Originally posted by KellyJayIf you are trying to imply that atheism is a religion, you're wrong. In no way does it fit the definition you've provided.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: re·li·gion
Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Anglo-French religiun, Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back -- more at RELY
1 a : the state of a religious b (1) : the se ...[text shortened]... ike admitting it, at least according to the
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary anyway.
You're missing Baha'i on the list. That's me, I'm a Baha'i.
We believe in oneness of God, oneness of man, and oneness in religion.
We believe that God sent messengers down at different times to help the people of those times.
God sent moses down, yet there was still things God needed to tell us. Christ came, yet there were many things that God still needed to tell us. Muhammad came, yet there were many things that God had to tell us. Our prophet is Baha'u'llah. If people have questions I highly encourage you to ask!
Originally posted by KellyJayI've got to agree with you on this on KJ.
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
I'd say you fit this, you say no.
It might be possible for an agnostic to weesel their way out making some commitment, but I think atheists have to bite the bullet and accept that it's a belief.
Now I know there's the old semantic game of not believing in God versus believing in no God. As far as I can see the issue is purely semantic. When you make a claim to be an atheist - as I do - you are basing that on a belief of the non-existence of some entity.
I think that fits your definition.
Originally posted by KellyJayIt is none of those things. Atheism has no beliefs to be held. It certainly isn't a system of beliefs. Atheism is the absence of belief. An absence of belief is the opposite of faith.
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
I'd say you fit this, you say no.