Originally posted by vishvahetuThis is based on flawed analysis of Dr. Richard Lenski's paper by creationist Andrew Schlafly who created the Conservapedia creator. A well known Christian biased encyclopaedia:
To ProperKnob
Mathematicians, say that the simple single ecoli cell, is so complex in its desighn and nature, that the probability of it existing accidently or randomly is zero, what to speak of everything else.
To see Andrew Schlafly get pwned by Dr. Lenski was quite amusing:
EDIT: Correction, I said "flawed analysis" but it turns out that Andrew Schlafly didn't even read the paper and continued to skew the facts to propagate his own agenda.
Ironically, the E. Coli experiments actually shown evolution happening, contrary to what you claim.
Originally posted by vishvahetuAs for "Mathematicians, say that the simple single ecoli cell, is so complex in its desighn and nature, that the probability of it existing accidently or randomly is zero".
To ProperKnob
Mathematicians, say that the simple single ecoli cell, is so complex in its desighn and nature, that the probability of it existing accidently or randomly is zero, what to speak of everything else.
I think you were directly referring to this (I couldn't find any other sources of this claim):
Which doesn't have anything to do with showing the probability of the E. Coli evolutionary existence. This was an attempt to discredit Dr. Lenski's paper. Which was shown to be flawed, as I have mentioned in my previous post.
Originally posted by vishvahetuAre you trawling through Creationist websites desperately trying to find a 'smoking gun' which will slay the evolutionary beast? People have been doing that for 150yrs, as of yet no one has succeeded, i highly doubt you're going to.
To ProperKnob
Mathematicians, say that the simple single ecoli cell, is so complex in its desighn and nature, that the probability of it existing accidently or randomly is zero, what to speak of everything else.
Originally posted by Proper KnobTo Proper Knob
Are you trawling through Creationist websites desperately trying to find a 'smoking gun' which will slay the evolutionary beast? People have been doing that for 150yrs, as of yet no one has succeeded, i highly doubt you're going to.
There have been creationist websites for 150 years? Thats going to make a right mess of Internet Theory.
ps. web pages cannot be created without intelligence and spiritual energy.
Originally posted by Proper KnobThe evolution therory is debunked, and has been from the beginning.
Are you trawling through Creationist websites desperately trying to find a 'smoking gun' which will slay the evolutionary beast? People have been doing that for 150yrs, as of yet no one has succeeded, i highly doubt you're going to.
The only people that accept it, are innocent little school kids, fraudulant scientists and teachers, who prop it up with fabricated doctored evidence.
These scientist and teachers, only hang on to it, because they have blindly accepted it from the beginning, and are too ashamed to be forthright and admit they where duped from the start.
The most stupifying thing is, that the scientists and teachers who are atheists, propagating this hoax, have NO evidence of transitional mutation.
More stupifying than that, is that they assume intelligence and consciousness are a material component, instead of spiritual.
They stupifyingly then say, we will explain how the species all came about including man, but we have no idea where the cosmos came from, or any of the ingredients necessary to start the evolution process.
The evolution guru is Richard Dawkins, who in numerous lectures, has told his audience that in the study of microbiology, the cell and its functions are so complex and intricate, that the probability for them to even exist(without god) is zero.
So if the probability of even one cell occuring by accident is zero, then the probability for unlimited cells to form in intelligent ways, is zero times a trillion.
( to the mathematicians that is for illustration purposes only)
When they propagate this therory, they constantly deny the existance of intelligence and consciousness, as the instructing component of the activity of the cell, although they cannot explain how mutation and growth happen.
Having nothing to support their nonsensical therory, they argue with everyone, as if engaged in some sort of twisted mental sport, because their tiny little mundane lives have no spiritual foundation.
Now what i say next, is the most conclusive evidence against evolution.
To have all the species evolve, then similar random events, would have to keep happening over and over and over again, which is impossible.
And you silly little men, have no come-back, on what i just said....check mate. Game Won,.....so please stop commenting because you have Zero credibility.
Originally posted by vishvahetuCertainly it is true that the probability of a single cell occurring from chance is extremely small (and Richard Dawkins doesn't dispute that), but it DIDN'T occur from chance, and Richard Dawkins never said that it did. It evolved from much simpler structures.
The evolution therory is debunked, and has been from the beginning.
The only people that accept it, are innocent little school kids, fraudulant scientists and teachers, who prop it up with fabricated doctored evidence.
These scientist and teachers, only hang on to it, because they have blindly accepted it from the beginning, and are too ashamed to b ...[text shortened]... check mate. Game Won,.....so please stop commenting because you have Zero credibility.
The only thing that needed to occur by chance at the beginning was the initial replicating molecule.
Richard Dawkins has always stated, "Life results from the non-random survival of randomly varying replicators"
Originally posted by vishvahetuIn other words, most of the worlds population.
The only people that accept it, are innocent little school kids, fraudulant scientists and teachers, who prop it up with fabricated doctored evidence.
The only people who don't accept it are ignorant uneducated people (thats not intended to be an insult) who haven't heard about it or don't understand it, and those who for religious reasons don't want to accept it.
You fall into both categories. You don't understand what evolution is about and are opposed to it purely because you think it contradicts your beliefs.
Originally posted by vishvahetuGoodness me, you are quite something. What that is, i'm not quite sure.
The evolution therory is debunked, and has been from the beginning.
The only people that accept it, are innocent little school kids, fraudulant scientists and teachers, who prop it up with fabricated doctored evidence.
These scientist and teachers, only hang on to it, because they have blindly accepted it from the beginning, and are too ashamed to b ...[text shortened]... check mate. Game Won,.....so please stop commenting because you have Zero credibility.
Look, i'll repeat again for you. The theory of evolution makes no claims on the origins of life, it also makes no claims on the origins of the universe. It is a process whcih explains the diversification of life we see on this planet. What part of that do you fail to understand?
The only people that accept it, are innocent little school kids, fraudulant scientists and teachers, who prop it up with fabricated doctored evidence.
Really? Are you sure about that?
Before me i have my copy of The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins (because unlike you, i have actually read some literature on the subject). In the first chapter is a letter to the then Prime Minister Tony Blair, regarding the teaching of evolution in schools, the letter has a long list of signatories who support the teaching of evolition in schools. I'll give you just a few of them.
The Rt Revd Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford
The Rt Revd Christopher Herbert, Bishop of St Albans, Lord Mayor of Oxford, President of the Royal Society
The Rt Revd Mark Santer, Bishop of Birmingham,
The Rt Revd Crispian Hollis, Roman Catholic Bishop of Portsmouth.
They aren't innocent little school kids, fradulant scientists or teachers and they certainly aren't atheists. They are men of God who accept evolutionary theory.
I think your above claim is now blown out the water.
Originally posted by Proper KnobAll the hand shaking, is people playing politics, even those religious people, because they can be the most political on occasions.
Goodness me, you are quite something. What that is, i'm not quite sure.
Look, i'll repeat again for you. The theory of evolution makes no claims on the origins of life, it also makes no claims on the origins of the universe. It is a process whcih explains the diversification of life we see on this planet. What part of that do you fail to understand? ...[text shortened]... od who accept evolutionary theory.
I think your above claim is now blown out the water.
Being an atheist you are dismissing the component that would make evolution possible, the spiritual component.
Tell me, was the consciouness in the puddle before the lightning bolt struck, or after?
You see, i want the evolutionists to exsplain how consciouness and intelligence comes about in the species, and without knowledge of that, the therory is unsubstantial.
Originally posted by vishvahetuAll the hand shaking, is people playing politics, even those religious people, because they can be the most political on occasions.
All the hand shaking, is people playing politics, even those religious people, because they can be the most political on occasions.
Being an atheist you are dismissing the component that would make evolution possible, the spiritual component.
Tell me, was the consciouness in the puddle before the lightning bolt struck, or after?
You see, i want t ...[text shortened]... mes about in the species, and without knowledge of that, the therory is unsubstantial.
So what are you saying here? The Bishops who signed the letter supporting the teaching of evolution in schools were in fact lying? Are we to now add telepathy to your ever growing palate of skills?
Being an atheist you are dismissing the component that would make evolution possible, the spiritual component.
Being ignorant about evolution, you've failed to understand that it doesn't need a 'spiritual component' to work. Or do you now deny that there is something called genetic mutations? Or more to the point, do you accept there is something called DNA?
Tell me, was the consciouness in the puddle before the lightning bolt struck, or after?
Lightning bolt? Puddle?
You see, i want the evolutionists to exsplain how consciouness and intelligence comes about in the species.
Buy a book, or get one out of the library. Oy maybe you could pop along to the University of Queensland. Here's the staff list for the School of Biological Sciences, i'm sure they would love to hear your 'revolutionary' ideas.
Originally posted by twhiteheadThe only people who don't accept it are ignorant uneducated people (thats not intended to be an insult) who haven't heard about it or don't understand it, and those who for religious reasons don't want to accept it.
In other words, most of the worlds population.
The only people who don't accept it are ignorant uneducated people (thats not intended to be an insult) who haven't heard about it or don't understand it, and those who for religious reasons don't want to accept it.
You fall into both categories. You don't understand what evolution is about and are opposed to it purely because you think it contradicts your beliefs.
You absolutely know this is not true.