-Removed-It's a universal teaching that pops up in other religons as well.
There may be some truth to it, but I think you dont get to create everything just as you believe. There will be other anomolies...
Whether a bearded old man gets projected to you when you die could well depend on whether that is what you need. Maybe that is what some need, I dunno, but I do know we play a part in creating our reality, not just "God" .
Originally posted by menace71I did ask a question, although so far it has went unanswered, that being, what did
I wanted to hear your answer from you. I don't know so tell me!!!!
the ancient Kingdom of Israel represent, that is the Kingship of Israel and the
priestly services at the temple, for we know that these things are a shadow of the
reality that is in the heavens. Therefore if one can work out what they typified,
paying particular attention to detail, one should get an insight in the heavenly
arrangement, is it not so?
(Hebrews 8:5) . . .but which [men] are rendering sacred service in a typical
representation and a shadow of the heavenly things; just as Moses, when about to
make the tent in completion, was given the divine command: For says he: “See that
you make all things after [their] pattern that was shown to you in the mountain.. . .
Originally posted by RJHindsyes, that is fine, how it explains anything with regard to the Kingdom of the heavens
God’s everlasting covenant with King David established the first direct
connection with Israel ’s King Messiah being the Son of God. Solomon sat
on the throne of David as the King of Israel as the chosen son of God.
He was the first king of Israel under this covenant and a type of the
last king who would be King Messiah, the begotten Son of God, who will
sit forever on the throne of David.
other than establishing what we already know, that Christ is the King of that Kingdom,
i cannot say.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThis is also a type of Christ. He is both King and Priest in heaven.
I did ask a question, although so far it has went unanswered, that being, what did
the ancient Kingdom of Israel represent, that is the Kingship of Israel and the
priestly services at the temple, for we know that these things are a shadow of the
reality that is in the heavens. Therefore if one can work out what they typified,
paying particul ...[text shortened]... See that
you make all things after [their] pattern that was shown to you in the mountain.. . .
He sprinkles His blood to take away our sins. There is no need for the
blood of bulls, lambs, etc., which only covered the sins of the people
and had to keep being repeated. Christ does it once and for all to
take away the sins of all who believe on Him and call on His name.
Originally posted by RJHinds"the begotten Son of God"
God’s everlasting covenant with King David established the first direct
connection with Israel ’s King Messiah being the Son of God. Solomon sat
on the throne of David as the King of Israel as the chosen son of God.
He was the first king of Israel under this covenant and a type of the
last king who would be King Messiah, the begotten Son of God, who will
sit forever on the throne of David.
Just notice you say this in your responces but it doesn't go along with your trinity belief.
You need to just say "God", right?
Originally posted by RJHindsNot according to the trinity you believe. A son is an offspring but you say Jesus or yahoo or whatever name you say it is, is God himself, not a created being as "begotten" explains. So to plead your case and to make you look like you know what your preaching you should always just call him God.
The second person of the Trinity is the begotten Son of God, right?
Originally posted by galveston75yahoo, now that made me burst out laughing!
Not according to the trinity you believe. A son is an offspring but you say Jesus or yahoo or whatever name you say it is, is God himself, not a created being as "begotten" explains. So to plead your case and to make you look like you know what your preaching you should always just call him God.
Originally posted by galveston75Yahshua is the Hebrew pronunciation. Jesus is derived from the Greek and
Not according to the trinity you believe. A son is an offspring but you say Jesus or yahoo or whatever name you say it is, is God himself, not a created being as "begotten" explains. So to plead your case and to make you look like you know what your preaching you should always just call him God.
latin with the addition of the letter "J", after it was invented, to replace the
Greek and Latin letter "I". Yahshua means "YAH saves".
He is the only begotten Son of God the Father and is also God, just as the
Father is God. "Like Father, like Son." The Son is not created, but is
begotten. The Holy Spirit is neither created nor begotten, but proceeds
from the Father and the Son and all three remain one Spirit, undivided.
This is the mystery of the "Trinity of God".
Originally posted by RJHindsLol... You just go ahead and believe this sillyness if it makes you happy.
Yahshua is the Hebrew pronunciation. Jesus is derived from the Greek and
latin with the addition of the letter "J", after it was invented, to replace the
Greek and Latin letter "I". Yahshua means "YAH saves".
He is the only begotten Son of God the Father and is also God, just as the
Father is God. "Like Father, like Son." The Son is not created, b ...[text shortened]... ll three remain one Spirit, undivided.
This is the mystery of the "Trinity of God".
Originally posted by galveston75If you're trying to find God in a book, you're looking in the wrong place.
People worship many things. But the Bible tells us that there is only one TRUE God. He created everything in heaven and on earth. Because he gave us life, he is the only One we should worship.—1 Corinthians 8:5, 6; Revelation 4:11.
God has many titles but has only one name. That name is JEHOVAH. In most Bibles, God's name has been removed and has ...[text shortened]... also tells us about his purpose and what he wants us to do.—Amos 3:7; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.