27 Jul 14
Originally posted by RJHindsWhat does the Bible say about the angels that followed Satan?
So are you saying that the demon angels that followed Satan in the rebellion against God will get off without being tormented in the Lake of Fire? Does that mean you believe the Lake of Fire is not an eternal place of torment?
No the Holy Bible does not say that souls are immortal. That is apparently what the Vedas say according to Dasa.
Whatever it says, repeat it exactly and faithfully and that would be correct.
Follow that practice with everything the Bible says.
The Bible refers to a Lake of Fire. It says 3 beings will be tormented there and others will be cast there.
Can you not see where and what you are adding to the Bible?
Thank you. The Bible does not teach and doctrine about the soul being immortal. That is a manmade doctrine. Souls can and will die.
First I'm still wondering where this lake of fire is actually located at?
Also if it is a real fire as we understand what fire is that can burn fleshly skin, can a spirit being with no flesh such as satan be burned in the same manor as a living human?
Also how can "death" and "hades" or hell itself be tortured by fire?
Haven't seen any thoughts on this yet?
Originally posted by Rajk999
What does the Bible say about the angels that followed Satan?
Whatever it says, repeat it exactly and faithfully and that would be correct.
Follow that practice with everything the Bible says.
The Bible refers to a Lake of Fire. It says 3 beings will be tormented there and others will be cast there.
Can you not see where and what you are adding to ...[text shortened]... and doctrine about the soul being immortal. That is a manmade doctrine. Souls can and will die.
“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels
(Matthew 25:41 NASB)
Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
(Revelation 14:9-11 NASB)
And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
(Revelation 20:10, 15 NASB)
There seems to be only two results: Everlasting life or everlasting torment.
Originally posted by RJHinds“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into [b]the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels
(Matthew 25:41 NASB)
Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on ...[text shortened]... e book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.[/b]
(Revelation 20:10, 15 NASB)[/b]It should be an easy matter to distinguish between who will be tormented and who will be cast into the lake of fire. Why are you mixing up the two?
Originally posted by Rajk999I am not mixing up anything. There are only two results mentioned: Everlasting life or everlasting torment. It should be obvious that anyone that is casts into the lake of burning sulfur is tormented with no rest day and night forever and ever.
It should be an easy matter to distinguish between who will be tormented and who will be cast into the lake of fire. Why are you mixing up the two?
Originally posted by RJHindsThe dog goes back to his vomit.
I am not mixing up anything. There are only two results mentioned: Everlasting life or everlasting torment. It should be obvious that anyone that is casts into the lake of burning sulfur is tormented with no rest day and night forever and ever.
Originally posted by RJHindsI asked this a day or two ago in general but does the bible not say that the "wages of sining is death"?
Was death not the punishment to Adam and Eve for their sin? Was a comment ever said about their punishment being more then that? Were they to go on living somewhere and be burned by fire for eternity?
No, nothing at all said along those lines, ever. So eventually dying of old age was there punishment with not a hint of still living on and being tortured for eternity.
So as with Adam & Eve, dying was their punishment. Why would god basically go back on his word with all other humans and make us suffer more after our death with more punishment? If death cancels out our sins according to god, why would he make humans still have to pay for them forever?
Originally posted by galveston75
I asked this a day or two ago in general but does the bible not say that the "wages of sining is death"?
Was death not the punishment to Adam and Eve for their sin? Was a comment ever said about their punishment being more then that? Were they to go on living somewhere and be burned by fire for eternity?
No, nothing at all said along those lines, eve ...[text shortened]... cels out our sins according to god, why would he make humans still have to pay for them forever?
I asked this a day or two ago in general but does the bible not say that the "wages of sining is death"?
Was death not the punishment to Adam and Eve for their sin?
Was a comment ever said about their punishment being more then that?
Were they to go on living somewhere and be burned by fire for eternity?
Why would god basically go back on his word with all other humans and make us suffer more after our death with more punishment?
THERE ARE TWO DEATHS: The physical death and the spiritual death (the Lake of Fire).
If death cancels out our sins according to god, why would he make humans still have to pay for them forever?
Originally posted by RJHindsSo just asking here, but a couple of those questions you admit you don't know. First, why not and since you don't know, do you feel comfortable teaching the hell fire doctrine to someone who may be looking to learn about the bible? For instance could a math teacher teach math if he didn't know "some" of the answers? Not really as that would make him not qualified to teach that subject. Right?I asked this a day or two ago in general but does the bible not say that the "wages of sining is death"?
YESWas death not the punishment to Adam and Eve for their sin?
YESWas a comment ever said about their punishment being more then that?
DO NOT KNOWWere they to go on living somewhere and b ...[text shortened]... rding to god, why would he make humans still have to pay for them forever?
Just saying but it seems contradictory that you answer yes on the first question but then you still suggest that ones who sin and die in an unapproved state in god's eyes still have to pay for their sins by being burned forever.
And no where does the bible suggest that something from a dying human live's on after death until they are resurrected later to live again. As the sripture I've quoted a couple times that says "at the time of ones death their thought do perish" must not impress you. Either ones consciense lives on or it doesn't. Which is it? Just asking....
Originally posted by galveston75You must realize that no pastor or teacher knows everything about everything in the Holy Bible. If that were a requirement, then there would be no pastors or teachers of God's word. I do know "some" things about what is in the Holy Bible and I hope to learn more in time.
So just asking here, but a couple of those questions you admit you don't know. First, why not and since you don't know, do you feel comfortable teaching the hell fire doctrine to someone who may be looking to learn about the bible? For instance could a math teacher teach math if he didn't know "some" of the answers? Not really as that would make him not ...[text shortened]... ust not impress you. Either ones consciense lives on or it doesn't. Which is it? Just asking....
The Holy Bible speaks of man's wisdom and of God's wisdom. You must remember that what you quoted a couple times was man's wisdom, but God's wisdom is greater.
Originally posted by RJHindsTrue but at what point can we keep using that excuse? When do you think you'll learn the correct teaching on this subject?
You must realize that no pastor or teacher knows everything about everything in the Holy Bible. If that were a requirement, then there would be no pastors or teachers of God's word. I do know "some" things about what is in the Holy Bible and I hope to learn more in time.
The Holy Bible speaks of man's wisdom and of God's wisdom. You must remember that what you quoted a couple times was man's wisdom, but God's wisdom is greater.
See the issue with the hell fire doctrine is the way it has been used in the past and even still today on some levels and that is to scare ones into accepting or conveting out of the fear of burning forver if you don't, into becoming a Christian.
This also can turn ones off to god in thinking "as many" do that no "loving" god would ever do that to a human and if their church teaches it, it's not a right teaching and their gone to never come back.
Could this infact be a ploy by satan to turn millions away from their belief in God and the bible and has caused millions to leave their churches? Of course as the bible says he is the "ruler of this world" at this time.
Originally posted by galveston75I am sure we will use excuses as long as we can. I may already know the correct teaching, but once I get to heaven i will probably learn for sure.
True but at what point can we keep using that excuse? When do you think you'll learn the correct teaching on this subject?
See the issue with the hell fire doctrine is the way it has been used in the past and even still today on some levels and that is to scare ones into accepting or conveting out of the fear of burning forver if you don't, into beco ...[text shortened]... leave their churches? Of course as the bible says he is the "ruler of this world" at this time.
Who knows what is in Satan's bag of tricks?
Originally posted by RJHindsHow do you know the trinity is not in fact a Quad, and your god and satan just having a great time playing with our minds.
I am sure we will use excuses as long as we can. I may already know the correct teaching, but once I get to heaven i will probably learn for sure.
Who knows what is in Satan's bag of tricks?