Originally posted by FMF
Asking me explain to you what you have explained to people here time and time again - as a debating device - is "narcissism". It's got absolutely nothing to do with your purported "trust in Christ's Gospel".
Asking me explain to you what you have explained to people here time and time again - as a debating device - is "narcissism". It's got absolutely nothing to do with your purported "trust in Christ's Gospel".
Oh c'mon FMF. That's a dodge.
But six years is a long time to listen to one guy. That I concede.
Want to play some chess ? Meet you on the chess board ?
Originally posted by jaywillNo dodge involved. You say 'Define my "doomsday prediction"' as a debating tactic. I say, just you explain it if you feel misunderstood; don't expect me to stroke your forum ego by going back and finding quotes from your many long posts on this this subject.
Oh c'mon FMF. That's a dodge.
Originally posted by FMFI desire that God's will would be done.
What do you desire happens to non-Christians who reject your version of the "truth"?
And if that means the judgment of sinners, I desire that God's will be done.
I don't think my heart or your heart could possibly be more sympathetic toward all men and woman and children than the heart of Jesus .
Sorry FMF. I don't think Jesus should come and sit at your feet to learn something about empathy or sympathy or mercy or even fairness.
When it comes to compassion, I want to be as close as possible to Jesus.
When it comes to justice, I also want to be as close as possible to Jesus.
My narcicism was broken the night I fell on my knees and confessed my need for the Savior Christ.
It is kept in check when I pray on my knees for various participants on this Forum some of which have insulted us Christ lovers and blasphemed God repeatedly.
Originally posted by jaywillWell if by this you mean that your 'end is nigh' prediction doesn't affect non-Christians, that it will leave all non-Christians in peace to get on with their lives, and only effects you and other fanatical Christians like you, then that's OK by me.
I don't think my heart or your heart could possibly be more sympathetic toward all men and woman and children than the heart of [b] Jesus . [/b]
Originally posted by FMFDodge. You can't define it.
No dodge involved. You say 'Define my "doomsday prediction"' as a debating tactic. I say, just you explain it if you feel misunderstood; don't expect me to stroke your forum ego by going back and finding quotes from your many long posts on this this subject.
Excuses. That's all you have.
Originally posted by jaywillIf you can't or won't define what you mean by the end times being near and what you claim its consequences will be, and are insinuating that you have somehow been misunderstood, and still won't just define it yourself, then the dodge is yours.
Dodge. You can't define it.
Originally posted by FMFThe dodge is yours with your lame "If I answer you I am stroking your ego."
If you can't or won't define what you mean by the end times being near and what you claim its consequences will be, and are insinuating that you have somehow been misunderstood, and still won't just define it yourself, then the dodge is yours.
Lame. Forget it. You blew it. So we're finished here.
Challenge me at chess, now that will really stroke my ego. If I beat you.
16 Jun 12
Originally posted by jaywillWhy should someone like me pay attention to the paranoid, conceited, misanthropic vision you seek to superimpose onto me and my family and the people I know, and indeed the whole world, when you then retreat into your little rhetorical robbie corrobie-like furtive hole when confronted by someone who doesn't buy into it? You think the 'end times' are near. It is your prerogative to try to add some kind of meaning to your life in this way, I suppose. You don't think it's gloomy and pessimistic. Good for you.
Lame. Forget it. You blew it. So we're finished here.
Originally posted by FMFOf course we are approaching the end times. Whether you are religious or an atheist who knows that the sun will someday expand and devour all life upon the earth the end is approaching.
Why not answer any questions? Here's another one that you sidestepped:
Do you disagree with galveston75's assertion [across numerous threads] that things have become so bad that it is now clear that we are approaching the 'end times'?
Originally posted by RJHindsWell apart from the fact that I am not convinced that JC was a real person...
Christ predicted His death and that He would raise the temple of His body back to life after 3 days. How is that for a prophecy?
There is absolutely no evidence that he did get resurrected so my response to that
'prediction' is that the predicted event never actually happened.
Also predicting your own death when you actively piss off the local super power with
homicidal tendencies is not very impressive... Predicting that I will have my arse kicked
in the near future before walking up to a black street gang while wearing a sandwich
board proclaiming that I hate niggers and making monkey noises isn't an indication
of any supernatural predictive powers when they then duly kick my arse.
And finally...
JC never wrote anything.
Everything attributed to him was written by other people AFTER his alleged existence
by people who wanted to make him look good.
Thus any predictions he makes about his own life are recorded after the fact by people
who already knew what he did, assuming they weren't just making the whole thing up which
is a big assumption to make.
Thus no 'prophecy' JC allegedly makes about his own life is remotely impressive.
Originally posted by whodeyWell humanity has existed for about 100ka, with something approximating civilisation existing for about a tenth of that,
Of course we are approaching the end times. Whether you are religious or an atheist who knows that the sun will someday expand and devour all life upon the earth the end is approaching.
the sun will cause the earth to become uninhabitable (assuming we don't move it) in about 1Ga, meaning that we have
10 thousand times the length of existence of our species left, and 100 thousand times the length of human civilisation
And as I say that is assuming that we don't shift the planets orbit in the meantime, and of course while the planet is
eventually doomed, we as a species can move elsewhere so even the end of our planet due to our sun moving off the
main sequence need not be the end of our civilisation.
Thus I think you are rather premature proclaiming 'the end times' because the planet only has another billion years left
given that we are thus 0.001% through our possible existence on this planet (assuming as I say we don't alter it's orbit).