Originally posted by FMF
I was hoping to elicit personal definitions from people. I can see that may not have been clear.
Morality: I'd proffer - doing no harm ~ not deceiving ~ not coercing ~ just as a basis: life of course throws up a few puzzles and compromises in the face of this. I expanded on it a bit recently - those three basics in harness with compassion, empathy, generosity ...[text shortened]... ful and relevant in striving for "good" and to be "good" in the pursuit of a morally sound life.
Morality: I'd proffer - doing no harm ~ not deceiving ~ not coercing ~ just as a basis: life of course throws up a few puzzles and compromises in the face of this. I expanded on it a bit recently - those three basics in harness with compassion, empathy, generosity and other capacities, are I think helpful and relevant in striving for "good" and to be "good" in the pursuit of a morally sound life.
How do you feel about the coercion and doing harm to the millions of unborn children intentionally having their lives terminated in the mother's womb that a parent may be less troubled ?
How do you feel about the "compassion" and the "generosity" toward the helpless yet slaughtered unborn human being ?
Would "not deceiving" be the phrase you might use for the rationalization that the millions of murdered unborn this year are not really human ?
10 Oct 14
Originally posted by sonshipI'm very uncomfortable about it and have tried to talk several friends out of having abortions over the last 30 years, successfully and not successfully; the last one was an Indonesian female friend about 5 years ago. She has a delightful four year old now. What a crisis that was in her life! But she had friends she could turn to. And a good outcome, according to my moral map.
How do you feel about the coercion and doing harm to the millions of unborn children intentionally having their lives terminated in the mother's womb that a parent may be less troubled ?
Are you going to reply to this post or just ignore it?
10 Oct 14
Originally posted by sonshipAre you perhaps in Auto-Attack mode? Can you differentiate between the people you aim your joyless religionist duckspeak at? Are we all the same to you?
How do you feel about the "compassion" and the "generosity" toward the helpless yet slaughtered unborn human being ?
Originally posted by FMFIt's kind of like that judge said, I don't know how to define it but I recognize it when I see it. Like Boko Haram, Taliban, Isis. Pretty much a great definition of evil personified. Killing school boys because they want a western education, kidnapping the girls to prostitute them out. Forcing soldiers to dig their own graves and being shot point blank by machine guns, sound evil enough for me.
Though I am not one to use the word much, I would offer a definition of "evil" as being egregiously immoral and sociopathic action that is gravely detrimental and/or damaging to others, and which stems from an abject lack or even absence of empathy and compassion. And the word "pure" is simply an intensifier in this context.
The purported provocateur role of ...[text shortened]... ondition and which can be used as a mark or marks along our common measuring stick for morality?
Originally posted by FMF
I'm very uncomfortable about it and have tried to talk several friends out of having abortions over the last 30 years, successfully and not successfully; the last one was an Indonesian female friend about 5 years ago. She has a delightful four year old now. What a crisis that was in her life! But she had friends she could turn to. And a good outcome, according to my moral map.
Are you going to reply to this post or just ignore it?
Are you going to reply to this post or just ignore it?
I am going to thank you for your reply and think about it.
Originally posted by FMF
Are you perhaps in Auto-Attack mode? Can you differentiate between the people you aim your joyless religionist duckspeak at? Are we all the same to you?
No. Most are not oozing with as much self righteousness as you are.
Since you seemed to be on Auto Higher Moral Ground in another thread, I thought to test your thoughts on "Pure Evil" over here.
Originally posted by sonshipTrying to dissuade women from having abortions is "oozing ... self righteousness"? How so? I only said what I said because you asked me a direct question about it. And I answered it head on and briefly. How can you describe it as "oozing"? Abortion is a deadly serious subject and you sully it with your cheap attempt to land one on the chin.
Most are not oozing with as much self righteousness as you are.
Originally posted by sonshipHi sonship,
How do you feel about the doing harm to the millions of unborn children intentionally having their lives terminated in the mother's womb that a parent may be less troubled?
First of all, let me make it crystal clear that I am NOT pro-abortion, and that I salute FMF for the example that he gave in having been instrumental in stopping one.
However, just as a thought experiment, ponder this:
Since you believe in Eternal Hellfire, would it not be reasonable to assume that (given the current % of Christians in the community) the majority of those aborted babies, had they grown to maturity, would have turned against Christ, and hence eternally punished?
Isn't it therefore infinitely better for them never to have been born, or, as an unblemished pre-baby with a living soul, sent straight to heaven?
Hence abortion is actually doing the spirit of that child an immense favor?
(Unfortunately at the price of the mother's soul, since she is a murderess, unless she has her sins forgiven, but that is another story).
Originally posted by FMFMy question is, where is the fine line between evil, stupidity, and insanity?
Though I am not one to use the word much, I would offer a definition of "evil" as being egregiously immoral and sociopathic action that is gravely detrimental and/or damaging to others, and which stems from an abject lack or even absence of empathy and compassion. And the word "pure" is simply an intensifier in this context.
The purported provocateur role of ...[text shortened]... ondition and which can be used as a mark or marks along our common measuring stick for morality?
After all, evil is merely one person doing harm in the hopes of personal gain. In the end, their end will be folly.