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Noah's Ark?

Noah's Ark?


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Originally posted by menace71

There really are a bunch of flood stories from around the world. What do you all think about the idea that maybe these stories are fragments of the truth about something that happened?

of course it happened. floods happen all the time. and a really big one is sure to have happened. but a worldwide flood? please. imagine being a farmer who never left his plot of land. and then his whole "world" gets covered in water. wouldn't you assume as well the entire land was drowned? and then maybe make a story about the god(s) wrath?

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Originally posted by menace71
I was reading these stories if nothing else it seems that man has it in his collective mind that in the past a flood did occur. I know most of these stories sound crazy but they all have a similar theme.

try and read the other stuff there. god will not punish you if you do.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
try and read the other stuff there. god will not punish you if you do.
LOL thanks....Actually I was reading a lot of them. One they believed their god urinated into the ocean and that caused a flood! Crazy


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Originally posted by menace71
LOL thanks....Actually I was reading a lot of them. One they believed their god urinated into the ocean and that caused a flood! Crazy

i wonder how far could the bible have gone until the crazies would shout "that's crazy god, we respect you and alll but there is no way that could have happened"

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
i wonder how far could the bible have gone until the crazies would shout "that's crazy god, we respect you and alll but there is no way that could have happened"
Agreed some of these stories I would say are a metaphor for some greater truth.
I'm still not 100% convinced though that the flood of Noah did not happen.


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700?? 🙂


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Originally posted by menace71
Agreed some of these stories I would say are a metaphor for some greater truth.
I'm still not 100% convinced though that the flood of Noah did not happen.

dude i don't mind you looking at the evidence regarding the flood and saying "meh i am not convinced". i don't mind you looking at the creationist "proofs" and saying "hmm they might have a point".

but do so with an open mind. look at those proofs first and after at a book written by an ancient shepherd who did not witnessed the event and may or may not have been talking with god. try and realize that god is love and to believe that he gave his son to save us but before that he killed all humanity(most) including the children, that he allowed the "chosen" people to commit genocide in canaan, and more, is to stretch logic to the point of snapping.

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ooo i had the 666th post, think it means anything?

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
ooo i had the 666th post, think it means anything?
Ya! It means you're the antichrist. 😲🙄😉

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Originally posted by menace71
Agreed some of these stories I would say are a metaphor for some greater truth.
I'm still not 100% convinced though that the flood of Noah did not happen.

Does that mean you're not 100% convinced that God tells the truth? 😉

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Originally posted by josephw
Does that mean you're not 100% convinced that God tells the truth? 😉
are you 100% convinced that it was god who spoke the flood story? maybe there was a dood who thought the story would look nice in the bible

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
i got the 600th 😀

i really see satan placing some fossils here and there to confuse scientists. i mean causing devastation and influencing mortals to take god's name in vain by producing an earthquake or giving cancer to small children gets so boring sometimes. the real evil is making christians becoming evolutionists. that's the real deal. the true test of satan's evilness.
So you're a christian? (Its been asserted b4 but I wasn't sure)

This public computer thang is seriously crampin my style. I hope that computer guy fixes my pc soon..🙁

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
ooo i had the 666th post, think it means anything?
More power to ya...Yee hah!!!

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
So you're a christian? (Its been asserted b4 but I wasn't sure)

This public computer thang is seriously crampin my style. I hope that computer guy fixes my pc soon..🙁

or so the heretic me claims. galveston disagrees.
but then again, he thinks catholics and orthodox and protestants are also lesser christians so who knows. i know i don't qualify for the 144000 spots in heaven nobility so from the start i am a lower class christian

whats wrong with your computer?

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Originally posted by galveston75
Yes something ( Satan ) for sure has warped their thinking process to be way off. The scriptures say something so clear a 1st grade child could see it.
Yes something ( Satan ) for sure has warped their thinking process to be way off.

How can we have an intelligent discussion with someone who believes that?!

Let me tweak the sentence and it should make more sense.

Yes something ( the Bible ) for sure has warped their thinking process to be way off.

and again.

The physical evidence say something so clear a 1st grade child could see it.

Galvo if you have forgotten, it was you who was unable to provide an explanation as to why there is no evidence of a global flood in ice core samples. Your claim that the ice caps, sheets and glaciers are only 5,000yrs old sort of fell flat on it's face when the evidence you provided to substantiate your claim contained this sentence -

The Vostok core from Antarctica, which goes back 450,000 years

A litle embarassing do you not think?! Not even a 1st grade child would do something that daft!!!

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