25 Dec 13
-Removed-I think what he is trying to point out is that astrology is false and there are no lions or tigers pictured in the heavens. It is only speculation that these wise men were astrologers anyway. The obvious conclusion is that the appearance and disappearance and movement of this star is a miracle and not conjunctions of planets, etc.
-Removed-I'm in a good mood so let me try this again...
Ok no where did I say the Magi wanted Jesus dead and I did not even imply that.
I clearly said it was Herod that wanted him dead and in the big picture it was satan that wanted him dead. Hence this is where the star or light came into play. It lead them originally to Herod and then back to Jesus as a young child.
Out of fear of Herod and their respect for Jesus, they did not go back to Herod and tell him where they found Jesus.
Again....the star was not from God as it was designed to lead to his son's death if the Magi had done as Herod wanted.
-Removed-You can believe as you see it.
But you say the star was sent by God? The bible does not say this anywhere.
So you'll say it doesn't say that satan sent it either. Ok. But the point you and Manny are ignoring is where this star lead those Magi. If it were from God it would have lead them directly to Jesus, not to Herod who God knew wanted to kill his son.
Herod wanted Jesus dead and satan knew this. What better situation could there be for satan to use a human, Herod, to kill Jesus.
Even the Magi understood this and wanted nothing to do with it. They even hid for awhile in fear of Herod and even after they left Jesus, they fled away from Herod and did not report their findings as he wanted.
So you guys can believe as you want, and you will I'm sure of that, but the proof is in your own bible as the facts are clear about this star.
Yes you say God controls the heavens. This was obviously not a star millions of miles away. It was a light that could easily been in the lower atmosphere that satan made seen by the Magi, and a very important fact is there is not one mention of anyone else seeing this star or light other then the Magi. If it were a star in the higher heavens, all would have seen it.
If the star was from God and was to be seen as an announcement that God's son had been born, why did only the Magi see it?
Anyway the Bible is clear on this light. It was only put there to have the end result of having Jesus killed by Herod.
Originally posted by galveston75The biblical text does not say this miracle star was leading the Magi to King Herod the Great. The star had disappeared while the Magi were on their way to Jerusalem. They only stopped by King Herod in hopes of getting directions to the new borned King. It was not until they got to Bethlehem that the miracle star reappeared to guide them to Jesus.
You can believe as you see it.
But you say the star was sent by God? The bible does not say this anywhere.
So you'll say it doesn't say that satan sent it either. Ok. But the point you and Manny are ignoring is where this star lead those Magi. If it were from God it would have lead them directly to Jesus, not to Herod who God knew wanted to kill hi ...[text shortened]... ear on this light. It was only put there to have the end result of having Jesus killed by Herod.
Originally posted by RJHindsAgain the Bible never says this star was from God.
The biblical text does not say this miracle star was leading the Magi to King Herod the Great. The star had disappeared while the Magi were on their way to Jerusalem. They only stopped by King Herod in hopes of getting directions to the new borned King. It was not until they got to Bethlehem that the miracle star reappeared to guide them to Jesus.
Also these Magi or astrologers were not brought or summond by God.
God disapproves of astrology and would not be interested in these men at all for any reason.
These Magi and only the Magi saw this star first in the eastern sky and then followed it to Jerusalem as it did move from the eastern sky towards the western sky.
Now later this star lead them back to Jesus, correct? If this were from God and God knew what Herod had said to them and knew what the motives of Herod were, why would God had lead these Magi on to Jesus?
Originally posted by galveston75So that they could bring the gifts.
Again the Bible never says this star was from God.
Also these Magi or astrologers were not brought or summond by God.
God disapproves of astrology and would not be interested in these men at all for any reason.
These Magi and only the Magi saw this star first in the eastern sky and then followed it to Jerusalem as it did move from the eastern sky ...[text shortened]... to them and knew what the motives of Herod were, why would God had lead these Magi on to Jesus?
-Removed-Lol....here you go again. I believe what the bible says. You have your belief and that is fine for you.
And account for what? Yes they worshipped the baby Jesus. I never said they didn't.......
Read what I say not what you think up and which video are you speaking about? Many have been posted here..
Originally posted by RJHindsYep. Jesus told humans to not worship him.
They also believe it is a sin to worship Jesus.
Matthew 4:8-10
Revised Standard Version (RSV)
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them; 9 and he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” 10 Then Jesus said to him, “Begone, Satan! for it is written,
‘You shall worship the Lord your God
and him only shall you serve.’”
Jesus said to worship God alone. He never said to worship him and in fact stopped ones from doing so. He also never said that someday in the future that would change and then he, Jesus, would be worshipped.
Originally posted by galveston75I already knew I was right on that. However, the apostle Paul wrote the following:
Yep. Jesus told humans to not worship him.
Matthew 4:8-10
Revised Standard Version (RSV)
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them; 9 and he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” 10 Then Jesus said to him, “Begone, Satan! for it i ...[text shortened]... never said that someday in the future that would change and then he, Jesus, would be worshipped.
And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
(Philippians 2:8-11 NKJV)