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How Christianity is different from all other Beliefs

How Christianity is different from all other Beliefs


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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
correct me if i am wrong but America has the largest external national debt of any economy and yet is still unable to provide basic health care to its citizens, but more than that, many are opposed to providing basic health care to its citizens on the basis that its uneconomic to do so, i assert that it is unchristian to do so, for did not the good S ...[text shortened]... ecarious nature of the financial system it was created by greedy capitalists, not by government.
Let me put it another way. The US is #2 in the world in terms of the money it spends per child in education but #48th in the world in terms of math and science. Much of what the US government does is simply throw money at problems. As you can see with a $14 trillion debt, this is problematic. So where is the reform with Obamacare? Instead of focusing on reducing costs, they chose instead to give government more power over our health care which means throwing more money around.

In addition, before Obamacare who was being turned away came to hospitals in need of health care? Where have I advocated not helping the poor and those in need? All I am saying is that the government proports to do a better job when, in fact, I don't believe they do or will.

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
Rob, you are that rare combination, a left-wing fundamentalist Christian.

I'm a little embarrased to say this, but it almost turns me on.
Down boy, I don't think that robbie is that far left......yet anyway. 😵

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Originally posted by whodey
The US is #2 in the world in terms of the money it spends per child in education
Who is the first? Japan?

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Originally posted by whodey
Let me put it another way. The US is #2 in the world in terms of the money it spends per child in education but #48th in the world in terms of math and science. Much of what the US government does is simply throw money at problems. As you can see with a $14 trillion debt, this is problematic. So where is the reform with Obamacare? Instead of focusing on ...[text shortened]... that the government proports to do a better job when, in fact, I don't believe they do or will.
that may be as it is Whodey, but my point is that it seems to me to be unchristian to

1.oppose the government in matters which do not contravene Gods law (Romans chapter 13)

2.to deny universal healthcare to all (the good Samaritan)

I asked a while back, for i did really try hard to understand the mentality of being a professed Christian and opposing whatever aid was available, in fact, the two still seem as diametrically opposite as one can get.

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What on earth are you guys bickering about?

Anyway, I was going to say forget it, I don't feel like getting into it, but since nobody seems to know what makes Christianity different from all other belief systems, and all you want to do is argue, I may as well tell you.

Christianity is about a relationship with God. A relationship based on what God has done to establish that relationship and not on what a man does by his own merit.

That is the essential difference between Christianity and all other faiths.

Although there are a good many persons who call themselves Christians who don't understand it.

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Originally posted by josephw
What on earth are you guys bickering about?

Anyway, I was going to say forget it, I don't feel like getting into it, but since nobody seems to know what makes Christianity different from all other belief systems, and all you want to do is argue, I may as well tell you.

Christianity is about a relationship with God. A relationship based on what God ...[text shortened]... Although there are a good many persons who call themselves Christians who don't understand it.
thats your explanation? how unsatisfying!

Christianity is different because the emphasis is not on self, although i know its quite hard to belief given all that born again evangelical nonsense of, 'I am Saved', 'Jesus in ME', etc etc etc , for Christianity was always about other people, that is what makes it different,

(John 13:34-35) . . .I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”

The scripture states, 'just as i have loved you', indeed, in what way did Christ love the disciples, that is correct, through self sacrifice, the only self in Christianity was the self in self sacrifice, that is what makes it different.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
thats your explanation? how unsatisfying!

Christianity is different because the emphasis is not on self, although i know its quite hard to belief given all that born again evangelical nonsense of, 'I am Saved', 'Jesus in ME', etc etc etc , for Christianity was always about other people, that is what makes it different,

(John 13:34-35) . .  ...[text shortened]... only self in Christianity was the self in self sacrifice, that is what makes it different.
Of course it's unsatisfying to you because it doesn't fit in with your disfigured theology.

"Christ" is the center of Christianity. Everyone knows that. Except you.

The thing that makes Christianity different from all other faiths, as the context of this thread is designed to show, is that it is about a relationship with God based on what His son did on the cross on our behalf.

We(mankind)can now call God our father because He has removed the sin that separated us from Him.(when we believe and trust in what He did on our behalf)

But that doesn't fit your warped theology because your theology requires that you earn your salvation.(which puts you under the law and not under grace)

What you have is religion. Not a relationship. You can't have a relationship with God unless you do it on His terms. His terms are that you believe on His son and that Jesus paid your sins debt. When you believe that, then you will have a relationship with God.

A relationship with God is what this thread is about. And it is only within the context of Christianity as it follows the scriptures can one know and have a relationship with God.

No other faith or religion can do that, nor do they even try.

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To Joseph

You cant get a free ticket to heaven by buying a bible and putting a sticker of a fish on the back window of your car.....you have to actually do something and what your advocating is a cheap trick to earn salvation and it wont work.

No one can absolve your sins for you, not even the church, so you must purify your body mind and heart by following the purificatory process of the Spiritual life.

First you have to stop teaching that killing animals is ok, then you have to raise your concsiousness to the transcendental platform, and you do this by acquiring knowledge from the Vedanta teachings which have been existing for millions of years, and when you study this perfect knowledge of God and life you will establish enlightment of your true position.

Your true position is that you are already an eternal spiritual being having a human experience in this temporary material world, and if you are not successfull in developing loving sentiments with God in this life you will take birth again and recieve an opportunity to continue on your path.

To teach that people will go to hell if they dont subscribe to Jesus is false and dishonest.

Christianity today is a pseudo religion misdirecting the people with false knowledge.

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I mentioned heaven, because i am talking to christians and I am using a term that they understand, because heaven to christians is the Kingdom of God.

But Vedanta explains that heaven is a temporary material place of great opulence and enjoyment, that pious people go to and remain for thousands of years.

But Vedanta explains that the ultimate destination spiritually is the Eternal Spiritual Realm of the Lord called Galoka-Vrndavan.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
To Joseph

You cant get a free ticket to heaven by buying a bible and putting a sticker of a fish on the back window of your car.....you have to actually do something and what your advocating is a cheap trick to earn salvation and it wont work.

No one can absolve your sins for you, not even the church, so you must purify your body mind and heart by ...[text shortened]... honest.

Christianity today is a pseudo religion misdirecting the people with false knowledge.
What you have posted here completely contradicts the word of God concerning salvation.

Do you actually think God needs you to do something for Him?

"You cant get a free ticket to heaven by buying a bible and putting a sticker of a fish on the back window of your car..."

I have to say it. You dumbass. You obviously can't read. Nor are you able to listen. Your ears are full of your own noise.

Try going back and making a careful reading of what I said. If you don't, and you still think I think that way, then I will make you my special project! 😲

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Originally posted by josephw
Of course it's unsatisfying to you because it doesn't fit in with your disfigured theology.

"Christ" is the center of Christianity. Everyone knows that. Except you.

The thing that makes Christianity different from all other faiths, as the context of this thread is designed to show, is that it is about a relationship with God based on what His son did o ...[text shortened]... a relationship with God.

No other faith or religion can do that, nor do they even try.
i am sorry i didn't understand a word of that, and its noteworthy that you produce no scriptural references with which to substantiate your claims, you do use the Bible from time to time in your worship. Time to blow the dust off and open up the pages i think, who knows, you may even learn something.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
that may be as it is Whodey, but my point is that it seems to me to be unchristian to

1.oppose the government in matters which do not contravene Gods law (Romans chapter 13)

2.to deny universal healthcare to all (the good Samaritan)

I asked a while back, for i did really try hard to understand the mentality of being a professed Christian an ...[text shortened]... hatever aid was available, in fact, the two still seem as diametrically opposite as one can get.
Wow. So I oppose Obamacare so now I want people to be denied access to medical care? In fact, if I oppose Obamacare I can no longer call myself a Christian? 😲

Ok my statist brainwashed friend, lets take this from another angle shall we? If memory serves, you are not allowed to so much as vote in the political process because it is so convoluded and corrupt. In fact, if you were to do so it would "taint" your required purity as a JW. Am I correct thus far? If so, how then can you come and tell me that if I oppose any of their legislation then I am unchrisitan?

Let me ask you this robbie, what if getting free health care required a mark on your head or forehand? Would you oppose it? Surely you must since it contravenes one of God's laws yet you are enthusiastic about letting the government take over health care thus positioning themselves for this next inevitable step?

The US spends next to a trillion dollars a year in paying interest in debt. How many people could be helped with a trillion dollars if that money was not being used to pay down debt I wonder? Unfortunatly, the US has multiplied that figure more than 4 times since 1990. Face it, the path that these statists are taking is going to lead to a world wide economic disaster that may very well usher in the last day world wide empire spoken of in Revelation. No sane person would want to go down this raod so the only way to get there is for people to be forced to do so. All I can say is enjoy it when it arrives!!

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
i am sorry i didn't understand a word of that, and its noteworthy that you produce no scriptural references with which to substantiate your claims, you do use the Bible from time to time in your worship. Time to blow the dust off and open up the pages i think, who knows, you may even learn something.
Don't be coy robbie. It doesn't suit you.

I bet I read the New World Translation before you did. And I've read many other translations as well. And many other books relating to the Bible you've probably never heard of.

I know your theology robbie. I knew it first. Then I found the Truth. Better yet, the Truth found me.

I will prove to you the truth about who Jesus really is, and I'll do it using your own Bible.

So be nice to me! I'm not the ugly American meat eating carnivorous hypocrite sloth you think I am. 😉

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Originally posted by whodey
Wow. So I oppose Obamacare so now I want people to be denied access to medical care? In fact, if I oppose Obamacare I can no longer call myself a Christian? 😲

Ok my statist brainwashed friend, lets take this from another angle shall we? If memory serves, you are not allowed to so much as vote in the political process because it is so convoluded and co ...[text shortened]... o get there is for people to be forced to do so. All I can say is enjoy it when it arrives!!
did you read Romans chapter thirteen dear Whodey? what did it say? shall i go and fetch the words for you? OK, back in a moment, ah yes, here we are,

(Romans 13:1-2) . . .Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God.  Therefore he who opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God. . .

you will note Whodey i did not write these words, they are found in every Bible, please state why you have ignored them and against the advice of the inspired scriptures have taken a stance against the arrangement of God.

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