello said:...And, yes, he did state on some level that the world had ended. Duh!
Galveston replied:Yes he did and on a level you don't understand. So there ya go.
So the world ended, on a level [LemonJello] did not understand.
Originally posted by divegeesterGalveston is merely acknowledging what was originally thought, Galveston never stated
You called me a "liar". I feel I have a right to defend myself from your continual abuse by proving you wrong.
that he believes ''the world ended', in 1914 at all, that makes you both a liar and a
Clearly his words are true, you still dont know what he or I or Jehovahs witness
profess with regard to 'the generation' mentioned by Christ, 'the end of the system',
or Daniels prophecy pointing to the year 1914, do you. Clearly it truly is on a level
you dont understand otherwise you would have made the silly comment stating that
Galveston both stated and believes that the world ended in 1914, Galveston never
stated that at all, he merely acknowledges what was originally thought but has since
been revised. This type of discussion is exactly why its a waste of time
remonstrating with you, you really dont understand anything in this regard.
Galveston is absolutely correct.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWell yes I agree the world did in fact end in 1914 and that we are all living in a Sart Trek Holodeck and I am really Captian Picard!!!......
Galveston is merely acknowledging what was originally thought, Galveston never stated
that he believes ''the world ended', in 1914 at all, that makes you both a liar and a
Clearly his words are true, you still dont know what he or I or Jehovahs witness
profess with regard to 'the generation' mentioned by Christ, 'the end of the sys ...[text shortened]... u, you really dont understand anything in this regard.
Galveston is absolutely correct.
Geez these guys here see one word in a sentense and only see that but don't care to read the rest of the explination.
I never said the world ended in 1914 anywhere but that certain elements did which the Bible explains. That has also been explianed but obviously no one here can see that part.
I posted this back on page 7 I think and I went to look back to see the responces and I really don't see any.
Still no thoughts on this and who this "generation" is that Jesus spoke of?
"He ( Jesus ) never said this applied to all humans but he was speaking to his chosen ones or the original group of the anointed at that time. These are the ones that Jesus hand picked to join him in heaven at a later time after their deaths to be judges that will be along side Jesus when this judging work takes place of all humans on earth after armegeddon.
And, these chosen ones that will be with Jesus have lived all thru the time period after Jesus died and many are still alive today.
Most are getting up in age but they are still here and this makes this scripture of them not passing away very valid.
The "great tribulation" that the Bible speaks of before Armegeddon starts has not happened yet. So that would show they are still on this earth or else that "great tribulation" would have started."
The Generation Seeing the Sign
Previously, this journal has explained that in the first century, “this generation” mentioned at Matthew 24:34 meant “the contemporaneous generation of unbelieving Jews.” That explanation seemed reasonable because all other recorded uses that Jesus made of the term “generation” had a negative connotation, and in most cases, Jesus used a negative adjective, such as “wicked,” to describe the generation. (Matt. 12:39; 17:17; Mark 8:38) Thus, it was felt that in the modern-day fulfillment, Jesus was referring to the wicked “generation” of unbelievers who would see both the features that would characterize “the conclusion of the system of things” (synteleia) and the system’s end (telos).
It is true that when Jesus used the word “generation” negatively, he was speaking to or about the wicked people of his day. But was that necessarily true of his statement recorded at Matthew 24:34? Recall that four of Jesus’ disciples had approached him “privately.” (Matt. 24:3) Since Jesus did not use negative qualifiers when speaking to them about “this generation,” the apostles would no doubt have understood that they and their fellow disciples were to be part of the “generation” that would not pass away “until all these things [would] occur.”
On what basis may we draw that conclusion? By carefully considering the context. As recorded at Matthew 24:32, 33, Jesus said: “Now learn from the fig tree as an illustration this point: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and it puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. Likewise also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors.” (Compare Mark 13:28-30; Luke 21:30-32.) Then, at Matthew 24:34, we read: “Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.”
Jesus said that it was his disciples, soon to be anointed with holy spirit, who should be able to draw certain conclusions when they saw “all these things” occur. So Jesus must have been referring to his disciples when he made the statement: “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.”
Unlike unbelievers, Jesus’ disciples would not only see the sign but also understand its significance. They would “learn” from the features of that sign and “know” their true meaning. They would fully appreciate that “he is near at the doors.” While it is true that both unbelieving Jews and faithful anointed Christians saw a limited fulfillment of Jesus’ words in the first century, only his anointed followers back then could learn from these events—could understand the true meaning of what they saw.
Those without spiritual understanding today have felt that there has been no “striking observableness” with regard to the sign of Jesus’ presence. They reason that everything is continuing on as it did in the past. (2 Pet. 3:4) On the other hand, Christ’s faithful anointed brothers, the modern-day John class, have recognized this sign as if it were a flash of lightning and have understood its true meaning. As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern-day “generation” of contemporaries that will not pass away “until all these things occur.” This suggests that some who are Christ’s anointed brothers will still be alive on earth when the foretold great tribulation begins.