16 Feb 20
@fmf saidYour perspective is flawed, and here's why.
It means your interpretation and his interpretation differ. This does not make either of you a "moron".
In 2 Peter we read, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost".
What all that means is what it says. No ones personal interpretation is required. God means what He says. It's not a question of "interpretation" but of taking God at His Word and believing what He says.
God says that those who reject His salvation DON'T GET SAVED, but instead are judged according to their works and suffer His wrath in "unquenchable fire" and "everlasting punishment".
The exact opposite of what those who trust in God's Christ receive, which is eternal life.
That's what God's Word says. No interpretation required.
@secondson saiddivegeester is more intelligent than you, clearly, but neither of you is a "moron".
Your perspective is flawed, and here's why.
@secondson saidThere are clearly different interpretations. Your interpretation of what happens to those facing "damnation" after they die is different from the interpretation offered by fellow Christians like sonship and KellyJay. Clearly, interpretation is required and quite normal. Christianity's 40,000 denominations are largely due to interpretations.
That's what God's Word says. No interpretation required.
16 Feb 20
@fmf saidAgain, your perspective is flawed. Instead the narcissism falls on you.
No, there is no irony.
This is mere misanthropy, impotence, and narcissism.
KellyJay believes that, if his God figure were "fair", he would torment everyone in burning fire for eternity because, KellyJay says: we deserve it. So he says he is "glad" that God is not "fair". KellyJay believes the world is a cesspool of "evil" and he contributes to it and there is nothin ...[text shortened]... e believes will be tormented in burning fire for eternity. That notion is straight ahead narcissism.
God says all have sinned, that none are righteous, and that even while we were yet sinners, enemies, without strength and ungodly He sent His son to die for our sins.
That's what God says, so kelly is absolutely correct. God would be "fair"(just) in condemning the whole human race, but because of who God is He extends His mercy and grace, so that any who will believe should not perish, but have eternal life.
That's what the Bible teaches, so your accusations of misanthropy, impotence and narcissism are essentially being leveled against God.
If I were you I'd be seriously concerned about that.
@fmf saidBut divegeester does, and he uses your posts as a springboard for his denunciations.
Neither Ghost of a Duke or I ~ unbelievers the both of us ~ ever "denunciate" Christians.
So you don't categorize the labeling of a Christian as "misanthropic, impotent and narcissistic" as a denunciation?
16 Feb 20
@fmf saidDivegeester is a "moron" for his mischaracterizations of God, and his misrepresentations of God's Word.
divegeester is more intelligent than you, clearly, but neither of you is a "moron".
That's the issue and the context that the term "moron" is being used in.
"divegeester is more intelligent than you". I don't care. You're both obviously puffed up with "intelligence".
Jesus said, " I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes".
synetos - prudent - intelligent, having understanding, wise, learned.
nēpios - babes - used as a metaphor- childish, untaught, unskilled.
Seems "intelligence" is a hindrance, from God's perspective, to understanding truth.
Especially when intelligence is used as a means to elevate ones status above another. Intelligence makes excuses too it seems.
@secondson saidYou are mistaken. My perspective is clear and well thought out.
Again, your perspective is flawed. Instead the narcissism falls on you.
God says all have sinned, that none are righteous, and that even while we were yet sinners, enemies, without strength and ungodly He sent His son to die for our sins.
That's what God says, so kelly is absolutely correct. God would be "fair"(just) in condemning the whole human race, but because of ...[text shortened]... are essentially being leveled against God.
If I were you I'd be seriously concerned about that.
@secondson saidNeither of you is a "moron".
Divegeester is a "moron" for his mischaracterizations of God, and his misrepresentations of God's Word.
That's the issue and the context that the term "moron" is being used in.
"divegeester is more intelligent than you". I don't care. You're both obviously puffed up with "intelligence".
Jesus said, " I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou ha ...[text shortened]... ce is used as a means to elevate ones status above another. Intelligence makes excuses too it seems.
@secondson saidYou have claimed that unbelievers have denunciated Christians and that divegeester is "yoked together with" them. Which unbelievers are you talking about?
That's all well and good, but let's try and stick to the topic of divegeester's mischaracterizations and misrepresentations of what the Word of God says.
@secondson saidExactly. Everyone is so wicked and evil they deserve to be burned for eternity: misanthropy. We can never be good enough, we will always be evil, and we all contribute to the cesspool of evil: impotence. This superstitious dogma is good enough for KellyJay's mind, so anyone who doesn't believe it deserves to be burned for eternity: narcissism.
That's a matter of interpretation.
@fmf saidThat's your opinion. The fact is, when it comes to understanding truth, we're all morons, to one degree or another.
Neither of you is a "moron".
With regards to the context of the question of "interpretation" of God's Word, the key to understanding what it means is taking God at His Word and believing what He says as opposed to overlaying it with ones personal interpretation.
Two people are sitting across from each other with a Bible between them. There are not just two there, there are three.
Jesus said, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
"Interpretation" is a simple process. God says what He means and means what He says. There are no two ways about it.
@secondson saidYou are not a moron.
That's your opinion. The fact is, when it comes to understanding truth, we're all morons, to one degree or another.
With regards to the context of the question of "interpretation" of God's Word, the key to understanding what it means is taking God at His Word and believing what He says as opposed to overlaying it with ones personal interpretation.
Two people are sitti ...[text shortened]... is a simple process. God says what He means and means what He says. There are no two ways about it.