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Seat of consciousness perhaps found in the brain:

Seat of consciousness perhaps found in the brain:


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Originally posted by jaywill
what is god?

Jesus Christ.
the question was what is god, not who is god.

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
the question was what is god, not who is god.
There is a difference between God and god, according to Christian usage of the words. When we speak of God (with capital G), we are referring to the only true deity that created the heavens and the earth and is the source of life. On the other hand, the word "god" (without the capital G) refers to anything set up by man as a deity. 😏

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
"But we cannot take all those components you mentioned, combine them in their proper proportions and produce something in a beaker called "anger" or "sorrow". "

[b] we've been over this, im not sure why you think something has to be created in beaker to separate it from the soul. there are millions of things in the physical world that are organic tha ...[text shortened]... more often and quicker than most adults? is because small children have angry souls?
question - why do most babies and small children get angry more often and quicker than most adults? is because small children have angry souls?

Yes. Something like that.

A baby has a soul as an adult a soul.
The immaturity has something to do with the dissatisfaction which easily makes the baby unsatisfied. That is to be expected of a small child.

Part of good parenting is of couse to care for the child's little soul.

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i didnt mention children loving their parents. i said children are a result of their environment. this is referring to the fact that who we become 9 times out 10 is because of our parents,family, friends and the community around us as be go through life. im trying to find out from you how you feel the average persons spiritual side has an effect on us, bearing in mind we can see where morals come from.

Are you trying to prove to me that there is no such thing as spiritual problems ?

Are you trying to prove to me that there are no problems in the mind, emotion, and will of man which have anything to do with spiritual problems ?

I feel you are asking me questions to try to draw out your own points. Perhaps it would be better for you just to state what your view is clearly to me.

It seems you are taking a position that all this talk of the human spirit or spiritual matters effecting the soul of man are nonsensical. Elaborate your view some more.


"The point is usually how EVIL a person was to behave in such a way. Can you submit some examples where such behavior towards mother and father were exemplified as behavior to emulate ? "

its feeling like you have decided what point im making without actually reading what ive written. i have not mentioned a childs behavior to its parents

That's possible. And Vica Versa. So just elaborate for a while what you want to say.

I think we're somewhere in the vicinity of discussing whether or no there is a moral law within man which has a supernatural source or whether moral sentiments can be reduced to material entities.

I think also your questions seem to be attempting to lead to some expected discovery on my part that the "spiritual" dimension of human life is rather poppycock.

I believe the me, the soul, the you, ultimately is more than chemicals. And I believe that we are made in a way corresponding to God's moral being. And I do not think moral sentiments are only genetically determined.

" Since the Creation Event, I do not think this supernatural realm has ceased to exist. And I think there is a realm of our humanity which our science instruments cannot touch or measure. They transcend the natural realm and negate a total materialism."

okay, lets stick to one example and see how it plays out to us both. you say 'some' mental illnesses are caused by spiritual problems. do you mean particular types of mental illness are connected to the spirit or that any mental illness can be spiritual? (a straight forward answer to a straight forward question would be appreciated)

Here's your straighfoward yet not exhaustive answer. To the point, but not saying everything that could be said concerning it exhaustively.

You spoke above of the anger of a baby. Take now the anger of an adult. Some psychological problems in the soul could be caused by long long standing anger in the soul of man. They say depression is "frozen anger".

Now spiritual remedies to these psychological problems are a reality. Don't attempt to persuade me that they are not. When one spirituallly learns the depths of God's forgiveness in Christ - and that is a SPIRITUAL matter - one can be empowered to be released from damaging unforgiveness in the soul which can cause some psychological problems.

Peoblems in the soul can also be caused by people not knowing who they are, where they came from, and why they are alive. In the midst of a time when they are suppose to be happy, they may not understand why they still sense dissatisfaction within. At a party, at a sporting event, in romance or at a concert, they feel they SHOULD really be happy. Strangly there is some undefinable dissatisvcation which still seems to haunt them.

This lingering hunger within is ofter the longing in the deeper human spirit for God. The thirst for the divine love going cared for, in some instances, may cause people to become problematic to themselves and others.

"WHY does nothing and no one satisfy me ??" becomes a life long haunting delimma.

When someone like me approaches them to tell them about the Savior Jesus, God's Son, Who loves them and died and rose to bring them home to God, they may not realize that the answer to their search is faithfully being presented to them.

Anyway, in some cases, psychological problems can become pronounced. Now, no doubt, many can still function normally and cause no particular commotion to those around them. They cope.

But that does not mean that the problem in the soul is not there. And I don't think anyone who has not been reconciled to God through the love of Jesus has real peace in thier psychological heart. But they learn to move on and kind of cope anyway.

I think it would be much better to touch the peace that passes understanding, to be reconciled to the heavenly Father through the Savior Jesus Christ.

There are also the psychological problems that can be caused by unnecessary guilt. There are problems of a unsensative conscience. But there can be problems with a person with an oversensative conscience as well - dealing with unnecessary guilt which is not legitimate.

Contacting in fellowship with Jesus Christ, which is a spiritual experience
can be a release from this false guilt as well. For God knows ALL of the circumstances. God knows ALL of the facts. God knows ALL of the contributing factors as no one else does. And no one can get on the inside of a person's heart as Jesus can.

The knowledge of a man's life that Jesus Christ has far surpasses that which any psychologist or psychotherapist or psychiatrist can offer. The truly INSIDE JOB is done by Jesus as no one else can do.

So real guilt is addressed by Jesus.
Unreal guilt can be obliterated by Christ as well.

Many religious people suffer from unreal guilt. The genuine touch with Christ could definitely release them.

Anyway, these few examples talk about Christ administering spiritual healing which effects the mind, emotion, and will of man. He is truly a doctor of the soul. But we must experience Jesus Christ in the spiritual dimension through prayer, communion, fellowship with the God Who is Spirit.

"God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in reality." (John 4:24)

Now I suspect that the skeptical reaction to this will be with requests for statistical documentation. Usually the cyncical will respond by trying to pull all this spiritual experience talk down into secular statistics for secular approval and documentation.

And not being able perhaps to give a specific breakdown of number of so called clinically tracked psychological / spiritual cases, some will be affirmed that my explanation is like pseudo science.

However, we who have been healed by knowing Christ the Savior know Jesus the Great Physician is quite alive and real. Thank God for that.

"I don't think any scientists have not made life. How far off it is we don't know. It may be forever far off. "

i think you meant that 'scientists have not made life'? if so, it depends what you mean by life. as i said science has made simple replicating synthetic life forms. im not sure if you are saying you dont believe me or that you dont class synthetic life forms as life, but i guess thats a whole new topic of debate.

Another topic then. They are trying to create life. They are trying to FIND life on other planets. Either one would be a significant break through.

We'll just have to wait and see. My opinion is that science will probably not be able to accomplish either. But we'll just have to see what happens in the future.

But it should concern even the most enthusiastic - If we have problems with Computer Hackers now what kind of problems will we have with Human Life Hackers when man tries to create say, human beings ?

And SHOULD we do whatever we are ABLE to do ?
Ethicists of different kinds will have to speak out on that.

" Maybe you should volunteer for some experimentation.

Who would you suggest they experiment on ? "

why would i volunteer? creating chemilcals to eliminate bad behavior is nothing new and many people volunteer to be test subjects, usually people with problems or students in the need for cash. im not sure id be able to function in my life if i was goofed up on drugs all day, im not sure the relevance of the question

You are talking about eventually significant alterations of the personality. You are talking about exstremely powerful personality altering experiments. I think the more powerful the effects of such "wonder drugs" those more and more a risk to be subject to their effects.

Conceivably people would only take certain experimental chemicals for perhaps millions of dollars cash rather than 50 to 80 dollars.

Ie. "We have here a drug which will cause you not to divorce your spouse EVER for your entire life. Who will step foward to be a test case ?"

Or Ie. "We have here a drug which will cause you to be satisfied to remain a single person for the rest of your life. May we have some volunteers for experimentation ?"

Or Ie. "Here is a new chemical combination which will render you a totally honest person who is incapable of telling a lie. Who will volunteer to be a test case ?"

We are talking about strong fundament alterations of human behavior here. Am I right ? We're envisioning a technocracy producing some utopian society, (no thanks to any gods) (no thanks to any "spirituality"😉 future.

Check your price tag carefully. This is the world you are envisioning for your children and grand children. Consider carefully the price tag.


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Originally posted by stellspalfie
the question was what is god, not who is god.
I think I lost some post because of space. Here's there rest.

And that Christ is God is both the Who and the What.

"I don't think any scientists have not made life. How far off it is we don't know. It may be forever far off. "

i think you meant that 'scientists have not made life'? if so, it depends what you mean by life. as i said science has made simple replicating synthetic life forms. im not sure if you are saying you dont believe me or that you dont class synthetic life forms as life, but i guess thats a whole new topic of debate.

Another topic then. They are trying to create life. They are trying to FIND life on other planets. Either one would be a significant break through.

We'll just have to wait and see. My opinion is that science will probably not be able to accomplish either. But we'll just have to see what happens in the future.

But it should concern even the most enthusiastic - If we have problems with Computer Hackers now what kind of problems will we have with Human Life Hackers when man tries to create say, human beings ?

And SHOULD we do whatever we are ABLE to do ?
Ethicists of different kinds will have to speak out on that.

" Maybe you should volunteer for some experimentation.

Who would you suggest they experiment on ? "

why would i volunteer? creating chemilcals to eliminate bad behavior is nothing new and many people volunteer to be test subjects, usually people with problems or students in the need for cash. im not sure id be able to function in my life if i was goofed up on drugs all day, im not sure the relevance of the question

You are talking about eventually significant alterations of the personality. You are talking about exstremely powerful personality altering experiments. I think the more powerful the effects of such "wonder drugs" those more and more a risk to be subject to their effects.

Conceivably people would only take certain experimental chemicals for perhaps millions of dollars cash rather than 50 to 80 dollars.

Ie. "We have here a drug which will cause you not to divorce your spouse EVER for your entire life. Who will step foward to be a test case ?"

Or Ie. "We have here a drug which will cause you to be satisfied to remain a single person for the rest of your life. May we have some volunteers for experimentation ?"

Or Ie. "Here is a new chemical combination which will render you a totally honest person who is incapable of telling a lie. Who will volunteer to be a test case ?"

We are talking about strong fundament alterations of human behavior here. Am I right ? We're envisioning a technocracy producing some utopian society, (no thanks to any gods) (no thanks to any "spirituality"😉 future.

Check your price tag carefully. This is the world you are envisioning for your children and grand children. Consider carefully the price tag.

"I don't know them so I won't just take it from you."

maybe you should mix more with other cultures and religions, maybe you would then understand how you are no different and that despite all your beliefs your religion gives you nothing more or less than the next man in the street

LOL. My wife is of a different ethnicity than me.
My daughter married a different ethnicity than me and my parents.

Each week I mingle with Korean speaking, Chinese speaking, and Spanish speaking believers in Christ. We also have at least one couple from Iran whose backround is thoroughly Middle Eastern. Plus we have Jewish believers. And we mingle with Russian Jews who are believer in Christ.

At conferences we mingle with others from South American, New Zealand. England, Germany, Africa, Mexico, Canada, and India.

We have a large family of Chrisian fellowship. Christ holds us together although we come from vastly different cultural backrounds.

So I wrote above:

"Thousands that I know are very balanced because they learn to be one with a very balanced Jesus Christ whose humanity is fine and forebearing and reasonable and accomodating and well balanced. "

you are missing the point. you know thousands that are balanced because they believe in jesus.

Exactly. That is the point. The spiritual reality of the living and available Jesus Christ has brought us together as nothing else in the world has.

This oneness evidences that we are on the right track. For culture has not drowned out our common experience with the God who is indeed all and all -

"Turn to Me and be saved, All the ends of the earth, For I am God and there is no one else." (Isaiah 45:22)

Christ has brought us into something called "The One New Man".

there are thousand that are balanced because they belive in krishna, buddah, allah or atheism. so the balance your christian examples show is not related to christ being real, its a balance because they have some direction in their life.

Okay. It is a point that other groups can boast of large numbers. I am not negating that others can say "Hey, we have co-believers all over the world."

Maybe that is another whole topic. Now in Islam, your Quran, they want to keep locked in the Arab language. Ie. If it is not in the Arab's language it is not the real Quran.

Christians do not have this restriction. And the Bible is translated into almost all the dielects of the human race today. So would you not say that the universality of the Christian scriptures is more all-inclusive of every culture ?

Do you really believe that Krishna holds as many peoples together from various nationalities as Jesus ? I doubt that. But I do acknowledge worshippers of Krishna may affirm large and diverse numbers.

Do you think Buddhism embraces as much multi-cultural adherents as the Christian Gospel ? I think I would have to doubt it. But they too can claim diversity.

if you believe that their balance is because christ is real then how do you explain why other beliefs offer balance in a person too. unless you are suggesting that christians are more balanced than everybody else. but as we know there is no examples of christian societies being any more content or balanced than other religious societies we know this is nonsense.

For space and time's sake, let me respond to this latter.

However, just becomming Christian is not a goal in itself with no other. It is to become a overcoming Christian, a normal experience rather than a typical experience.

So I would not say in a blanket way ALL Christians are more balanced.

There are some very refined people among other beliefs. The ethical systems of Confucius when adhered to, I am sure, can refine people to be accomodating.

And I have only one lifetime. I cannot spend multiple lifetimes to really give myself to see what would come about if I had been a totally committed Atheist, or Buddhist, or Moslem, or Hindu.

You have some points. But I have ONE life to live and I have decided that I have to be not only a Christian, but a overcoming and normal Christian built up in the corporate Body of Christ.

If I had 10 lives to live, I would live all ten of them as a follower of Jesus. Though I see some real good things out there, no one compares to Jesus in my realization.

Now you don't have to accept that. You go ahead and become an Atheist and prove to us that Athiests have the unity among all peoples that puts all other beliefs to shame. You have that right.

I think no one compares to the Son of God. And while I do not expect Mohammed to be vindicated, or Buddha to be vindicated, or Confucius to be vindicated, or Sam Harris and Chris Hitchens to be vindicated, I am pretty certain that the most inevitable universal vindication of any Teacher in history will be the vindication of the life and words of Jesus.

I am banking on the total and complete vindication of this Teacher - Jesus Christ. You go ahead and place your bets on Darwin or Hawking or Hitchens or anyone else you find more impressive than Jesus.

Must go now.

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Originally posted by jaywill
question - why do most babies and small children get angry more often and quicker than most adults? is because small children have angry souls?

Yes. Something like that.

A baby has a soul as an adult a soul.
The immaturity has something to do with the dissatisfaction which easily makes the baby unsatisfied. That is to be expecte ...[text shortened]... of a small child.

Part of good parenting is of couse to care for the child's little soul.
" A baby has a soul as an adult a soul.
The immaturity has something to do with the dissatisfaction which easily makes the baby unsatisfied. That is to be expected of a small child."

talk me through a scenario so i understand how it works. as far as i was aware it was because children have an under developed amygdala, as the amygdala becomes more developed we have better control of our anger.

"Part of good parenting is of couse to care for the child's little soul."

in my case good parenting is caring for and loving the child only, as they have no souls

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Originally posted by jaywill
i didnt mention children loving their parents. i said children are a result of their environment. this is referring to the fact that who we become 9 times out 10 is because of our parents,family, friends and the community around us as be go through life. im trying to find out from you how you feel the average persons spiritual side has an effect on ...[text shortened]... ully the price tag.

"Are you trying to prove to me that there is no such thing as spiritual problems ? "

im not trying to prove it (although i dont believe in the soul) im trying to understand the mechanics of your view of the soul and to find the point in having the soul. so far all you have provided is very vague answers. im confused why you think the soul has an effect on human thought. if we can measure the process of how thought works, i cant see where the soul comes in and what would be the point in the soul effecting thought. its har getting a straight answer but you seem to be saying only some thoughts are effected by the soul, too which i would say why some and not others and what is the purpose of some being linked to the soul and not others?

"I feel you are asking me questions to try to draw out your own points. Perhaps it would be better for you just to state what your view is clearly to me. "

ive stated my view many times, that i do not believe in a soul. i also dont understand why you would think strong emotions cannot be produced by the human body!! you say sorrow and love cannot must be spiritual as you dont think the body and create those feelings, i think this is bizarre, do you think the same about all emotions?? do you believe pain is felt by the body? my questions are to try and pin point details in your belief of how the body/soul interact, what it interacts with and why?

" I think we're somewhere in the vicinity of discussing whether or no there is a moral law within man which has a supernatural source or whether moral sentiments can be reduced to material entities. "

pretty much yes. i dont understand why you think the human brain is not capable of creating morals? i dont understand why you think the human body cannot create emotions

" I believe the me, the soul, the you, ultimately is more than chemicals. And I believe that we are made in a way corresponding to God's moral being. And I do not think moral sentiments are only genetically determined. "

if you want to believe we have souls thats fine, i disagree, but i have no proof we dont. however i have a problem when you say the human body cant think of morals or cant have feelings, it bothers me because we can measure these things we know exactly how they happen. so what would be the point in the soul also creating these feelings. it would be like having to systems doing the same job.

" You spoke above of the anger of a baby. Take now the anger of an adult. Some psychological problems in the soul could be caused by long long standing anger in the soul of man. They say depression is "frozen anger".

Now spiritual remedies to these psychological problems are a reality. Don't attempt to persuade me that they are not. When one spirituallly learns the depths of God's forgiveness in Christ - and that is a SPIRITUAL matter - one can be empowered to be released from damaging unforgiveness in the soul which can cause some psychological problems.

Peoblems in the soul can also be caused by people not knowing who they are, where they came from, and why they are alive. In the midst of a time when they are suppose to be happy, they may not understand why they still sense dissatisfaction within. At a party, at a sporting event, in romance or at a concert, they feel they SHOULD really be happy. Strangly there is some undefinable dissatisvcation which still seems to haunt them.

This lingering hunger within is ofter the longing in the deeper human spirit for God. The thirst for the divine love going cared for, in some instances, may cause people to become problematic to themselves and others. "

i still dont know if you think all forms of mental illness can be because of soul problems. or only some forms metal illness are because of soul problems, or all mental illness is because of soul problems?

" I think it would be much better to touch the peace that passes understanding, to be reconciled to the heavenly Father through the Savior Jesus Christ. "

question - whats so important about having a peaceful soul? im happy and have a pretty good life, i have no inner-pain. my ultra-atheist wife seems pretty happy and my little unbaptized children seem to have no inner-pain. why do we need this peace you talk of if we are happy the way we are. we feel no guilt or sin, why do we need it addressing.

all these people you talk of with unhappy souls, why do they have them? what have they done to deserve unhappiness that can lead to depression and even suicide, why sould a god loving caring soul suffer, when a filthy heathen like me have a jolly time?

"We'll just have to wait and see. My opinion is that science will probably not be able to accomplish either. But we'll just have to see what happens in the future. "

are you saying you dont think the synthetic 'life' form scientists have created is actually 'life'? or do you think ive made the story up? (2nd time of asking)

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Originally posted by jaywill
I think I lost some post because of space. Here's there rest.

And that Christ is God is both the Who and the What.

"I don't think any scientists have not made life. How far off it is we don't know. It may be forever far off. "

i think you meant that 'scientists have not made life'? if so, it depends what you mean by life. as i said sc ...[text shortened]... lse you find more impressive than Jesus.

Must go now.
" For space and time's sake, let me respond to this latter.

However, just becomming Christian is not a goal in itself with no other. It is to become a overcoming Christian, a normal experience rather than a typical experience.

So I would not say in a blanket way ALL Christians are more balanced.

There are some very refined people among other beliefs. The ethical systems of Confucius when adhered to, I am sure, can refine people to be accomodating.

And I have only one lifetime. I cannot spend multiple lifetimes to really give myself to see what would come about if I had been a totally committed Atheist, or Buddhist, or Moslem, or Hindu.

You have some points. But I have ONE life to live and I have decided that I have to be not only a Christian, but a overcoming and normal Christian built up in the corporate Body of Christ.

If I had 10 lives to live, I would live all ten of them as a follower of Jesus. Though I see some real good things out there, no one compares to Jesus in my realization.

Now you don't have to accept that. You go ahead and become an Atheist and prove to us that Athiests have the unity among all peoples that puts all other beliefs to shame. You have that right.

I think no one compares to the Son of God. And while I do not expect Mohammed to be vindicated, or Buddha to be vindicated, or Confucius to be vindicated, or Sam Harris and Chris Hitchens to be vindicated, I am pretty certain that the most inevitable universal vindication of any Teacher in history will be the vindication of the life and words of Jesus.

I am banking on the total and complete vindication of this Teacher - Jesus Christ. You go ahead and place your bets on Darwin or Hawking or Hitchens or anyone else you find more impressive than Jesus. "

this isnt what i was asking, i didnt want a who's got the best religion competition. the point i was making was about the 'peace' your god gives you. other religions also gave people 'peace' so i was asking what is different between your peace and theres?

if a muslim was telling you that his god was real yours was fake because he has an inner peace that can only be provided by his god, what would you say to him?

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
" For space and time's sake, let me respond to this latter.

However, just becomming Christian is not a goal in itself with no other. It is to become a overcoming Christian, a normal experience rather than a typical experience.

So I would not say in a blanket way ALL Christians are more balanced.

There are some very refined people among o ...[text shortened]... as an inner peace that can only be provided by his god, what would you say to him?
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.
(Colossians 2:8-10 NKJV)

The peace of God surpasses all understanding.
(Philippians 4:7 NKJV)

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
" For space and time's sake, let me respond to this latter.

However, just becomming Christian is not a goal in itself with no other. It is to become a overcoming Christian, a normal experience rather than a typical experience.

So I would not say in a blanket way ALL Christians are more balanced.

There are some very refined people among o ...[text shortened]... as an inner peace that can only be provided by his god, what would you say to him?
"...what would you say to him?"

jaywill would prolly try to convince the guy that the inner peace he feels is actually coming from Jesus and that the man has misinterpated this feeling, not jaywill misunderstanding the peace he actually gets fro Allah, who is so merciful and intelligent that He allows jaywill to think it's coming from Jesus , so jaywill may be more confident in his core beliefs 🙂

Sorry jaywill, but after reading through your two posts on the previous page , and being pretty miffed at most of it, I thought I may put in my 2 cents worth and remind any other readers, that saying your messiah is the real one, not the other guy over there, is and has been a very dangerous practice that has lead to many unecessary deaths.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
There is a difference between God and god, according to Christian usage of the words. When we speak of God (with capital G), we are referring to the only true deity that created the heavens and the earth and is the source of life. On the other hand, the word "god" (without the capital G) refers to anything set up by man as a deity. 😏
That's not how I see it.
"God" with a big "g" does not exist as a deity, period.

"God" with a small "g" can refer to advanced Extra-terrestrials or other humans, (as well as other "things" ), who APPEAR more intelligent than the race they are interacting with,(and usually are), but who sometimes get overblown egos from their new-found power and, as history points out here and there, lose their grasp on the 'essentials of spirituality', and start killing other people, (not to mention some other, more heinous crimes).

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.
(Colossians 2:8-10 NKJV)

The peace of God surpasses all understanding.
(Philippians 4:7 NKJV)
I remember, when I was still a bit green, that I would often quote from a Buddhist book, apparently a bit too often, to make conversation about interesting stuff with my ex-girlfriend some 15 years ago.
She said something like "get your own opinions, stop copying others"

I said "But I'm not, they are my ideas, these guys have just worded it better"

She didn't buy it - you could tell from the LOOK.
So I promptly went outside and threw the book in the fire.

That shut her up for quite a while. 🙂

Point being that people get really sick of having the same stuff repeated to them ad nauseum

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I remember, when I was still a bit green, that I would often quote from a Buddhist book, apparently a bit too often, to make conversation about interesting stuff with my ex-girlfriend some 15 years ago.
She said something like "get your own opinions, stop copying others"

I said "But I'm not, they are my ideas, these guys have just worded it better" ...[text shortened]... int being that people get really sick of having the same stuff repeated to them ad nauseum
I am not trying to get along with a girlfriend. Anyway, getting your own opinions apparently did not work in the end, since you referred to her as your ex-girlfriend.

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
" A baby has a soul as an adult a soul.
The immaturity has something to do with the dissatisfaction which easily makes the baby unsatisfied. That is to be expected of a small child."

[b] talk me through a scenario so i understand how it works. as far as i was aware it was because children have an under developed amygdala, as the amygdala become my case good parenting is caring for and loving the child only, as they have no souls
in my case good parenting is caring for and loving the child only, as they have no souls

Basically, if you care for the child's mind you care for thier soul.
If you care for their emotion, you care for their soul.
If you care for their will and their decision making, you care for their soul.

You may say, that no that is not caring for thier soul. But it is caring for something in them which is more than just their physical being.

You speak of vagueness. There are things which are mysterious and difficult to define. But they are nevertheless real. Our human language may be limited to describe certain things. This limitation of human language does not render these matters not real .

So I say you care for the child's soul, even if you choose not to say that.
If that child expires, dies, something has departed from that child. You will miss terribly and not be able any longer to care for that missing something that the child possessed before.

You don't want to say that that something is the soul of the child, that is up to you. I am not wrong to say that that child's soul can no longer be care for because it is now gone.

Since you have never had your soul depart, you have never died, you can make no definitive statement of fact as to that departed aspect of the child no longer exists.

Neither have I ever died. So I also do not know by experience. But I believe that the expert on matter of this nature is the One who DID die and was raised from the dead. If the existence of the SOUL is valid to Jesus Christ, then that is good enough for me. I trust Christ's wisdom and integrity on that.

A man like Jesus went through some things. He passed through some things which no other person has passed through in the same way. At least He believed that He was passing through some unique things which no one else was quaified to experience. If the soul and the spirit of man was so real to Him that He was willing to undergo what He did, then I think the soul and spirit of man I better take seriously.

I suspect you may say that the Moslem suicide bomber also believes in a soul and passes through some things in a hope that the soul is real. And to that I would say that the Moslem's believe is a derived from an earlier teaching, that of the Bible of which his Quran is very much a copycat immitation.

So it is not Christ who learned from the Quran. Rather it was the Quran that "borrowed" and warped and twisted some matters it derived from the Bible.

So I do not put the suicide bomber and the redemptive death of Christ on the same level at all, by any means.

But the existence of the soul which is not destroyed in physical death, and the reuniting of the soul with a resurrected body means to me real justice and redemption exist. If the soul ceases to exist with the body and cannot be reunited with the body, A body, in resurrection, as Jesus taught and demonstrated, then I would say real justice and forgiveness do not exist.

I am placing my bets that real justice and real forgiveness exist in this universe. And that calls for a soul which can either / or exist or RE-EXIST after the destruction of the physical body.

Let's not kid ourselves. If a man only dissolves inconsequentially into the dust of the earth in death, then justice and redemption really do not exist. Basically then, we get away with anything and everything, only to peacefully melt into the ground. Conversely, no reward for living right exists either in that case.

Then let us eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die and will never exist again. I honestly don't think so, stella.

I have to take seriously Christ who both taught differently and demonstrated differently as well.

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Originally posted by jaywill
in my case good parenting is caring for and loving the child only, as they have no souls

Basically, if you care for the child's mind you care for thier soul.
If you care for their emotion, you care for their soul.
If you care for their will and their decision making, you care for their soul.

You may say, that no that is not cari ...[text shortened]... ake seriously Christ who both taught differently and demonstrated differently as well.
would you agree that when you hit your thumb with a hammer the pain you feel is a chemical reaction?

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