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That is not RIGHT!

That is not RIGHT!


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@kellyjay said
You can spout off all you want make the conversation all about you! You traded in by your own admission Christ to deny truth personified leaving truth.
I'm not spouting off any more or less than you are. It is you who is asserting that I am lying. So it is you who has made the conversation personal. You are asserting that your subjective opinions are "the truth" whereas me expressing my subjective opinions is somehow me lying.


@kellyjay said
Is it right some can be in heaven while others are in hell?
Do you mean "right" according to your personal opinion?

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@kellyjay said
How can anyone enjoy heaven when there are people in hell for whatever they did?
Is the "heaven" you envisage, in your thought exercise, some kind of communal place where everyone is aware of who else is there and aware of who didn't 'end up' there?

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That pretty much sums you and fmf up, just what you two say about everyone
and yourselves, you don't know, you only have opinions.

1 Timothy 2:3-5
English Standard Version
This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,


@kellyjay said
That pretty much sums you and fmf up, just what you two say about everyone
and yourselves, you don't know, you only have opinions.
All you do is share your opinions too. And your opinion that I am a liar is wrong.

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@fmf said
All you do is share your opinions too. And your opinion that I am a liar is wrong.
That is your opinion?

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That is just your opinion?



@kellyjay said
That is your opinion?
I am not lying about anything.

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@fmf said
I am not lying about anything.
So then, since it is written that the scriptures are inspired of God, but you say you don't believe that, and the scriptures say Jesus rose from the dead, and you say you don't believe that, you're not lying?

No, you're not lying.

You're just dead wrong.


@josephw said
So then, since it is written that the scriptures are inspired of God, but you say you don't believe that, and the scriptures say Jesus rose from the dead, and you say you don't believe that, you're not lying?

No, you're not lying.

You're just dead wrong.
I have no problem whatsoever with you and KellyJay believing I am wrong.

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@fmf said
I have no problem whatsoever with you and KellyJay believing I am wrong.
Truthfully, I have a problem with you being wrong.

Given the nature of the issue it is a problem that you think we're wrong concerning God and His Son Jesus. Maybe not for you, but it is for us.

And frankly, if we're right and you're wrong, you're the one with a big problem. That's the problem you see.

At all costs you must be convinced.


@josephw said
Truthfully, I have a problem with you being wrong.
You've never once posted, in all these years, not once, in a way that even remotely seemed like you "have a problem with [me] being wrong".

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