26 Jan 20
@ghost-of-a-duke saidKellyJay's brand of codified supernatural speculation is both deeply misanthropic and deeply narcissistic.
People who only see evil around them are fundamentally 'glass half empty people.' Personally, I have great hope for humanity and prefer not to overlook the good in the world.
Misanthropic: he believes everyone is evil and wicked and deserves to be tortured for eternity regardless of how they live their lives.
Narcissistic: he believes that, if his God figure speculation-dogma is credible enough for his own subjective misanthropic mindset ~ and he believes he will get everlasting life for believing it ~ then it must be credible enough for everyone, and if they don't, then they deserve to be tortured for eternity regardless of how they live their lives.
And, the cherry on top: this misanthropic-narcissistic formulation, because he believes it is "The Truth" is the moral "north star" for everyone.
Believe something different and you will be tortured for eternity regardless of how you live their life.
@fmf saidEmpirical basis? Are you living in a bubble? Look at the statistics. Across the board it's getting worse. Don't ask me to provide the numbers. Just google it.
What is your empirical basis for this ~ laid out in terms of the everyday lives of billions of your fellow human beings around the world ~ or is it possible that the TV news you consume is rooted in the principle of 'bad news sells'?
And open your eyes. When in human history has man not used the weapons he has developed? America, Russia and China alone have a combined arsenal of nukes enough to destroy life on earth 10 times over.
We've never been here before.
@secondson saidYes, empirical basis. I have looked at the statistics. If you don't want to mention any statistics - or even any categories of statistics - that you claim are "getting worse... across the board", so be it.
Empirical basis? Are you living in a bubble? Look at the statistics. Across the board it's getting worse. Don't ask me to provide the numbers. Just google it.
26 Jan 20
@secondson saidFeel free to lay something out in terms of the everyday lives of billions of your fellow human beings around the world.
And open your eyes. When in human history has man not used the weapons he has developed? America, Russia and China alone have a combined arsenal of nukes enough to destroy life on earth 10 times over.
Have a look at into the indicators for infant mortality, maternal mortality, life expectancy, access to preventative health care, access to courts, increasing respect for basic human rights, access to basic education, literacy, chances of being killed arbitrarily by the state or by invasions, wars etc.
I would say that in many ways ~ with 'warts-and-all' and 'there-are-still-major-challenges' caveats firmly in place ~ the world is a better, healthier, safer place for more human beings - and a higher proportion of human beings - than at any point in history.
26 Jan 20
@fmf said1 Thessalonians 5:3
Feel free to lay something out in terms of the everyday lives of billions of your fellow human beings around the world.
Have a look at into the indicators for infant mortality, maternal mortality, life expectancy, access to preventative health care, access to courts, increasing respect for basic human rights, access to basic education, literacy, chances of being killed arbitr ...[text shortened]... lace for more human beings - and a higher proportion of human beings - than at any point in history.
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them,..
I think that for all you think you know you're oblivious to the reality that God is never wrong.
@secondson saidAre people ever wrong or bad? When they only look at what makes them look good, they fail to see anything else.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them,..
I think that for all you think you know you're oblivious to the reality that God is never wrong.
@secondson saidI guess to the whole board, not to you, I should have just written it without your name sorry!
Are you replying to what I said to FMF? Because I don't see the relevance of what you said to what I said.
@secondson saidKellyJay talks to posters like Kegge but not to me.
Are you replying to what I said to FMF?
@secondson saidThis is not empirical.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them,..
I think that for all you think you know you're oblivious to the reality that God is never wrong.
@kellyjay saidI've never met anyone who looked at the state of the world and the human condition who only looks at what is "good" and "fails to see anything else". I don't think you have either. I think you're just making it up.
Are people ever wrong or bad? When they only look at what makes them look good, they fail to see anything else.
@secondson saidYou said "Empirical basis? Are you living in a bubble? Look at the statistics. Across the board, it's getting worse. "
It's the answer I gave to your post.
And so I invited you to mention some of the categories of statistics (indicators) you were talking about. I mentioned a whole slew of them that don't fit your claim.
And your "answer" was to copy paste a 2,000-year-old Bible verse?