JW Question

JW Question



28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Sure that is fine, I know you are not a religionist, but you are a human being,
therefore, let me ask you, how can one be say merciful FMF without the outworking of
your mercy manifesting itself in a tangible way?
Not being a religionist, I have no desire to tell you when and how you should be merciful, and how that being merciful should manifest itself, robbie.


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
Not being a religionist, I have no desire to tell you when and how you should be merciful, and how that being merciful should manifest itself, robbie.
I am not asking you as a religionist but as a human being FMF and the question was
non specific, attempting to ascertain how it is possible to be merciful without mercy
manifesting itself in a tangible way, if you feel uncomfortable in answering it, then that
is fine.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I am not asking you as a religionist but as a human being FMF and the question was
non specific, attempting to ascertain how it is possible to be merciful without mercy
manifesting itself in a tangible way, if you feel uncomfortable in answering it, then that
is fine.
I have no idea why you are talking about 'mercy' suddenly. I suggest you find out about how to 'be merciful' from your own religionist doctrines rather than to try to do so from me. I have no reason to want to persuade you as to what is possible and not possible in terms of tangible manifestations of mercy.


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
I have no idea why you are talking about 'mercy' suddenly. I suggest you find out about how to 'be merciful' from your own religionist doctrines rather than to try to do so from me. I have no reason to want to persuade you as to what is possible and not possible in terms of tangible manifestations of mercy.
i know what it means from my perspective I was merely interested in how you might
explain it from yours, nor would i expect you to try to persuade me of anything. Seeing
that you have done neither, it hardly seems fair since i have done nothing but answer
questions and now when i try to ascertain some thoughts from others, on their
perspective i find the drawbridge closed and the portcullis firmly grounded and archers
manning the bastions, so be it.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
i know what it means from my perspective I was merely interested in how you might
explain it from yours, nor would i expect you to try to persuade me of anything.
I can't see any point in it, robbie. Actually I'm wondering why you have completely changed the subject.


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
I can't see any point in it, robbie. Actually I'm wondering why you have completely changed the subject.
it wasn't a change of subject as far as i can discern i was following the flow of the
thread, i merely introduced a concept, that of mercy to illustrate a point. If i shall
receive no attempts to answer my queries why should i constantly entertain those of
others, it hardly seems fair, does it?


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
it wasn't a change of subject as far as i can discern i was following the flow of the
thread, i merely introduced a concept, that of mercy to illustrate a point.
Not being a religionist, I don't feel any obligation to demonstrate anything to anyone. The way I lead my life affects those I come into contact with and that is as near as I get to demonstrating something. I know that you define spirituality as demonstrating something to others, but I do not. You - I think - feel a need to tell people about how merciful you are - or would like to be - and how you carry it out. This is the way it is with religionists, at least in my experience. I have no 'instructions' for you about mercy or being merciful. You ask "How is it possible to be merciful without mercy manifesting itself in a tangible way?" This is a question you must ask yourself. I have no motivation to try and alter your perception of mercy nor to alter what you think is "possible" or "not possible".


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11
3 edits

Originally posted by FMF
Not being a religionist, I don't feel any obligation to demonstrate anything to anyone. The way I lead my life affects those I come into contact with and that is as near as I get to demonstrating something. I know that you define spirituality as demonstrating something to others, but I do not. You - I think - feel a need to tell people about how merciful you are r your perception of mercy nor to alter what you think is "possible" or "not possible".
you seem entirely hung up on these terms, I dont see people as religionist or non
religionist, i see them as human beings, thus my spirituality has led me to adopt this
perspective, your experience has led you to adopt these terms. Nor do i feel the
need to tell anyone anything about how merciful i am, or how I carry it out, i think it
should be self evident from ones actions. I have not desired to receive any
instructions from you, you were merely asked to comment upon a premise, which, you
have excused yourself from doing, on the basis that its pointless, i am religionist etc
etc, well ok, life goes on.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
you were merely asked to comment upon a premise, which, you have excused yourself from doing, on the basis that its pointless, i am religionist etc etc, well ok, life goes on.
Your premise (or question) was "How is it possible to be merciful without mercy manifesting itself in a tangible way?"

Who is claiming it's "possible"? Are you claiming it's "impossible" or "possible", robbie? Is someone here claiming it is "possible" and someone else claiming it is "impossible"?

I suggest you find someone who is claiming that mercy-without-mercy or selflessness-without-selflessness or generosity-without-generosity or empathy-without-empathy is "possible" and ask them 'how so?'.

The reason I see you asking me in this way as being 'pointless' is because it's a 'when did you stop beating your wife?' type question.

One can only presume that you framed it that way on purpose and I can imagine your identical-all-around-the-world JW meeting content having a begging the question premise like this in it somewhere and row after row after row of self-determining acquiescent and unified believers nodding ruefully as intended.

"How is it possible?" says the preacher. "How is it possible?" repeats the preacher. "I ask you again [rising volume] How is it possible? How?" 🙂


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Your premise (or question) was "How is it possible to be merciful without mercy manifesting itself in a tangible way?"

Who is claiming it's "possible"? Are you claiming it's "impossible" or "possible", robbie? Is someone here claiming it is "possible" and someone else claiming it is "impossible"?

I suggest you find someone who is claiming that mercy-witho ask you again [rising volume] How is it possible? How?" 🙂
sorry i am uninterested in your semantic gymnastics FMF, have a nice day.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by galveston75
This is your problem. Your still stuck in the simple things of the Bible and have not gone beyond that and matured in knowledge. And to make it worse you let pagan/man made doctrines enter in and they have now blinded your eyes to the clear truth of the Bible such as the trinity. What a joke......

Proverbs 1:22
New Life Version (NLV)

22 “O foolis ...[text shortened]... mand to abstain means. It has to take someone way down on the nitt-witt scale to miss that one.
Do you eat meat? If so you have eaten Blood so your the hypocrite fool who bows to man made doctrines. Plus if anyone acts as an infant you should take a good look in the mirror.



28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Nor do i feel the need to tell anyone anything about how merciful i am, or how I carry it out, i think it should be self evident from ones actions.
OK, well maybe it wasn't 'being merciful' that you were beating your chest about recently. But you described going door to door and preaching as a 'sacrifice'. You even claimed it was the modern equivalent of 'blood sacrifice'. You often talk about how pious and devout and effective and merciful and compassionate and genuine you and your fellow JWs are, robbie. If one were doing a kind-hearted parody, that is perhaps the thing that the parodist observing this forum would latch onto in order to get knowing laughs from fellow posters.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
sorry i am uninterested in your semantic gymnastics FMF, have a nice day.
No 'gymnastics' involved here, robbie. Ah well then. It seems you framed it as a 'when did you stop beating your wife?' type question on purpose and are now uncomfortable with me pointing it out. Pretty straight forward.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
08 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
you believe it breaks the principle of a Mosaic Law.

this is perhaps where the confusion is, the law is a type, it merely represented a
greater reality, theretofore when it was annulled its practices became obsolete, but
the principles upon which it was based are still binding. For example, we no longer
live under the ten commandments, the ...[text shortened]... asking you to agree with our stance, nor accept it, merely to try to understand
our position.
You misunderstand the whole idea of the meeting of the apostles and the
elders in the Church in Jerusalem. It was not to add prohibitions on the
members of the Church but to take them away. Paul had argued this point
with the congregations in other locations; but like you, they were not
convinced and requested a decision be made by consulting Peter, the
other apostles and the elders in the Church at Jerusalem. Basically, the
decision came down to NOT put the burdens of circumcision and other
Jewish rituals, practices, and prohibitions on the newly converting Gentile
believers. James was saying not to put these burdens on them and only
require them to abandon their previous pagan religious practices. It was
not intended to add prohibions of taking any kind of blood into our body.
For Jesus would not have said that we must drink His blood. You are not
making the Christian free from legalism, as Jesus taught by prohibiting
blood transfusions.


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
OK, well maybe it wasn't 'being merciful' that you were beating your chest about recently. But you described going door to door and preaching as a 'sacrifice'. You even claimed it was the modern equivalent of 'blood sacrifice'. You often talk about how pious and devout and effective and merciful and compassionate and genuine you and your fellow JWs are, r ...[text shortened]... observing this forum would latch onto in order to get knowing laughs from fellow posters.
any unpaid voluntary work is a sacrifice of time and effort and yes it is the spiritual
equivalent of a blood sacrifice, if you knew anything about the Bible you would know
that, but i forget that at times I am dealing with ignorance and thus you are led to
make the most of your ignorance by asserting that its chest beating, a classic example
no less.

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