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Taking Quality Questions on Revelation

Taking Quality Questions on Revelation


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03 Jan 13
02 May 18
2 edits

The concept of being SAVED is in the book of Revelation along with many things concerning the kingdom of God.

For example to the church in brotherly love - Philadelphia Christ promises to [keep or protect] them from the hour of great tribulation which is coming on the whole inhabited earth.

"Because you have kept the word of My endurance, I also will keep you out of the hour of trial, which is about to come on the whole inhabited earth, to try them who dwell on the earth." (Rev. 3:10)

Other English versions say KEEP or PROTECT or Keep Safe. These amount to saving.

Expect now Rajk999 to loudly protest that this saving or keeping safe is conditional. But that is not the point. It is a saving of which he said there is none in Revelation.

That is a statement of extreme ignorance.
In chapter 16 you have the late overcomers standing on the shore of the sea of glass (the lake of fire) as Moses and the Israelites were SAVED from Egypt and Pharoah through the Red Sea.

"And I saw as it were a glassy sea mingled with fire and those who come away victorious from the beast and from his image and from the number of his name standing on the glassy sea, ... And they sing the song of Moses, the slave of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying,

Great and wonderful are Your works, Lord God the Almighty! Righteous and true are Your ways, O King of the nations!

Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy; for all the nations will come and worship before You, for Your righteous judgments have been manifested." (Rev. 15:2-4)

This singing of the song of Moses and and the song of the Lamb SAFE from the fire of the lake of fire seen in the glassy sea mingled with fire, should remind us of Israelites on the other side of the Red Sea - saved. But the enemies of God's people were swallowed up in that sea of judgment in the Exodus.

The word "saved" may not be there. The truth of them being saved is certainly there. And there are other similar places in Revelation.

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03 Jan 13
02 May 18
2 edits

The book of Revelation is many faceted and complex. Some here are overly eager to erect their strawman arguments to knock down.

Not everybody. But some like uzeless and Rajk999.
They're overly eager to set up their strawman arguments.



04 Apr 04
02 May 18

Originally posted by @sonship
The book of [b]Revelation is many faceted and complex. Some here are overly eager to erect their strawman arguments to knock down.

Not everybody. But some.[/b]
Revelation is about the final triumph of good over evil.
All who live a life of sin will be destroyed.
All who live a life of good works and righteousness will enter the Kingdom of God.
There is no respect of persons with God.

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03 Jan 13
02 May 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Rejoicing at the destruction of God’s enemies doesn't seem very loving to me sonship.

Rev 19:1-4 tells us about this massive praise gathering: “‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her th ...[text shortened]... fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: ‘Amen, Hallelujah!’”
Rejoicing at the destruction of God’s enemies doesn't seem very loving to me sonship.

it is the love of righteousness.
It is the love of holiness and truth.
it is the love for God's elect which rids the creation of God FROM His and their enemies.

If I break into your house to steal your children and harm your wife, would not your LOVE for them FIGHT to protect them?

It would not be God's love to allow the hellish propagators of lies, slanders, persecutions, oppositions, havoc, cruelty, torture and wearing down of God's faithful people, to exist without ultimate vanquishing.

Do you think allowing Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet and the wicked armies of the world to fight physically with against Christ with NO divine victory, shows God's love ?

That is not sober minded.

v 19:1-4 tells us about this massive praise gathering: “‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.’ And again they shouted: ‘Hallelujah! The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever.’ The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: ‘Amen, Hallelujah!’”

That is right. The WHORE or the Mother of Harlots is VERSES the Wife and Bride of Christ.

It is love for Christ to finally expose and judge this counterfeit, that His BRIDE might be manifested.

That is the faithful and undying LOVE of God.

Do you count the love of God to be His loving unrighteousness, unholiness, Godlessness, persecution of His saints, and false imitation of His truth forever ?

No. In His great love He saves those who trust in Him.
And in His great love, His period of mercy and toleration comes to a close one day.

"And the Angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land lifted up His right hand to heaven. And swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and the things in it, and the sea and the things in it, that there shall be delay no longer." (Rev. 10:6)

In God's love He will one day say that there will be no more DELAY in His judgment. His longsuffering and patience will come to an end in order to clear up this universe of Satan's influence.

This is absolutely a matter of the love of God for man.
Just don't end up on the wrong side of history.



04 Apr 04
02 May 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @sonship
The concept of being SAVED is in the book of Revelation along with many things concerning the kingdom of God.

For example to the church in brotherly love - [b]Philadelphia
Christ promises to [keep or protect] them from the hour of great tribulation which is coming on the whole inhabited earth.

[quote] "Because you have kept the word of My en ...[text shortened]... truth of them being saved is certainly there. And there are other similar places in Revelation.
Paul explained the difference between SAVED and ETERNAL LIFE.

Using Ephesians as an example
Ephesians 2 - Jesus saves or saved the followers from a life of sin by bringing them out of sin
Ephesians 3 and 4 - Paul showed them how to live righteously and this is done by following the commandments of Christ
Ephesians 5 - only those who live righteously will enter the Kingdom of God / New Jerusalem

Jesus is explaining the very same thing in Revelation in the message to the 7 churches.
They are ALL SAVED born again Christian saints
They will not all enter the city of New Jerusalem
There are some names with will be blotted out of the book of life and cast out

And in the very last chapter Jesus puts the final nail in your coffin :

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. (Revelation 22:14 KJV)



04 Apr 04
02 May 18

Originally posted by @sonship
Just don't end up on the wrong side of history.
Says the man that promotes mouth worship and disobedience to the commandments of Christ.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 May 18
4 edits

Originally posted by @divegeester
Same reason I'm not shocked to see you start a thread about how great you think you are at understanding stuff that you get so spectacularly wrong.

By now I have written enough that you can point out "stuff that you get so spectacularly wrong."

In your next post, take what I have written so far and point out to everyone here just what is the "stuff that you get so spectacularly wrong."

I expect it to be "SPECTACULAR."
And don't leave it for somebody else to do your job.
You have the big mouth.
YOU back it up.

Use this thread.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 May 18
4 edits

What do you think readers?

Will Divegeester soon point out "stuff that you get so spectacularly wrong" ?

Or will he follow up with some song and dance excuse why his big mouth is off the hook yet again ?



04 Apr 04
02 May 18

Originally posted by @sonship
Same reason I'm not shocked to see you start a thread about how great you think you are at understanding stuff that you get so spectacularly wrong.

By now I have written enough that you can point out [b] "stuff that you get so spectacularly wrong."

In your next post, take what I have written so far and point out to everyone here ju ...[text shortened]... for somebody else to do your job.
You have the big mouth.
YOU back it up.

Use this thread.[/b]
Here is one thing you have SPECTACULARLY WRONG.

Who is it that enters the Kingdom of God?

Your answer : the Christians who are saved

Jesus's answer : those who follow his commandments

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 May 18

You are not off the hook Divegeester because of what Rajk999 wrote.

The challenge is to you.

watching in dismay


16 Feb 08
02 May 18

Originally posted by @sonship
Same reason I'm not shocked to see you start a thread about how great you think you are at understanding stuff that you get so spectacularly wrong.

By now I have written enough that you can point out [b] "stuff that you get so spectacularly wrong."

In your next post, take what I have written so far and point out to everyone here ju ...[text shortened]... for somebody else to do your job.
You have the big mouth.
YOU back it up.

Use this thread.[/b]
Being tortured for eternity.


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 May 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @divegeester
Being tortured for eternity.


That SPECTACULARLY OFFENDS your sense that there should be no such thing. That is the only thing spectacular about my referring to Revelation 20:10.

This was a bit of a let down if that is the only thing you have.

So you are spectacularly offended to the point of obsessive annoyance at this:

"And the devil who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever." (Revelation 20:10)

That verse in the word of God is SPECTACULARLY offensive to your sense of what God should and should not do.

Did God come to you or I and ask our permission?
Your not liking Revelation 20:10 or 15 does not make those proclamations disappear. PERIOD.

watching in dismay


16 Feb 08
02 May 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @sonship

That SPECTACULARLY OFFENDS your sense that there should be no such thing. That is the only thing spectacular about my referring to [b]Revelation 20:10

This was a bit of a let down if that is the only thing you have.

So you are spectacularly offended to the point of obsessive annoyance at this:

[quote] "And the devil who ...[text shortened]... iking [b]Revelation 20:10 or 15 does not make those proclamations disappear. PERIOD.[/b]
The difference between torturing billions of people alive for all eternity for not believing in you....and not doing that...is spectacular.


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 May 18
3 edits

Originally posted by @divegeester
The difference between torturing billions of people alive for all eternity for not believing in you....and not doing that...is spectacular.

That fact that your carefully crafted comment completely fails to cause Revelation 20:10 and 15 to disappear from the Holy Bible is not spectacular.

When you come up with a quip clever enough to cause those verses to evaporate from the Greek New Testament let us know.


watching in dismay


16 Feb 08
02 May 18

Originally posted by @sonship
That fact that your carefully crafted comment completely fails to cause [b] Revelation 20:10 and 15 to disappear from the Holy Bible is not spectacular.

When you come up with a quip clever enough to cause those verses to evaporate from the Greek New Testament let us know.

It’s called free thinking sonship, personal accountability for ones own religious mindset, reading the bible with the essence of God’s mercy central to one’s understanding.

Rather than absorbing what one is told by supposed leaders for the faith, and pretentiously positioning one’s self as a teacher of Revelation.

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