Originally posted by josephwIf you see this ToO, forgive me for being mean.
You may not see this, but as I read your post it came to me that maybe the reason why ToO uses only the words of Jesus and never references the rest of scripture is because then he only has to "stop sinning" enough to satisfy that portion of scripture that doesn't expose the rest of his sins.
His pet sins are unaffected by what Jesus said.
If you see this ToO, forgive me for being mean.
Are you seriously asking for forgiveness for something you said in the very same post? How disingenuous.
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneyes he does, but that was not my question, which was, have you put the verse in the context of the entire bible, if not why not?. Christ also stated after all, 'your word (the Bible at that point) is truth', and he indeed refereed to the Law the Psalms and the Prophets
Maybe you didn't understand this part:
"[b]If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
Jesus clearly says that one must continue in HIS WORD.[/b]
Originally posted by Conrau Kmm, i dont think that God is resposable for the outcome for it is clear that in order to obtain his blessing, at least from a biblical perspective, one needs to be obedient from the heart to his revealed will, thus we learn of expressions like, 'if you are generous towards the lowly, god will bless you' etc etc,
I don't deny it. However, I think you have to admit that for the most part overt religious expression is not very common in English-speaking countries. I have not seen it ever in Australia, nor very often in Britain. As I said, I don't think there is any theological significance. It is just flamboyance.
And anyway, wouldn't you agree that God is in some ...[text shortened]... match? God is after all the maker of each individual and certainly His will is in all things?
Originally posted by rwingettAll that could be held accountable for anything bad is it's ignorance of creating anything that pertains to that word, as man has sought out many inventions, to which all things of destruction are it's manifestation.
Baseball players point to the sky after getting a hit all the time. But you never see them shaking their fists at the sky in fury after striking out. It never ceases to amaze me how so many people are ready to give god all the credit for everything good that happens, but who never hold him accountable for all the bad.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWhy don't you put that in context?
yes he does, but that was not my question, which was, have you put the verse in the context of the entire bible, if not why not?. Christ also stated after all, 'your word (the Bible at that point) is truth', and he indeed refereed to the Law the Psalms and the Prophets
John 17
14“I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15“I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. 16“They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 17“Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.
Clearly when Jesus says "Your word is truth", He is speaking of the word He has given. To claim that He is speaking of the Bible is ridiculously absurd.
Getting back on topic.....
I think Manchester United, nicknamed 'The Red Devils' should start
pointing to the ground everytime they score.
I wonder where they point to when they score a goal in Heaven?
And don't tell me they don't play football in Heaven, it's where
the term 'Jesus Saves' came from.
He plays in goal for the Heaven Eleven...and please no jokes about him
having holes in his hands. He's heard them all before.
Personally I'd play him on the wing because he is good at crossing the ball.
The Heaven Eleven (nickname 'The All Saints'😉 are a great team.
Satan used to play for them but he got dropped.
...er...that's it.
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneNo its not ridiculously absurd, clearly he quotes from the Hebrew portion of scriptures extensively in whole or in part, making your statement not only inaccurate and having its basis in nothing but an unsubstantiated opinion and an inaccurate one at that 'YOUR WORD, i.e Gods word is quite obviously referring to something other than Christ's own words, indeed did he not state, 'what i teach is not mine', 'i do not speak of my own originality', etc etc thus making your word, quite clearly Gods word in essence the Bible as it was known up until that point, but again failing to answer the question, which i shall repeat for the third time, why have you not put Christ words in the context of the entire Bible and on what authority have you not done so, see if you can answer it this time.
Why don't you put that in context?
John 17
14“[b]I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15“I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. 16“They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 17“Sanctify them in the tru ...[text shortened]... g of the word He has given. To claim that He is speaking of the Bible is ridiculously absurd.[/b]
Originally posted by robbie carrobieRead it again. Jesus is speaking of the word HE has given them. For you to take the verse out of context and claim that He is speaking of the Bible IS ridiculous. Your question is irrelevant as I have refuted the premise upon which it is based. Why is it that in order to support your position you had to resort to taking a verse out of context to support your premise?
No its not ridiculously absurd, clearly he quotes from the Hebrew portion of scriptures extensively in whole or in part, making your statement not only inaccurate and having its basis in nothing but an unsubstantiated opinion and an inaccurate one at that 'YOUR WORD, i.e Gods word is quite obviously referring to something other than Christ's own word ...[text shortened]... tire Bible and on what authority have you not done so, see if you can answer it this time.
Originally posted by greenpawn34lol
Getting back on topic.....
I think Manchester United, nicknamed 'The Red Devils' should start
pointing to the ground everytime they score.
I wonder where they point to when they score a goal in Heaven?
And don't tell me they don't play football in Heaven, it's where
the term 'Jesus Saves' came from.
He plays in goal for the Heaven Eleven...a ...[text shortened]... great team.
Satan used to play for them but he got dropped.
...er...that's it.
>>>And don't tell me they don't play football in Heaven, it's where
the term 'Jesus Saves' came from.
He plays in goal for the Heaven Eleven<<< lol
Yo, if they played in Heaven they would play not to score against one another, rather just the fun of the back and forth of play to make in the net! =p
you spelled satan wrong, you capitalized such ridiculousness. lol
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneno its not, you have simply stated that it refers to the word Christ gave them, basis nothing, supporting scriptural evidence nothing, unsubstantiated mere opinion, It states 'your word', as in NOT Christs own words for a reason, to state that it refers to Christs own words when he himself states of another personage, 'your word', clearly as of another person, a third party, i.e NOT himself is absurd and really details the utter ridiculous nature of your statement, you have refuted nothing and i take it either you cannot , nor will not and have no authority nor any basis to take the words of Christ our of context from the entire Biblical cannon. I will not ask again for it is clear that despite having been given the opportunity, you will not proffer an honest answer.
Read it again. Jesus is speaking of the word HE has given them. For you to take the verse out of context and claim that He is speaking of the Bible IS ridiculous. Your question is irrelevant as I have refuted the premise upon which it is based. Why is it that in order to support your position you had to resort to taking a verse out of context to support your premise?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI never said anything about 'obtaining a blessing'. What I said is that God, as the creator of each individual person, is indirectly responsible for his success. I am not arguing that God has specifically blessed him, simply that God endowed him with the necessary qualities for that success. Surely then this man's ostentatious religious devotion is simply a sign of gratitude to God, who created him and nurtured him to achieve this result? What is so outrageous about that?
mm, i dont think that God is resposable for the outcome for it is clear that in order to obtain his blessing, at least from a biblical perspective, one needs to be obedient from the heart to his revealed will, thus we learn of expressions like, 'if you are generous towards the lowly, god will bless you' etc etc,
Originally posted by Conrau Kyes i believe it to be true, however, you will need to demonstrate that indeed, he is giving glory to God based on appreciation of his innate attribute rather than it being an emotional response to some outside agency, i.e. the scoring of a goal for example, then you may have a case. Where have i stated that you point was outrageous?, i merely feel, that because you have left of the worship of your God and embraced atheism, that naturally your God may be less inclined to bless the efforts of your nation, for who can you appeal to now? the Gods of logic and reason? the God of science? bad Karma man!
I never said anything about 'obtaining a blessing'. What I said is that God, as the creator of each individual person, is indirectly responsible for his success. I am not arguing that God has specifically blessed him, simply that God endowed him with the necessary qualities for that success. Surely then this man's ostentatious religious devotion is s ...[text shortened]... d, who created him and nurtured him to achieve this result? What is so outrageous about that?
Originally posted by galveston75You can find in the Bible where Christ simply declared to they he healed to go and sin no more.
So there has been and are today humans that don't sin?
Is not this meant for today as well?
Yes, many Christian Scientists sin not, have overcome sin, being all have fallen short of the glory of God as written, yet some have awaken to stay in consciousness to HIS GLORY that they sin not.
This is how they are practitioners and heal as he had.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieMore absurdity - with a lot of empty rhetoric.
no its not, you have simply stated that it refers to the word Christ gave them, basis nothing, supporting scriptural evidence nothing, unsubstantiated mere opinion, It states 'your word', as in NOT Christs own words for a reason, to state that it refers to Christs own words when he himself states of another personage, 'your word', clearly as of anot ...[text shortened]... clear that despite having been given the opportunity, you will not proffer an honest answer.
For example:
I made the following assertion:
"Read [John 17:14-17] again. Jesus is speaking of the word HE has given them."
Your response:
"no its not, you have simply stated that it refers to the word Christ gave them, basis nothing, supporting scriptural evidence nothing, unsubstantiated mere opinion..."
And John 17:14 begins:
"14“I have given them Your word;"
Clearly "Jesus is speaking of the word HE has given them" as I asserted.
Just more of the usual RC shennanigans.