Rajk999 - Jesus said we must believe

Rajk999 - Jesus said we must believe


Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
10 Jul 17

Originally posted by Eladar
One needs to compare one's actions and compare them to what is right according to the gospel found in the Bible. One can't simply trust one's own desires since our bodies are corrupt.
And of course, they must follow YOUR interpretation of the Bible. You know, the one where EVERYONE is condemned except you?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
10 Jul 17

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
That's an example of the type of mindless rhetoric that is often repeated.

Let's go back to the example I cited earlier:
There are two men. They both claim to believe in fidelity in marriage. One is true to his wife. The other is not. Which one truly believes in fidelity in marriage?

Would not the man who remains true to his wife, be doing it of his own strength?
Apples and oranges.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
10 Jul 17

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
You've repeatedly shown that you are either unwilling or unable to intelligently discuss anything. In lieu of that you mindlessly regurgitate rhetoric that you've heard or read regardless of its applicability.
It sounds to me like he has a fuller appreciation of the point than you or Rajk do.

All you two want to do is throw stones, at people who are NOT guilty.


15 Oct 06
10 Jul 17
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
No one said "claiming to believe". He said believing, which is the only road to "doing".

Why do you and Rajk always claim that those who believe are just saying it? You don't know their hearts. You also claim that Christians here are NOT "doing". How do you KNOW that?

You and he are doing nothing but bearing false witness.
Why do you and Rajk always claim that those who believe are just saying it?

Where exactly did I ever say that?

The point is that if the individual doesn't do it, then the individual doesn't truly believe in it. As such, the individual is only "claiming to believe".

You and he are doing nothing but bearing false witness.

You're the one "bearing false witness" by misrepresenting what I've written.

Am I mistaken, but wasn't there a time that you'd actually read and considered what people wrote? Of late, it seems like you often mindlessly spew venom.



04 Apr 04
10 Jul 17

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
[b]Why do you and Rajk always claim that those who believe are just saying it?

Where exactly did I ever say that?

The point is that if the individual doesn't do it, then the individual doesn't truly believe in it. As such, the individual is only "claiming to believe".

You and he are doing nothing but bearing false witness.

You're the one "bearing false witness" by misrepresenting what I've written.[/b]
That woman is such a damn fool. Its no wonder Chaney3 likes her, They are two idiots.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
10 Jul 17
1 edit

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Am I mistaken, but wasn't there a time that you'd actually read and considered what people wrote? Of late, it seems like you often mindlessly spew venom.
That's because it is you I'm questioning, this is no better than what divegeester and FMF do. And now apparently Rajk.


15 Oct 06
11 Jul 17
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
That's because it is you I'm questioning, this is no better than what divegeester and FMF do. And now apparently Rajk.
Like even here. You pretend like the rest of my post doesn't even exist - even going so far as to edit it out of the Quoted Post box:
Why do you and Rajk always claim that those who believe are just saying it?

Where exactly did I ever say that?

The point is that if the individual doesn't do it, then the individual doesn't truly believe in it. As such, the individual is only "claiming to believe".

You and he are doing nothing but bearing false witness.

You're the one "bearing false witness" by misrepresenting what I've written.

Seriously Suzianne. Something's really different. A while back you had said that you were going through some things and since then, you haven't been your old self. Seems like it might be related.
Did you perhaps start taking some type of medication that might be affecting you more than you realize?

01 Oct 04
11 Jul 17

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Like even here. You pretend like the rest of my post doesn't even exist - even going so far as to edit it out of the Quoted Post box:
[quote][b]Why do you and Rajk always claim that those who believe are just saying it?

Where exactly did I ever say that?

The point is that if the individual doesn't do it, then the individual doesn't truly bel ...[text shortened]... perhaps start taking some type of medication that might be affecting you more than you realize?[/b]
And you don't pretend like the question I've asked you doesn't exist?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
11 Jul 17

Originally posted by dj2becker
And you don't pretend like the question I've asked you doesn't exist?
Notice what Jesus said about those that believe in Him and those that do not, is not the
topic of discussion, He means what He says, and says what He means, His words are
very clear as to their meaning. Difficult to stay on topic when all people want to do is prove
they are better than the next guy.


28 Oct 05
11 Jul 17

Originally posted by KellyJay
Difficult to stay on topic when all people want to do is prove
they are better than the next guy.
Whose interpretation of Christian doctrine are you claiming "all people want to do is prove they are better than the next guy" paraphrases?



04 Apr 04
11 Jul 17

Originally posted by Rajk999
Use any part of of the bible to make your case
Still waiting dj2becker.

So when Jesus said 'believe' in John 3 and John 6, he meant this -

You believe that Jesus died for your sins on the cross and that you receive forgiveness through His death on the cross. You trust Him that He will work in you to enable you to do His will and that he will change you to be more and more like Him.

And this you got this where ?
Did Jesus say all this?
Where did Paul say this?
How are people to understand all this is what belief is about.

Still waiting.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Jul 17
1 edit

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Jesus illustrates how He views the relationship between "believing" and "doing" here:
[quote]Matthew 21
28“But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, ‘Son, go work today in the vineyard.’ 29“And he answered, ‘I will not’; but afterward he regretted it and went. 30“The man came to the second and said the same thing; and ...[text shortened]... ge. One is true to his wife. The other is not. Which one truly believes in fidelity in marriage?
Is Jesus dead and gone in your "doing" ?
If so you do not own Jesus as the Lord and you do not believe that God raised Him from the dead.

What kind of "Christian" doesn't believe Jesus is Lord and that He is dead, having never been raised from the dead by God ?

it is Jesus as He lives who intercedes for His believers that they may be saved and saved to the UTTERMOST.

" But He, because He abides forever, has His priesthood unalterable. Hence also He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them." (Heb. 7 :24,25)

Let the Lord Jesus subdue you.
Cease trying to subdue the Lord Jesus.


15 Oct 06
11 Jul 17

Originally posted by sonship
Is Jesus dead and gone in your "doing" ?
If so you do not own Jesus as the Lord and you do not believe that God raised Him from the dead.

What kind of "Christian" doesn't believe [b]Jesus is Lord
and that He is dead, having never been raised from the dead by God ?

it is Jesus as He lives who intercedes for His believers that they may be saved a ...[text shortened]... :24,25) [/b] [/quote]

Let the Lord Jesus subdue you.
Cease trying to subdue the Lord Jesus.[/b]
Let's see.

I quote Jesus.

You ignore the words of Jesus and accuse me of "trying to subdue the Lord Jesus".

And you quote Paul to prop up your position.




04 Apr 04
11 Jul 17

Originally posted by Rajk999
Still waiting dj2becker.

So when Jesus said 'believe' in John 3 and John 6, he meant this -

You believe that Jesus died for your sins on the cross and that you receive forgiveness through His death on the cross. You trust Him that He will work in you to enable you to do His will and that he will change you to be more and more like Him.

And ...[text shortened]... Paul say this?
How are people to understand all this is what belief is about.

Still waiting.
Still waiting dj2becker.

01 Oct 04
12 Jul 17
2 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
Still waiting dj2becker.

So when Jesus said 'believe' in John 3 and John 6, he meant this -

You believe that Jesus died for your sins on the cross and that you receive forgiveness through His death on the cross. You trust Him that He will work in you to enable you to do His will and that he will change you to be more and more like Him.

And ...[text shortened]... Paul say this?
How are people to understand all this is what belief is about.

Still waiting.
Jesus clearly said we must believe, and you are still in denial if you deny that. If you will admit that we can move on and discuss exactly what it is we need to believe.

The dictionary defines "believe" as "accept that (something) is true, especially without proof".

Did Jesus say we should believe? Yes nor No? Answer the question before we move on.

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