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Sickening Bible Stories

Sickening Bible Stories


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Originally posted by genius
not true! he fulfilled what the prophets said, the jews meerly miss-interpreted what the prohpets said...and a man who can do miracles? who raises people from the dead? who, himself, was riased from the dead?


Could you tell a wise man,
By the way he speaks or spells?
Is this more important,
Than the stories that he tells?

Well then, Mr, you're a better man than I!
Have you even read the OT or do you just accept that line because it's what you've always been taught?

How can you say the jews misinterpreted? It was their bloody religion!!! They set out the state of messianic fulfillment, then a bunch of whackos come along, tell them they're wrong, nick their holy words, turn them around to say what they want them to say and then write a further book to explain that the entire jewish faith was wrong to shun a lunatic preacher who did not meet their ideals.

As to his "miracles", perhaps I should take the opportunity to remind you that this is complete conjecture. There is no proof of miracles and using unproven acts to prove Jesus was the messiah is ridiculous and counter-rational.

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For those who prefer to visualize...


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Originally posted by Pawnokeyhole
For those who prefer to visualize...


Oh no! The first woman had two big holes in her buttcheeks! And she had the same genitals as the first man! Yuck!

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There's a scene where a lego man rapes a lego woman...bizaare.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
There's a scene where a lego man rapes a lego woman...bizaare.
Not as bizaare as this:
Those appear to be lego foreskins in that bucket!!

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Wow. The vehemence that comes forth from people that thinks they come from monkeys. You place yourselves as judges to your creator. Where were you when He knitted you together in your mother's womb? Where were you when He created the heavens and the earth? You dare place yourselves as judges against the Holy and Just God?
Let me tell you a sickening story from the Bible.
Because of our sins, a holy and innocent man died a horrible death on the cross as atonement for our sins. Did He deserve this death? NO. Did He have to die for your sins as a slaughtered animal made into a sacrifice? NO.
The fact is, Jesus died for your sins so that we may enter into heaven and live in paradise like the thief that was crucified with Jesus. If only we are to accept such a sacrifice we are not worthy to receive.
You don't believe in God or Heaven or Hell. Fine. When we all die, I shall look upon you in hell and praise God for forgiving me of my sins.
You don't believe in the scriptures? Fine. Burn it. Throw it away. Stomp on it and crap on it. The truth will still be there. You're a sinner and you're going to hell. That is God's justice. There is the blood of Jesus to cleanse you of your sins. That is God's love. You can't handle the truth? Well, this still won't make heaven or hell any less real. Want to play a game of chess?

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Numbers 31:1-19

1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

2 Avenge the children of Israel of the Mid'i-anites: afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people.

3 A ...[text shortened]... rginal women children that Moses told them to keep for themselves?
Thank you for this very beautiful and uplifting story of mass murder, genocide and rape from God's holy book. The love God put into the Israelites must have been very strong when they were slaughtering male children and non-virgin females and "purifying" virgins.

Please those who are quoting other Sickening Bible Stories do like the Born Agains do in this Forum and cut and paste the wonderful story you wish us to peruse. Unlike Darfius and others who cut and paste, please avoid the "sin" of plagarism and quote the chapter and verse of the Bible. Thank you and may God be with you. Or else a holy guy might get permission to slay you, too.

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Originally posted by sasquatch672
No thanks. I don't want you to catch my heathen illness. Better we go our separate ways.
Originally posted by sasquatch672
No thanks. I don't want you to catch my heathen illness. Better we go our separate ways.

That's the thing, sasquatch672. I WAS a heathen. I was an unbelieving, hateful, bitter, god-cursing creature who was molested when I was 12 years old. Yes.. I blamed God for that. But it wasn't God that molested me. It was a man full of evil and lust for young boys. I was sick with hate. Can you relate? It was only by the Love of God was I cured.
Don't worry, sas, I'm immune to what you have. We can go our separate ways... but you can never run away from God.

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Thanks for sharing. If I ever want to tell a bunch of strangers on an INTERNET CHESS SITE about a degrading incident from my past, I'll let you know. Your post is off-topic here: this thread is for "Sickening Bible Stories"; if you want to start a thread called "Sickening Stories from Born Agains" please label it as such, so I can make sure to avoid it.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Thanks for sharing. If I ever want to tell a bunch of strangers on an INTERNET CHESS SITE about a degrading incident from my past, I'll let you know. Your post is off-topic here: this thread is for "Sickening Bible Stories"; if you want to start a thread called "Sickening Stories from Born Agains" please label it as such, so I can make sure to avoid it.
You're all heart, no1.

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God bless you, brother. It's amazing how much He loves us, isn't it, kris?

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