@medullah saidThe critical thing about the mark of the beast is the worship of some other entity, and not God. Cant see how a vaccine or vaccine passport will lead to people worshipping here.
First of all I would have to challenge the notion of the pope being a Christian (nothing controversial there then), and if you want to see something a bit special watch the vaccine passport turn into the Mark of The Beast (rev 13:16)
@sonship saidRepetition is okay, as long as you cite your source. You might want to start doing that.
I could very easily same the same for you.
Why is creative originality the sole criteria for you to receive truth ?
The truly hungry for truth don't worry about repetition.
Let's split this in two bits 1) The Mark itself and 2) The Act of worship.
Nobody wants an essay so I'll try and keep this tight.
The origins of the vaccine sits in something called a "quantum tattoo". Quantum might become an important part of this discussion so bear it in mind.
I've been through quite a lot of Bill Gate's interviews and presentations, and he had a vision years ago to get everyone's health/medical info plus their financial information on this "tattoo". His vison was for essentially everything to go on a marker on the human body.
For those non-bible enthusiasts the passage on the mark of the beast says
"Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. "
Rev 13:16
This is exactly what Gates was going for, with (as I understood it) Microsoft providing the IT hub. It's not a big jump from the "Vaccine Passport".
I'll leave space at this point in case somebody wants to tell me that I'm a cretin.
@medullah saidIm going to make it even simpler. I think you focussing on Bill Gates too much. The mark itself is of little significance. All the mark is important for is to give people some details in how to spot it and so far the vaccine fails to qualify. Also a failure is implants and other such practices.
Let's split this in two bits 1) The Mark itself and 2) The Act of worship.
Nobody wants an essay so I'll try and keep this tight.
The origins of the vaccine sits in something called a "quantum tattoo". Quantum might become an important part of this discussion so bear it in mind.
I've been through quite a lot of Bill Gate's interviews and presentations, ...[text shortened]... e Passport".
I'll leave space at this point in case somebody wants to tell me that I'm a cretin.
What makes the difference is the worship,
The Beast kills those who do not worship him.
God kills them who worship the Beast
So where is the worship and idolatry with the vaccine issue?
Show me that.
So what is worship? We can worship as in God, paying homage; hero worship where you idolise. Then there are the flavours in between.
We agree, it isn't the mark that counts per say, it's if you have the mark AND worship the beast. What else do we know about this technology? It needs fast microwave - 5G (the plot thickens). We know from conferences in 2015 (Dr Carol Madej) that is was said that with nano implanted into the body and 5G they could monitor bodily functions remotely; would know if a woman were pregnant or having sex, and the list goes on.
It was also suggested that people could learn languages that they hadn't known as the pathway that the nano created would allow the brain to get written to like a remote hard drive. There is your problem with the mark, it isn't the mark, but what you have to go through to get it. The potential is to make your mind over (worship).
Elon Musk makes no secret of his desire to link the brain to AI. Here is the danger if (I don't thank it is an if) they can do it. It's a bit like getting assimilated into the Borg and then be remotely controlled - and there are pages of studies on this subject on the internet. I think that is why four warning were placed in Revelation against it; that's an awful lot of repetition for emphasis.
@medullah saidIn my view, worship is the act of showing the respect one would show to a god, such as kneeling, bowing, praying etc. I still cannot see how any vaccine can qualify. The closest thing I have seen so far is stupid people kneeling down to BLM.
So what is worship? We can worship as in God, paying homage; hero worship where you idolise. Then there are the flavours in between.
We agree, it isn't the mark that counts per say, it's if you have the mark AND worship the beast. What else do we know about this technology? It needs fast microwave - 5G (the plot thickens). We know from conferences in 2015 (D ...[text shortened]... y four warning were placed in Revelation against it; that's an awful lot of repetition for emphasis.
Nothing about Elon Musk or Bill Gates comes even close. I think you are getting carried away with petty aspects of technology which have very little impact on the lives of people. There is no borg nonsense going on either. I am not impressed with pages and pages of foolishness that people write either. Sonship does that here all the time and the more people do that the more I realise they are fake, shallow, empty vessels.
Focus on what Jesus preached and your mind will be free of the false alarms going off. Churches and other groups are using these irrelevant events to control people.
If you're associating 'The Beast' with something bad, then I can't think of anything worse than for-profit big-pharma industry having total monopoly and control over our health and our own bodies.
Already most of our population is hooked on drugs and medications and feel that life is impossible without them -- and it's getting worse, not better. I've already seen many victims of this and it's worse than death; it's a living nightmare. Meanwhile the super-rich elites profiting from this continue to get richer and richer.
Repetition is okay, as long as you cite your source. You might want to start doing that.
Telling the truth is something you might start doing and recognize that when I DO site source (as often) you whine about too much cut and pasting.
Who sites Scripture more than me ?
When pasting in a paragraph (to your annoyance) you know good and well I refer to where the sourced link is.
I think you're just mad because other Christian speakers may be worth repeating.
Sorry for you if you had no worthy mentors of life example and teaching.
This is all flimsy red herrings for your inability to indicate errors in theology.
So, quick, put on your "Oh but I'm an atheist" hat for a handy back door exit.
@bunnyknight saidEverything you wrote there is the fault of the people.
If you're associating 'The Beast' with something bad, then I can't think of anything worse than for-profit big-pharma industry having total monopoly and control over our health and our own bodies.
Already most of our population is hooked on drugs and medications and feel that life is impossible without them -- and it's getting worse, not better. I've already ...[text shortened]... g nightmare. Meanwhile the super-rich elites profiting from this continue to get richer and richer.
- big-pharma industry having total monopoly and control over our health and our own bodies. [YOUR FAULT]
- population is hooked on drugs and medications and feel that life is impossible without them [YOUR FAULT]
- the super-rich elites profiting from this continue to get richer and richer. {YOUR FAULT}
['YOUR' there means the fault of the person complaining not yours personally]
-Removed-That was my specific comment on the general theme of the OP. You pasted it in and commented on it. Now your reply to my specific comment you'd like to know now when you ask me -
Why would anyone need to know if the miracle occurring today was “greater” than the miracle which occurred 2000 years ago?
I think it is important for the modern disciples of Jesus to have a good sense of what would their Lord meant according to the priorities of God ("greater"). Otherwise they might be influenced by the more unreliable attitudes of people whose priorities are not that much of God.
While Jesus had His earthly ministry he was challenged to perform signs by cynical and even opposition forces. But He did not comply.
"And the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked Him to show them a sign out of heaven." (Matt. 16:1)
You see these skeptics, who were on opposite ends of the religious spectrum then, joined together to request Jesus perform a more convincing sign "from heaven". My opinion is that they knew about the miracles Jesus had done, but they were not "heavenly" enough.
They asked for something "greater". Jesus gave them a lesson in wisdom instead.
The miracles Jesus did were so often called "signs" which meant they were not simply like magic tricks or performances but WISDOM convey events which were to impart some insight into the nature of the Son of God.
For length's sake I will end this post here.
Do you believe that we are still in a time of Jesus type/level miracles?
Generally yes. I mean that I do not think the supernatural interaction of God in the world ended completely with the passing of the first apostles.
Remember, it has to be God's WILL to do something. I think we should consult the Apostle John who witnessed and likely requested miracles in Jesus' name.
"And this is the boldness which we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." (1 John 5:14) .
Ie, Lord if it be your will do this . . . . .
For length's sake I stop this reply here.
@bunnyknight saidIn short yes, it is part of it.
If you're associating 'The Beast' with something bad, then I can't think of anything worse than for-profit big-pharma industry having total monopoly and control over our health and our own bodies.
Already most of our population is hooked on drugs and medications and feel that life is impossible without them -- and it's getting worse, not better. I've already ...[text shortened]... g nightmare. Meanwhile the super-rich elites profiting from this continue to get richer and richer.
It's a very dirty industry in places, as you have highlighted.
@rajk999 saidLOL - I didn't take it that way, otherwise that makes me (I think) the Anti-Christ that Son is waiting for.
Everything you wrote there is the fault of the people.
- big-pharma industry having total monopoly and control over our health and our own bodies. [YOUR FAULT]
- population is hooked on drugs and medications and feel that life is impossible without them [YOUR FAULT]
- the super-rich elites profiting from this continue to get richer and richer. {YOUR FAULT}
['YOUR' there means the fault of the person complaining not yours personally]
Just for the record my email address has 666 embedded in it - so watch out !! 😉