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is there a god?

is there a god?


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Originally posted by lilnicky123
how the hell do u know the bible is true. maybe its just a load of crap. darfius u kinda sound like bush
For many reasons, dear nicky. One because science doesn't contradict it, and in fact supports it. Another because God signed it with prophecies (telling of the future beforehand--he is in at least two dimensions of time, having created our single dimension of time in the Big Bang--). Another because I asked Him into my life and He came.

I'm not aware what you mean by me sounding like Bush. Though we're both Texan and proud. 😉

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Originally posted by Darfius
Jesus is both the Son of God and God incarnate. It's both the difficult and simple concept that is the Trinity. One God, three forms.
So you are saying that he is now dead? God is dead? If he was Jesus, the son of God and God and God is supposedly in existence now, then he didn't die. One cannot have it both ways. I haven't heard anyone say (other than atheists) that God is dead!

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Originally posted by Darfius
... How can I pray for something when I am used to the laws of physics which I adhere to everyday? However, a combination of strong in faith (but not psychotic) is enough to do anything in the name of God through Jesus Christ...
Surely some of the passengers aboard those hijacked jets on September 11, 2001 must have been devout Christians. The ones on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania (if not some of those on the previous three aircraft) must have known the evil intentions of the hijackers. I can well imagine them praying that God would spare their lives.

But the laws of physics and biophysics won out over faith. There were no survivors amongst the passengers.

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Originally posted by Darfius
[b]For many reasons, dear nicky. One because science doesn't contradict it, and in fact supports it.
[/b]Science does not support the existence of God. Show me an experiment capable of being repeated that demonstrates the existence of God.

I'm sure you have told us many times that God is not capable of proof. God is a matter of faith and faith alone.

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Originally posted by Maustrauser
So you are saying that he is now dead? God is dead? If he was Jesus, the son of God and God and God is supposedly in existence now, then he didn't die. One cannot have it both ways. I haven't heard anyone say (other than atheists) that God is dead!
Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later. Tell me, do you know what it is you deny?

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Originally posted by Maustrauser
Science does not support the existence of God. Show me an experiment capable of being repeated that demonstrates the existence of God.

I'm sure you have told us many times that God is not capable of proof. God is a matter of faith and faith alone.[/b]
I've never made that claim. I would appreciate it if you quit putting words in my mouth. The proof is there for all to see. It takes a leap of faith, but it's akin to believing that you'll make it to work tomorrow morning.

Science supports the Bible, which supports God.

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Originally posted by Paul Dirac
Surely some of the passengers aboard those hijacked jets on September 11, 2001 must have been devout Christians. The ones on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania (if not some of those on the previous three aircraft) must have known the evil intentions of the hijackers. I can well imagine them praying that God would spare their lives.

But the laws of physics and biophysics won out over faith. There were no survivors amongst the passengers.
Actually, free will won out over God treating His creations as animals. The hijackers wanted to kill those people. Who is God to violate the free will He gave us all?

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Originally posted by Darfius

You're welcome.
The King James Bible is not a peer reviewed scientific publication.

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Originally posted by Darfius
Actually, free will won out over God treating His creations as animals. The hijackers wanted to kill those people. Who is God to violate the free will He gave us all?

Those people didn't want to die. How come their free will didn't win out?

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Those people didn't want to die. How come their free will didn't win out?
Why should some people's free will count more than others? Would that be a just God?

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Originally posted by Darfius
Why should some people's free will count more than others? Would that be a just God?
How about when it is just a single human involved? If a lightning storm is striking an isolated mountaintop, and the only person on the mountain is a Christian who is praying to survive, does God always respect that person's will?

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Originally posted by Paul Dirac
How about when it is just a single human involved? If a lightning storm is striking an isolated mountaintop, and the only person on the mountain is a Christian who is praying to survive, does God always respect that person's will?
Now how exactly would I know? I've neither been in such a scenario nor witnesses someone who has.

Please ask questions that are possible to answer. Strawmen aren't fair.

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Originally posted by Darfius
Now how exactly would I know? ...
If you truly have a personal relationship with Christ, you could ask Him to tell you, and then pass the answer on to the rest of us.

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Originally posted by Paul Dirac
If you truly have a personal relationship with Christ, you could ask Him to tell you, and then pass the answer on to the rest of us.
"Thou shalt not test the Lord thy God."

Tell me how that wouldn't be testing?

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You know, if in the future I am ever obligated to take the pro side in a debate called "Does the Tooth Fairy answer petitionary prayer?", I could just copy & paste your answers, and then replace God/Christ with Tooth Fairy, and voila!

You kindly extended an invitation to me to come over to your side. I return the favor. Sometime when you are lying in bed, unable to sleep, I challenge you to really think deeply about the excuses you (and some of the writers of the Bible as well) make for your deity. Come on over to the side of skepticism, Darfius. The water is fine.

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