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Is Christianity even Spiritual?

Is Christianity even Spiritual?


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This forum is flooded with squabbling about a certain faith tradition that not everyone believes in, and of course said squabbling gives the impression that said faith tradition is a legalistic virus propagated by the infected.

Please let's have less of that and more true spirituality untainted by that viral psychosis.


Hi and thanks for the post. There are a few here that seem to thrive on the negative and take away what this forum could really be which should be positive discussions and maybe we all could discuss with respect.
Doesn't work that way though and it often chases away new ones.
Hope you hang around but if not it's understandable.

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@galveston75 said
Hi and thanks for the post. There are a few here that seem to thrive on the negative and take away what this forum could really be which should be positive discussions and maybe we all could discuss with respect.
Doesn't work that way though and it often chases away new ones.
Hope you hang around but if not it's understandable.
Thank you, G75. We all sprout as we do.

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Please let's have less of that and more true spirituality untainted by that viral psychosis.

Occasionally we get threads like these which seem to get off to a bad start.

Christ For the Spider Crystals
Roasting of the Holy Chicken
Chicken and Potatoes

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We all have a spiritual "organ". By our spiritual part of our being we learn to pray.
Through prayer one can have fellowship with God.
Through prayer one can have communion with God.

By means of speaking to God in prayer one can open his whole being.
Old things can be discharged and new things may enter in.
A kind of washing can take place by effective communion with God.


Spirituality involves the human spirit.
Many people mistake the spirit of man to just mean the soul of psychology of man. They are not the same thing. But they are related and both a parts of the total human make up.

Spirituality involves the use, exercise, and function of the spirit of man.
An unhealthy and non-functioning human spirit is comatose and not functioning usually because confession of sins must be done before God.

A tyainted conscience because of actual sins, real sins causes a spirit of man to be weak. Confession of sins to God in the name of the Lord Jesus vitalizes the human spirit. Spirituality deepens because the obstacle of real guilt is removed.

Read guilt is removed because of the redemption of Christ on the cross for our sins. This is an effective remedy for the problem God instituted even before we were born. God made provision for the cleansing of sin which hinders fellowship with the holy God, the righteous God.

God made provision. The redemption in Christ removes the obstacle interfering with our ability to have intimate fellowship with God. That is enough for this post.

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If you ask people what is it that makes it hard for them to know God, you may gert many answers. I think not many will get the main thing - sins.

Our sins make separation between us and the living God.
Our sins cause an interfering insulation.
Our sins need to be confessed.

That means you have agree with God's assessment, conviction, evaluation.

This verse is good to show our sins cause a insulation in our hearts such that God is not too real to us and not too touchable to us.

"No, Jehovah's hand is not so short that it cannot save; Nor is His ear so heavy that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have become a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear." (Isaiah 59:1)

Save yourself a decade or two of wasting time.
Save yourself into Spirituality by recognizing what is the obstacle.
What is thing hiding as it were God's face from you?
It is your sins. It is not that you don't know enough stuff. It is your sins which have made a separation, hiding His face. He is Holy.

You may have thought it should be something more interesting.

Don't waste too much time thinking:
"Maybe I need to know more biology.
Maybe I need to know more science.
Maybe I need to beef up on astronomy or ancient Romans politics or world religions or molecular biology. Maybe I need to beef up on evolution or know more about tectonic plates."

The problem interfering with our enjoyment of the living God is that our sins need to be confessed and forgiven.

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It is not anything that interesting which is the problem between you and knowing God is real. It is nothing that interesting. It is your SINS. The actual guilt on your God created conscience causes an insulation which is like a soot covered window. The light cannot shine in because of the blackness of the sooty stains on the glass.

You need to confess your sins before God. That is any KNOWN sins.
You do not have to hunt for guilt. You begin to confess the few known offenses that you have before a holy and righteous God.

You confess your known sins and light begins to come in.
More light will lead to more sight.
More sight will lead to deeper confession.
God is merciful. He will not show you all of your sins at one time.

He is FAITHFUL and RIGHTEOUS to forgive us our sins if we come believing that Jesus His Son is our Redeemer, Advocate, and Attorney who died for our sins before we were even born.

God made provision for your guilt even before you were born.
And if we confess our sins He is faithful and RIGHTEOUS to forgive them. It is RIGHT for Him to do so. If we come in Jesus Christ, it is the RIGHTEOUS thing for God to do to FORGIVE us our sins.

Even if He doesn't like us today, it is the RIGHTEOUS thing for Him to do to forgive us because Christ His Son is the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the whole world!

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

"Lord God Almighty whether you like me or your don't like me it is RIGHTEOUS for you to forgive me my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I come based upon the eternal redemption accomplished on my behalf by Jesus the Son of God. "

The removal of actual and real GUILT of our sins opens the door to intimate communion and fellowship with the living God. When they are forgiven by God they are forgotten by God. IF you were to try to recall them again, God would say that He doesn't know what you're talking about.

He did not OVERLOOK our sins. He JUDGED our sins on the cross of Calvary where Jesus died for the sins of the whole world.

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@kevin-eleven said
This forum is flooded with squabbling about a certain faith tradition that not everyone believes in, and of course said squabbling gives the impression that said faith tradition is a legalistic virus propagated by the infected.

Please let's have less of that and more true spirituality untainted by that viral psychosis.
In this spirit, here are some tenets of Christianity that I can agree with, even though I'm not a Christian.

Forgive one another, 70 times 7.
Give of your time and money to less fortunate people and those in need.
Be kind to one another.


@kevin-eleven said
Thank you, G75. We all sprout as we do.
And yet you criticize those who sprout as a result of faith.

Spirituality is not only your narrow perception of it.

I see spirituality as a flowing river that many drink from.

But you intentionally cast shade on "those drinking over there" as if they have a different source than you, and only your drinking spot is clean and natural.

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@suzianne said
And yet you criticize those who sprout as a result of faith.

Spirituality is not only your narrow perception of it.

I see spirituality as a flowing river that many drink from.

But you intentionally cast shade on "those drinking over there" as if they have a different source than you, and only your drinking spot is clean and natural.
Do you ever manage to discuss anything without resorting to personal remarks and accusations?


@kevin-eleven said
Do you ever manage to discuss anything without resorting to personal remarks and accusations?
At least you're not calling me "angry" or "unprincipled".



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@suzianne said
And yet you criticize those who sprout as a result of faith.

Spirituality is not only your narrow perception of it.

I see spirituality as a flowing river that many drink from.

But you intentionally cast shade on "those drinking over there" as if they have a different source than you, and only your drinking spot is clean and natural.
I don’t advise drinking from rivers. Some rivers can be quite polluted. Better to carry a canteen of water.

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