@kellyjay saidAren't you required to believe in him? Aren't you required to worship him? Aren't you required to fear him? Aren't you required to obey him? Aren't you required to stop "sinning"? If he doesn't need these things why does he supposedly threaten to torment people in burning flames for eternity?
We cannot bargain with God, and there is nothing we can offer Him, there is nothing He needs from us, there is nothing that can be given to Him that we possess that is not already His, even the air we breath is His, not to mention all of the rest of creation.
Out of His love for us, God the Father sent Jesus to be one of us, to redeem us by taking away the sins of the wor ...[text shortened]... disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?
@kellyjay saidThat's the gospel truth kelly. It's exactly what the scriptures teach.
Salvation belongs to the Lord period.
God created the universe and everything in it without exception.
God made us in His image, and when He did make us, everything was called very good.
When we fell, God was under no obligation to save us just as He was under no obligation to save the demonic either. His grace comes to us not because we are somehow worth it, that we ca ...[text shortened]... disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?
The Bible also teaches that those who reject God's salvation suffer His eternal wrath of everlasting punishment in outer darkness, in the lake of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Just as Jesus said.
@kellyjay saidMisanthropy.
The thing is people don't realize how high the bar is and how far below we are when it comes to standing before a Holy God and treating Him and each other. If calling someone a name like a fool is enough to put us in danger of Hell, the other things we do add on to our condemnation.
And believing you are "saved" because you believe you are "saved" - while others will be burned for eternity because they don't- is more of the narcissism.
@secondson saidI call it narcissistic because of the reasons I have been giving which you are pointedly not engaging.
It's what the Bible teaches. You call it narcissism because you are narcissistic and can't acknowledge the truths of God's Word.
@fmf saidOne must be removed from the presence of sin to not be "sinful".
Does this not mean, then, that you are obligated to stop being "sinful"?
You're confusing "sin" with "sinning" willfully, which is a step up from being merely flawed.
Transgression is sinning against light. That too can be forgiven.
But to "sin" against the Holy Spirit, which testifies of Jesus Christ as savior to the moment of death, without repentance, is unforgivable.
@secondson saidBelieving it is somehow morally sound for billions of people from religions other than yours to be burned in flames for eternity after they die because some ancient writings you just so happen to like "say so" is industrial grade narcissism.
Your "reasons" are against the logical and straightforward revelation of God's truth.
I've "engaged" your irrational accusations of narcissism, but you've ignored it.
16 Feb 20
@secondson saidSo is that a yes or a no?
One must be removed from the presence of sin to not be "sinful".
You're confusing "sin" with "sinning" willfully, which is a step up from being merely flawed.
Transgression is sinning against light. That too can be forgiven.
But to "sin" against the Holy Spirit, which testifies of Jesus Christ as savior to the moment of death, without repentance, is unforgivable.
@fmf saidAgain you misunderstand. Believers are saved because they believe God who says if you trust in Jesus "you will be saved".
And believing you are "saved" because you believe you are "saved" - while others will be burned for eternity because they don't- is more of the narcissism.
If God, who cannot lie, says believe in and trusting in the sacrifice of His Son saves, then we are saved. Period.
@secondson saidKellyJay's religion-fuelled perspective on his fellow human beings is about as misanthropic as one can be.
Again you misunderstand. Believers are saved because they believe God who says if you trust in Jesus "you will be saved".
@secondson saidAnd what happens to those who find this stuff you happen to believe, this package of religious thories, speculations, and explanations - what happens to those who find it not credible? They get burned in fire for eternity, apparently, and "deservedly" so. Sheer narcissism of a morally incoherent kind.
If God, who cannot lie, says believe in and trusting in the sacrifice of His Son saves, then we are saved. Period.
@kellyjay saidWhen Jesus preached to the many thousands did He say any of that stuff?
Salvation belongs to the Lord period.
God created the universe and everything in it without exception.
God made us in His image, and when He did make us, everything was called very good.
When we fell, God was under no obligation to save us just as He was under no obligation to save the demonic either. His grace comes to us not because we are somehow worth it, that we ca ...[text shortened]... disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?