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Question for young earthers, hint: RJ

Question for young earthers, hint: RJ


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Originally posted by whodey
His time theory is no more contrived than abiogenesis is. Basically, you see point A and then point B and then ask how we could have gotten from point A to point B.
Of course its more contrived. Its little more than playing with numbers to try and give the illusion that the Bible has some truth to it, it has nothing to do with trying to work out how something actually happened.

Again, I DON"T know if he is right or not but I have a feeling he is on to something. Before bashing it you may want to have a peak.
You have a feeling he's on to something because:
1. You can't accept it outright because it may be proven later on that it does not really reflect reality.
2. It appear on the face of it to support your beliefs whilst dealing with some of the discrepancies between your beliefs and reality.
But in reality it is no different from taking each word in the Bible and randomly replacing it with some other word until the text starts to make sense, then saying "Hey, I think he's onto something!"

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
but you still used one individual to assume someth8ing about a group

its called prejudice
The given references didn't have FJ in mind. If RJ behaves to be uneducated, then he fits the statistics. That was my point.

If christians feel discriminated as a group, then christians shouldn't discriminate other groups, as a whole.
If christians are sensitive about critics, then christians shouldn't criticize other groups as a whole.
It is called hypocrite.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
The given references didn't have FJ in mind. If RJ behaves to be uneducated, then he fits the statistics. That was my point.

If christians feel discriminated as a group, then christians shouldn't discriminate other groups, as a whole.
If christians are sensitive about critics, then christians shouldn't criticize other groups as a whole.
It is called hypocrite.
Which Christians discriminate? I am a Christian and do not feel I discriminate against anyone.

Not sure you should be lumping all Christians together in that assumption.

As far as Chritians being discriminated or persecuted , the Bible says that will happen to us for believing and living our faith. Any Christian studying their Bible would know this.


Originally posted by boonon
Which Christians discriminate? I am a Christian and do not feel I discriminate against anyone.

Not sure you should be lumping all Christians together in that assumption.

As far as Chritians being discriminated or persecuted , the Bible says that will happen to us for believing and living our faith. Any Christian studying their Bible would know this.
I don't lump every christian togeher, from where did you get that impression?

Many more christians are homophobic than the population in large. Statistically. Doesn't mean that every christian is homophobic. If you are not against homosexual behaviour, then you don't fall into that group.


You write: "As far as Chritians being discriminated or persecuted , the Bible says that will happen to us for believing and living our faith." Okay, it's your destiny, you say? Then you shouldn't complain.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
The given references didn't have FJ in mind. If RJ behaves to be uneducated, then he fits the statistics. That was my point.

If christians feel discriminated as a group, then christians shouldn't discriminate other groups, as a whole.
If christians are sensitive about critics, then christians shouldn't criticize other groups as a whole.
It is called hypocrite.
So it is a persons behavior and not the amount of schooling or degrees
a person may have that determines that he is uneducated in your opinion,
right? 😲

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Many more christians are homophobic than the population in large. Statistically.
That would depend on which population you are talking about. I believe Islam is also somewhat homophobic.

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Originally posted by twhitehead
That would depend on which population you are talking about. I believe Islam is also somewhat homophobic.
So between christian and Islam, about 3 billion people tend to be homophobic by decree......

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
I don't lump every christian togeher, from where did you get that impression?

Many more christians are homophobic than the population in large. Statistically. Doesn't mean that every christian is homophobic. If you are not against homosexual behaviour, then you don't fall into that group.

...[text shortened]... ing and living our faith." Okay, it's your destiny, you say? Then you shouldn't complain.
I'm not complaining. I accept it. You said 'Christians' like you meant all Christians. If you were referring to only one you didn't say that.

Sorry I missed the whole homophobic thing, I must not of read back far enough.

I have family and friends that are homosexual. I don't agree with their lifestyle but I do not mock or mistreat them.

The reason I don't agree is Biblical, so I guess you could call me homophobic but I am going by Gods word.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
So it is a persons behavior and not the amount of schooling or degrees
a person may have that determines that he is uneducated in your opinion,
right? 😲
Anyone telling me that the Garden of Eden was in the bottom of the sea 850 km outside the coast of Somailia, would by me considered uneducated, yes.

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Originally posted by boonon
I'm not complaining. I accept it. You said 'Christians' like you meant all Christians. If you were referring to only one you didn't say that.

Sorry I missed the whole homophobic thing, I must not of read back far enough.

I have family and friends that are homosexual. I don't agree with their lifestyle but I do not mock or mistreat them.

The reason I ...[text shortened]... 't agree is Biblical, so I guess you could call me homophobic but I am going by Gods word.
Did you know that in many countries the law of capital punishment because of homosexuality is supported by christian churches?

Some christians are homophobic, some churches are homophobic, but not every christian is homophobic. Homosexuals shouldn't be forced to ask for perssion to show their love to eachother behind their bedroom door. Why should they? Heterosexuals and others don't have to.

If you read the bible enough, you'll see (Corintian 13:13) that love doesn't ask for permission.

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Originally posted by twhitehead
That would depend on which population you are talking about. I believe Islam is also somewhat homophobic.
I said christian people, I could very well say religious people in general, fundamental religious people in particular.

Islamic homophobia doesn't make christian homophobia better.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
I said christian people, I could very well say religious people in general, fundamental religious people in particular.

Islamic homophobia doesn't make christian homophobia better.
Since homosexuality is mainly genetically determined, maybe execution is their way of genetically 'improving' humans by genetically eliminating the scourge of gays.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Anyone telling me that the Garden of Eden was in the bottom of the sea 850 km outside the coast of Somailia, would by me considered uneducated, yes.
How do you know it was not once there?

P.S. Anyway, I think you may be a little off. Check those numbers again.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
How do you know it was not once there?

P.S. Anyway, I think you may be a little off. Check those numbers again.
How did you get those numbers? You use your god's GPS?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
How do you know it was not once there?

P.S. Anyway, I think you may be a little off. Check those numbers again.
You gave the coordinates to the point 850 km outside the coast of Somalia. You said that the first living cell was created there, and not in the Garden of Eden, as is written in the bible. Therefore you say that the bible is a lie, and I agree: Bible is not the truth.

Do you want to tell us that the coordinates wasn't true? That you was not honest? That you actually lied? Okay, you are a creationist, you can do that. Of that we are sure.

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