Originally posted by Rajk999I would not be saying anything here at RHP if I didn't believe it to be a truth in the Bible. I showed you a scripture with a common sence explination that NOT ALL will be resurrected. The opportunity is open to all that meet with God's approval but never does the Bible say ALL will be resurrected.
It must be worrying to your conscience to have to sell the JW doctrine when deep down you know that it is not Biblical.. I dont envy you.
It is you that hasn't shown any proof.
I go to the trouble to answer you even in great detail and once you can't answer or can't figure it out and get stumped you always fall back into your attack on the JW with ramblings just as RJH does.
I asked you if you are willing to learn? Apparently not which is a bad mistake....
"However, not everyone who has ever lived will receive a resurrection. “If we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth,” states the Bible, “there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, but there is a certain fearful expectation of judgment.” (Hebrews 10:26, 27) Some committed sins for which there is no forgiveness. They are not in Hades (mankind’s common grave) but in Gehenna, a symbolic place of eternal destruction. (Matthew 23:33) We must be careful, though, not to speculate on whether a certain person will be resurrected or not. This judgment belongs to God. He knows who is in Hades and who is in Gehenna. For our part, we do well to live our lives according to God’s will."
Did Adam not willfully practice sin??????????? Think instead of reacting, you just might learn something.
Originally posted by galveston75The judgement concerning the resurrection of Adam is up to God you say, but then you claim with abosulte certainty that he will not be raised, and worse you provide no proof that the Bible says any such thing.
I would not be saying anything here at RHP if I didn't believe it to be a truth in the Bible. I showed you a scripture with a common sence explination that NOT ALL will be resurrected. The opportunity is open to all that meet with God's approval but never does the Bible say ALL will be resurrected.
It is you that hasn't shown any proof.
I go to the t ...[text shortened]... not willfully practice sin??????????? Think instead of reacting, you just might learn something.
And you want me to say yes I want to learn from you.. No thanks.
Originally posted by DeepThoughtYes. It is unrepentant sin that is the killer.
The religion I'm agnostic about is Christianity, so in a sense this applies to me. What I got quite strongly when I was dragged to church as a child (low church Anglican mostly) was that the important thing was repentance so that someone who returned to faith and was genuinely trying to live a better life would be saved. In the Gospels, which I regard ...[text shortened]... ay not happen.
2) Definitely not (as I understood) - e.g. May I have some more? No you may not.
Originally posted by Rajk999I never said that about Adam so don't put words in my mouth.
The judgement concerning the resurrection of Adam is up to God you say, but then you claim with abosulte certainty that he will not be raised, and worse you provide no proof that the Bible says any such thing.
And you want me to say yes I want to learn from you.. No thanks.
There are many things the Bible doesn't directly say and that is where wisdom, discernment, using the entire bible and not relying on milk anymore but knowing the deeper things the Bible speaks of and using all the Bible to get the meaning of the deeper things.
That type of learning and seeing those deeper things is something no person can never do on their own.
Originally posted by checkbaiterI have always thought of this passage as talking about the anti-Christ.
I found it...
Ezek 28:18-19
18 "You defiled your sanctuaries
By the multitude of your iniquities,
By the iniquity of your trading;
Therefore I brought fire from your midst;
It devoured you,
And I turned you to ashes upon the earth
In the sight of all who saw you.
19 All who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you;
You have become a horror,
And shall be no more forever."'"