1.) In the fourth generation of mankind, men realizing that they were far from God, began to do something to correct the situation. They began to call upon the name of God.
"And to Seth also a son was born, and he called his name Enosh. At that time men began to call upon the name of Jehovah." (Genesis 4:6)
People hungry for God, longing for God, wanting God "BEGAN TO CALL". Don't ask me what they called out. I don't know. I know that they began "to call upon the name of the Jehovah" .
Today we can call upon the name of Jesus the Lord - "O Lord, O Lord Jesus"
We are all Enoshes. Enosh means something like "frail mortal man."
2.) Abraham called "the father of faith" CALLED with his mouth upon God.
Genesis 13:4
"To the place of the altar, which he had made there formerly; and there Abram called on the name of Jehovah."
He did what Noah did in building an altar for worship. But we are told something extra. Abram used his mouth and called upon the name of Jehovah.
Abram, not knowing exactly where he was to go, followed the presence of God. He he lost track of where he was suppose to be, he CALLED upon the name of God.
No need to go sequentially. Let's skip around for encouragement.
The men on the ship with the prophet Jonah were scared to death in the sea storm. They told the prophet to get up and CALL on the name of his God!
"So the ship captain approached him and said to him, How can you be fast asleep? Arise, call on your God. Perhaps God will give though to us, and we will not perish." (Jonah 1:6)
Arise and call on the name of the Lord Jesus. If you call "O Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus !" first thing everyday when you awake, your life will be changed when God hears your cry and has mercy to make Himself real to you.
"Arise, cry out to your God!" That takes the heart, the spirit, and the MOUTH.
4.) Jonah CRIED OUT to God. Especially after he was disciplined for running away. From within the specially appointed large fish he CRIED out to God.
"I cried out from my distress to Jehovah, and He answered me. Out of the belly of Sheol I cried for help, You [God] heard my voice." (Jonah 2:2)
Now what is Rajk999 going to complain? God HEARD his VOICE.
When you feel swallowed up by trial and tribulation God will also hear YOUR voice - "O Lord Jesus ! Lord Jesus! O Lord help me.
5.) In fact the Psalmist said he loved Jehovah BECAUSE ... he HEARD his voice:
"I love Jehovah because He hears My VOICE, my supplications, Because He inclines His ear to me." (Psalm 116:1)
The Psalmist loved God because God both knew what is in the depths of his heart AND because He inclines His divine EAR to the sound of the caller's VOICE.
He created also my mouth. He regards in worship the use of my mouth.
Not only did Jonah cry out with his voice to God. The other men learning that Jonah's God was the true God cried out to Jehovah.
"And they cried out to Jehovah and said, ... O Jehovah ... O Jehovah" (Jonah 1:14)
We can call out today "O Lord Jesus. O Lord Jesus."
You do not have to wait until you have a near shipwreck in a terrible storm.
You can call out to the Lord Jesus whether you're up or whether you're down.
In fact calling on God when things seem calm is good investment for the future when things will be troublesome.
8.) Somehow "O" uttered opens up the heart.
In calling "O Lord Jesus" must be a way to OPEN ... OPEN ... OPEN our whole being to Jesus.
Look at the book of Jonah again.
"And he prayed to Jehovah and said, O Jehovah" ( 4:2)
"O Jehovah" ( 4:3)
Sometimes when overflowing with love for God I call Him simply "Eternity"
"O Eternity. O God eternal. O Eternity!"
I think the expression "O" somehow engages your whole soul.
9.) Daniel at the risk of his life, prayed with petitions to God three times a day. He prayed for the recovery of the good land and the city and the temple of God during the Babylonian Captivity
"Now, therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of Your servant and his holy desires, and cause Your face to shine on Your sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord's sake."
The prophet Daniel asks God to bow down His ear and HEAR his mouth as he petitions God.
"O my God, bow down Your ear and hear." (Daniel 9:18)
10:16 - "O Lord"
12:8 - " O my Lord"
His enemies were waiting outside of his house under his window to listen to see if he was praying with his MOUTH to God. They wanted to stop him and arrest him and throw him in the lion's den.
That is for using his MOUTH and praying worship-fully to his God.
Okay at this point we surely can recognize that sometime God said that He was sick of vain worship when the heart was far from Him. The singing, the empty prayers by rot were not pleasing.
But this war against the use of our mouth to contact God is of the Devil. Don't listen to that too much from Rajk999.
10.) God also tells the people to CRY OUT to God in the worshipping assembly. Would you believe it?
"Set apart a fast. Call a solemn assembly, gather the elders, all the inhabitants of the land, (into) the house of Jehovah your God, and cry to Jehovah." (Joel 1:14)
Whether in rejoicing or in solemnity it is good to cry out to God - "O Lord Jesus, I cry out to You Lord."
Use your mouth. Open your heart. Exercise your spirit, your praying organ and CRY OUT to the Lord.
11.) The prophet Joel TELLS God that he will cry out to Him.
"O Jehovah, to You I will cry" (Joel 1:19)
And the prophet says before Paul wrote it - whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
"For it shall be, (that) all who shall call on the name of Jehovah shall be saved." (Joel 2:32)
" O Jehovah " (Joel 4:11)
Reach out to God with an opened heart and with a opened MOUTH.
12.) The prophet Micah foretells that some will cry out to God with their mouth.
"Then they shall cry out to Jehovah" ( Micah 3:4)
Some of you will eventually cry out to God with your mouth if you have not already.
"O Lord Jesus. O Abba Father. O dear Lord God, I cry out to You."
The prophet Amos calls out to God too.
"O Lord Jehovah" (Amos 7:2)
" O Lord Jehovah" (Amos 7:5)
Do you know what will happen to you if you wake up each morning and the first thing you do is call several times "O Lord Jesus. O Lord Jesus,. Praise you this morning. O Lord Jesus."
Just like in chess in the beginning you have to get your share of the middle of the board. In the spiritual life in the beginning of each day you have to let God get His share of your heart.
What a difference in living it makes to give your first waking moments to contacting God.