@fmf saidThe text is preserved in spite of persons such as yourself that attempt to add to or take away from it.
How many unknown persons' hands did the text pass through before it reached its final version?
Be assured, due to Devine providence and the process of the multiplicity of copies the original manuscripts have been preserved intact.
In fact, there are so many extant manuscripts available, making it virtually impossible to corrupt the truth, that their numbers dwarf anything else in existence about anyone or anything that was ever written.
God made sure of it. God's Word is the most published writing of all time in any time of history throughout the world. Anyone that argues against that fact is uninformed.
@divegeester saidYou are on the verge of telling another lie..?
You were on the verge of committing to whether the multi headed beast was real or not...?
@secondson saidYou mean you believe liars are going to be burning in fire for eternity?
In my opinion probably for liars mostly.
@secondson saidYou said that John was "there" and he said 'I saw' 36 times in the book of Revelation. Were all the people who had a hand in writing and editing the text "there" too?
The text is preserved in spite of persons such as yourself that attempt to add to or take away from it.
Be assured, due to Devine providence and the process of the multiplicity of copies the original manuscripts have been preserved intact.
In fact, there are so many extant manuscripts available, making it virtually impossible to corrupt the truth, that their numbers d ...[text shortened]... ime in any time of history throughout the world. Anyone that argues against that fact is uninformed.
@secondson saidThere were things He saw that were described as symbols.
Read the text kelly. It wasn't a "vision".
Revelation 1
As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
He could have been there, and still had visions that represented things that had to shown to him in terms he could grasp through the things he saw. The literal would be he saw these things, if they were representing something else, he still saw them! That would make that event literal, not necessarily what he saw as something real. More than once in scripture people dreamed things that represented other things and the visions had to be explained. The thing they saw meant something else but the seeing was an event in reality.
@kellyjay saidSo the multi-headed beast being ridden by a whore and other things in Revelation were actually seen by John in his vision, but they "meant something else", they "represented other things", this is what you are now saying?
More than once in scripture people dreamed things that represented other things and the visions had to be explained. The thing they saw meant something else but the seeing was an event in reality.