-Removed-1.) Psalm 136's "version" of God is the same "version" of God in Deuteronomy.
If this true or false?
2.) If it is not true, submit your textural evidence that Psalm 136 about God's everlasting mercy was the oracles of God delivered to Israel, but the following passages in the book of Deuteronomy were apocryphal additions artificially inserted afterward by people with nasty motives.
"And you shall devour all the peoples which Jehovah your God is giving you; your eye shall not pity them ..." (Deut. 7:16a)
"And your eye shall not pity; " (Duet. 19:21)
"You shall not yield to him nor listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, neither shall you spare him or conceal him," (Duet. 13:8)
" ... your eye shall not pity her." (Duet. 25:12)
Do you have a reason to believe these passages of Deuteronomy were not in the original writing?
Then you can tell me WHAT you think are the limits of these two attributes of God - His kindness and His severity.
How kind is kind in the kindness of God?
Then how severe is severe in the severity of God?
Do you deny that the apostle Paul pointed out that BOTH were God's divine attributes?
" Behold then the kindness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but on you, the kindness of God, if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off." (Rom. 11:22)
NOTE: I am not saying that Romans 11:22 proves the concept of eternal damnation. I am only saying that there IS an attribute of God, a side of God which is "severity".
Do you deny this?
If you do not deny this then what biblical evidence do you have that such "severity" of God's judgment COULD NOT include at its most severe pole - eternal punishment ?
Lastly, if you substitute "non-existence" for "death" so that Revelation reads "the second non-existence" rather than "the second death", then explain what "the second [ non-existence] " is in your mind.
Is there a FIRST and a SECOND non-existence ?
-Removed-i keep "blathering" what the Bible "blathers."
You keep saying - "I don't interpret it as you."
But you don't provide your alternative interpretation which you think is better.
God is omniscient and omnipresent so OF COURSE whatever goes on in eternity will be seen by God. Why you think this is some slamdunk inquisition alludes me.
If you want to argue that is the only or the chief interesting thing Christ will observe, that's just your sordid imagination.
When a bridegroom and bride get married, they don't spend their honey moon gazing at the garbage can. Why do you think I believe the main attraction in eternity will be the damned?
That the punishment of the lost is seen by the Triune God? Why not?
First Thessalonians says that the lost are `suffer the penalty "from the presence of the Lord".
Now do some blathering of your own about what you want to dodge. Is there a FIRST non-existence and a SECOND non-existence ? If the second death means non-existence then does that mean that before anyone was created they were in "the second death" already ?
Yes or No?
08 Dec 17
-Removed-Neither Jesus or his Father Jehovah created hell or the common grave that all humans end up in after we die. It was brought on by the actions of Adam and Eve who sinned and thus brought that curse on us all.
The teaching of a burning place that wicked humans go to suffer forever is not a bible teaching but is from pagan religions of the past.
The bible teaches that the wages of sin is death, not living on in a fiery place to pay for your sins forever. The death of all that have sinned blots out all previous sins from birth and this is why a person will be resurrected in the future to basically start with a clean slate.
This is the God I worship, one who is eager to forgive and would never torture me forever because of my inherited sin I had no way to avoid at my birth.
What a loving God that he is more then willing to give us all a second chance instead of the hateful unloving God that pagan religions paint him to be and that most misunderstand the very essence of......