@divegeester saidDidn’t you say you used your moral compass to read and decide what is good scripture and bad?
No it isn’t.
05 May 22
@divegeester saidYou don’t defend your stance and suggesting simply disagreeing about something is not debunking it.
I’m not confused at all. I’ve debunked the man made trinity doctrine so many times it’s almost routine.
@divegeester saidI didn't add the word 'trinity' to the Bible, and since you admit you add and take
Nothing I believe is man-made though, I’m not adding anything to the bible like you do; e.g. the trinity is man made.
away scripture by what your moral compass tells you is true or not, you do.
Trinity is something that is used to describe something found in the Bible; when you
reject entire books of the Bible; you are taking away from the Word.
So in scripture, as I believe you describe god, there is but one, and he changes from
the father, to the son, to the holy spirit now and then, and when he changed into a
man, it is just one of the things god does, correct?
@divegeester saidWhat do you think debunking means, simply you disagreeing with a passion for
I’ve debunked the trinity doctrine more times than I can remember, as have several other posters here over the years.
You were spoon-fed it, you love it.
your disregard for that which you disagree with, or more likely, your disregard for
the person you are talking with about this?
@divegeester saidYour modalism is also not in the scriptures.
verb [ T ] informal
to show that something is less important, less good, or less true than it has been made to appear.
You’re welcome.
06 May 22
@divegeester saidWhat you promote is modalism; your definition of God is just that. Your description
I have never, not even once, mentioned “Modalism”.
You are making it up.
But I do like how your use of “also” acknowledges that the trinity is unscriptural.
of how you view God is modalism; simply because you don't use the word doesn't
mean that is not what you are proclaiming, and simply because I use the word
Trinity, it is not because the word is found in the Bible; what is in the Bible points to
while the heresy of modalism cannot be justified in scripture.
As you describe God, you have Him changing faces to promote Himself in different
ways. You have Him having some information in one face and not having it in
another, you having him being an intermediator between Himself and Himself as He
pretends to be two people, your doctrine has Him talking about as the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit as if they different persons even though as you claim the are the
same person. In other words, you have God playing roles while being one.
The Trinity doesn't do that; God is a socially complex being, three different persons
One Being, each in total full agreement with the other and always was, is, and will
be. There is no shadow of turning with God as yours always does. God
does not disagree with Himself, He does not improve, He never diminishes, He is
the same yesterday, today, and forever.
from https://www.theopedia.com/modalism [my bolding]
Modalism, also called Sabellianism, is the unorthodox belief that God is one person who has revealed himself in three forms or modes in contrast to the Trinitarian doctrine where God is one being eternally existing in three persons. According to Modalism, during the incarnation, Jesus was simply God acting in one mode or role, and the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was God acting in a different mode. Thus, God does not exist as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit at the same time. Rather, He is one person and has merely manifested himself in these three modes at various times. Modalism thus denies the basic distinctiveness and coexistence of the three persons of the Trinity.
Modalism was condemned by Tertullian (c. 213, Tertullian Against Praxeas 1, in Ante Nicene Fathers, vol. 3). Also known as Sabellianism, it was condemned as heresy by Dionysius, bishop of Rome (c. 262).
Modalism is probably the most common theological error concerning the nature of God (i.e., who God is). "Present day groups that hold to forms of this error are the United Pentecostal and United Apostolic Churches. They deny the Trinity, teach that the name of God is Jesus... modalist churches often accuse Trinitarians of teaching three gods. This is not what the Trinity is. The correct teaching of the Trinity is one God in three eternal coexistent persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." [1]