Does anyone actually want to discuss what Christ stated on the matter of his second coming, or as it states in the verse, his presence? here it is again.
(Matthew 24:3-14) . . .While he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?”
And in answer Jesus said to them: “Look out that nobody misleads you; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. you are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified.
For these things must take place, but the end is not yet. “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.
“Then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. Then, also, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and mislead many; and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off.
But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
Originally posted by geariesIf anything, iam following jesus because i understand what "Thou shalt not kill" means.......(you dont) and Ive been a vegetarian for 37 yrs.
And you will also crap your pants when he does!
Chrisianity is bogus because it doesn,t speak out against animal slaughter, and if jesus came back, then all the meat eating christians would be the first to go to the lake of fire that they believe in.
Originally posted by vishvahetuactually Jesus ate meat. i just thought i should point that out before you dig a bigger hole for yourself than you have already done, please don't thank me, its a simple technicality. The lake of fire is also considered symbolic, not all Christians accept a literal interpretation. As for vegetarianism, it is also a matter of conscience for a Christian, i myself was a vegetarian for seven years, and even now i do not really like eating meat.
If anything, iam following jesus because i understand what "Thou shalt not kill" means.......(you dont) and Ive been a vegetarian for 37 yrs.
Chrisianity is bogus because it doesn,t speak out against animal slaughter, and if jesus came back, then all the meat eating christians would be the first to go to the lake of fire that they believe in.
Originally posted by vishvahetuYeah, if all societies developped to a point to where they could comfortably live of vegetables then we should not slaughter animals like cows for meat. Agreed.
Have you ever wondered why in India they respect the cow and do not kill her, well its because the Vedic scriptures teach us that the cow is like a mother (in India they call her mother cow)
because the cow is an animal in the mode of goodness (a pig is in the mode of ignorance) and she lives a simple life and just eats grass and gives man milk.
From ...[text shortened]... ective karma, and from that you get earthquakes, floods, drouts, cyclonic weather ect.
But when you're an eskimo or whoever else for whatever else legitemate reason , eating meat isn't bad.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou know zero about jesus if you claim he ate meat, and what part of "thou shalt not kill", do you not understand.
actually Jesus ate meat. i just thought i should point that out before you dig a bigger hole for yourself than you have already done, please don't thank me, its a simple technicality. The lake of fire is also considered symbolic, not all Christians accept a literal interpretation. As for vegetarianism, it is also a matter of conscience for a Christian, i myself was a vegetarian for seven years, and even now i do not really like eating meat.
It is common knowledge that sweets where refered to as (sweet meats) and not the flesh of animals, so now your the one in the hole....whats it like down there?
Originally posted by vishvahetuOf course Jesus ate meat. Robbie is right in this.
You know zero about jesus if you claim he ate meat, and what part of "thou shalt not kill", do you not understand.
It is common knowledge that sweets where refered to as (sweet meats) and not the flesh of animals, so now your the one in the hole....whats it like down there?
If "thou shalt not kill" is a rule, then there would not be any war between the people of god and others. There was. And yet that has nothing to do with if Jesus was a vegetarian or not.
Originally posted by vishvahetuactually Christ was a Jew, he observed the law, what that means is at the passover celebration he would have eaten meat, now i suggest you go away, get an education and come back to the forum, it can only do you good.
You know zero about jesus if you claim he ate meat, and what part of "thou shalt not kill", do you not understand.
It is common knowledge that sweets where refered to as (sweet meats) and not the flesh of animals, so now your the one in the hole....whats it like down there?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieAgain I agree with robbie. If you like so much to try to provoke us, go somewhere else where you are appreciated.
actually Christ was a Jew, he observed the law, what that means is at the passover celebration he would have eaten meat, now i suggest you go away, get an education and come back to the forum, it can only do you good.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieActually I think we have a truce of sorts with Fabian. We both agreed to stop all the silly attacks and hopfully we'll all try to make things more civil between us here at RHP. I truely hope it last. 🙂
Fabian we agree on something at last! now how about some free chess lessons 😛
Originally posted by SwissGambitEvidence is different from persuasion.
But it's not a choice. I come to believe or not believe things based on stuff like experience and evidence.
I can't just choose to believe the moon is made of green cheese, for example.
There is ample evidence that you are a sinner.
Yet you may not be persuaded that you are a sinner.
There is ample eivdence that an unusual Man who claimed to be the Son of God went to the uttermost to do what He taught would save you from the penalty of your sinning.
Yet you may not be persuaded that this unusual Man did anything that effects your life one way or another.
Evidence is different from persuasion.
There is ample evidence that Jesus Christ is alive and available in the spiritual realm to change lives.
You may not be persuaded or even want to know of His availablity to come into your own life. And this may not be an intellectual problem at all, but something else.