-Removed-Do you think Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the same guy going by different
names? The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are unique and in total agreement,
harmony, essence co-equally God, they are One. In your definition, they are one
pretending to be three. You want to turn God into something simple. Still, He is not,
and even your simple definition falls flat when you look at all the times they
interacted with one another and did things for each other instead of just saying
I did this because they are one person, not one being.
-Removed-They are one, Father, Son, Holy Spirit the Son is under the Father and is the express image of Him. The Father knows things that the Son does not, the Father sent the Son, the Son wants to do the Father’s will.
If they were all only one being why would all of that be said and done? He would just do what He wants.