-Removed-Who said that is why I found it joyous? If that's what you think then put it in your blog. This thread is about sin. All further personal remarks, attempts to detract from the thread with thinly veiled references to your propensity for being a moral degenerate will be ignored.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThere as far as I am aware two modes of sin, one is wilful and the other is involuntary, the result of being imperfect. Sin therefore has moral consequences. Those who wilfully practice sin are deemed to be morally reprehensible as being fully cognizant of the fact that their course of action stands condemned and seek to justify it in some way. This presupposes that while an action may be deemed sinful if there is no knowledge that its sinful it may be difficult to hold anyone accountable and yet within each of us there is a guiding compass of the conscience.
My motivation for this thread is simply that the Doctrine of Sin [Hamartiology] has seldom if ever been the thread topic
in this spirituality forum; purpose is to re-acquaint ourselves with various aspects of sin in God's eyes.
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (OP)"Proverbs 6: 17 "Haughty eyes" represents mental attitude arrogance or a presumption of competitive superiority [which inevitably leads to self absorption; self centeredness; and inordinate pride]. The sin of arrogance is the root sin of other sins and destroys the possibility of daily relationship with God. (to be continued)
God detests all mental, verbal and overt activities that violate His Character and Righteous Standards.
The magnitude of seven particular sins listed in Proverbs 6:16-19 dispels any and all shallow views of sin
as a few blatant overt sins or cultural taboos. (to be continued)
"16. There are six things which the Lord hates,
Yes, seven which ar ...[text shortened]... idly to evil,
19. A false witness who utters lies,
And one who spreads strife among brothers."