Originally posted by @pudgenikNot just wars but the express murdering of much of the population due to extreme authoritarianism.
he is basing his thoughts on scripture, but i think you know that.
scripture talks of wars in that period of time
Think Stalin on steroids.
21 Sep 18
Originally posted by @whodeyYou think you have a clue? This list that you posted is garbage
And here I thought we were discussing the mark of the Beast, something you seem to be self admit tingly clueless about.
1. No more missing persons if a GPS system is in it.
2. No more running from the law.
3. Use it to buy or sell and no more not filing taxes. In fact, maybe no more need for the IRS which costs taxpayers trillions of dollars a year to prepare income taxes ever year. Think of the savings.
4. No more dirty money under the table.
5. Health histories implanted in it will cut medical costs and make things much more efficient.
6. No more pass words to remember, assuming that computers can identify you once you sit down to use them.
This has nothing to do with the antichrust or the beast. Its a pile childish nonsense that appeals to braindead church goers.
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeSamething
While I was talking about 30 years hence when we have microchips under our skin. 😆
Originally posted by @rajk999The list I gave has nothing to do with the Bible other than a mark promised to be forced upon us on our right hand or forehead so that we can buy or sell.
You think you have a clue? This list that you posted is garbage
[i]1. No more missing persons if a GPS system is in it.
2. No more running from the law.
3. Use it to buy or sell and no more not filing taxes. In fact, maybe no more need for the IRS which costs taxpayers trillions of dollars a year to prepare income taxes ever year. Think of the savin ...[text shortened]... he antichrust or the beast. Its a pile childish nonsense that appeals to braindead church goers.
The list I provided is an accurate description of how this could very well all play out, and is playing out.
You have yet to produce any knowledge on the mark that you deride others from talking about.
Very odd.
Essentially are saying, "I don't know what the mark is or was but you are stupid for thinking you do".
21 Sep 18
Originally posted by @whodeyOf course I know you are wrong. How? You are like my 5 yr old daughter who says the 'Share the Love' people who live somewhere in Virginia USA, are very close to us. She knows that because she looked on the map. The fact that I dont know how far exactly Virginia is from Tobago does not make her 'very close' statement more credible than my ignorance [or that it is not very close] about the distance.
The list I gave has nothing to do with the Bible other than a mark promised to be forced upon us on our right hand or forehead so that we can buy or sell.
The list I provided is an accurate description of how this could very well all play out, and is playing out.
You have yet to produce any knowledge on the mark that you deride others from talking abou ...[text shortened]... ially are saying, "I don't know what the mark is or was but you are stupid for thinking you do".
You are like that. First you do not understand what this beast and antichrist is about so you are like a child going along with every nonsense that pops about implanting and marks and other foolishness.
The mark represents something evil. It is a mark which expresses some kind of worship to an entity or being which is not God. Hence the big problem. It is about worshiping or placing on a pedestal something that is not God or Christ.. Nothing in your list has anything evil or sinister about it
Here it is again
1. No more missing persons if a GPS system is in it. This is Good
2. No more running from the law. This is Good
3. Use it to buy or sell and no more not filing taxes. In fact, maybe no more need for the IRS which costs taxpayers trillions of dollars a year to prepare income taxes ever year. Think of the savings. This is Good
4. No more dirty money under the table. This is Good
5. Health histories implanted in it will cut medical costs and make things much more efficient. This is Good
6. No more pass words to remember, assuming that computers can identify you once you sit down to use them. This is Good
What is evil about those things ... NOTHING.
What about these things mean that you worship another being and not God .. NOTHING
Its all petty foolishness.
Originally posted by @rajk999It's about control and the worship of the state Raj.
Of course I know you are wrong. How? You are like my 5 yr old daughter who says the 'Share the Love' people who live somewhere in Virginia USA, are very close to us. She knows that because she looked on the map. The fact that I dont know how far exactly Virginia is from Tobago does not make her 'very close' statement more credible than my ignorance [or tha ...[text shortened]... things mean that you worship another being and not God .. NOTHING
Its all petty foolishness.
No doubt, you would be fist in line to take the mark.
22 Sep 18
Originally posted by @rajk999It seems God has an opinion on the topic.
You think you have a clue? This list that you posted is garbage
[i]1. No more missing persons if a GPS system is in it.
2. No more running from the law.
3. Use it to buy or sell and no more not filing taxes. In fact, maybe no more need for the IRS which costs taxpayers trillions of dollars a year to prepare income taxes ever year. Think of the savin ...[text shortened]... he antichrust or the beast. Its a pile childish nonsense that appeals to braindead church goers.
Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”
22 Sep 18
Originally posted by @kellyjayFirst you need to identify who or what is the beast. So far you have nothing on that issue. Your notion that it is the government is just plain baloney... stupid church drama designed to rile up the masses.
It seems God has an opinion on the topic.
Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”
Originally posted by @rajk999You get to choose, I'd do so with a little more prayer and study.
First you need to identify who or what is the beast. So far you have nothing on that issue. Your notion that it is the government is just plain baloney... stupid church drama designed to rile up the masses.