Originally posted by SquelchbelchOf course it does.
"Evil" does not exist.
Main Entry: evil
Function: noun
1 a : the fact of suffering, misfortune, and wrongdoing b : a cosmic evil force
2 : something that brings sorrow, distress, or calamity
1a) and 2) certainly exist, even if you believe 1b) does not.
Originally posted by BigDoggProblemIn the Biblical sense - ie a root cause - The Devil.
Of course it does.
Main Entry: evil
Function: noun
1 a : the fact of suffering, misfortune, and wrongdoing b : a cosmic evil force
2 : something that brings sorrow, distress, or calamity
1a) and 2) certainly exist, even if you believe 1b) does not.
Evil as purely something awkward or nasty or unwanted happenning, well you could just call those by another noun such as wicked, sadistic, unpleasant etc.
"Evil" brings with it certain historic baggage.
Your idea of evil & someone elses could vary tremendously - even from culture to culture in the modern world.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchBut that's the whole point of a dictionary. If someone uses the word with a radically different meaning, they are simply using language incorrectly.
In the Biblical sense - ie a root cause - The Devil.
Evil as purely something awkward or nasty or unwanted happenning, well you could just call those by another noun such as wicked, sadistic, unpleasant etc.
"Evil" brings with it certain historic baggage.
Your idea of evil & someone elses could vary tremendously - even from culture to culture in the modern world.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchSo tell us, when is the last time you heard of somene falling head long as their bowels gushed out? It sounds to me that he was thrown there after he had hanged himself and had been dead for a while.
I mean, base your life on a political tool that can't even decide on how its principal baddie dies...
"And he cast down the pieces of silver into the temple and departed, and went out and hanged himself." (Matt. 27:5)
"And falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all of his bowels gushed out." (Acts 1:18)
Originally posted by whodeyThis thread is an example of what we talked about before about the corruption of the Bible. If the Bible is not corrupted why there contradictions.
So tell us, when is the last time you heard of somene falling head long as their bowels gushed out? It sounds to me that he was thrown there after he had hanged himself and had been dead for a while.
If it is really the word of GOD, why there is contradiction.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchYou are being unfair here. Did you read the chapter from which you took this verse? Earlier in Genesis chapter 3 God tells Adam that "Because you have done this you are accursed more than all cattle and all wild animals." Where did they come from if they had not already been created? Then he, later in chapter 3, says that he formed the animals from the earth. So in this verse the author is not dicussing these things in chronological order. You will find that the Bible often times goes back and forth in time as if time did not flow in a linear fashion. The verse reads, "So from the soil God fashioned all the wild beasts and all the birds of heaven." End of sentence. Is this not correct according to the earlier Genesis account? Then he talks about bringing these created animals to Adam. The sentence does not say that he created Adam and then created the animals. That would better indicate a linear time line for such events.
Animals & birds before man
Genesis 1:24-26
And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures lled every living creature, that was its name.
Language problems again I suppose...[/b]
Originally posted by ahosyneyI will simply say that there are contradictions and then there are perceived contradictions. There is a difference.
This thread is an example of what we talked about before about the corruption of the Bible. If the Bible is not corrupted why there contradictions.
If it is really the word of GOD, why there is contradiction.
Originally posted by whodeySo in this verse the author is not dicussing these things in chronilogical order.
You are being unfair here. Did you read the chapter from which you took this verse? Earlier in Genesis chapter 3 God tells Adam that "Because you have done this you are accursed more than all cattle and all wild animals." Where did they come from if they had not already been created? Then he, later in chapter 3, says that he formed the animals from the ea ...[text shortened]... nd then created the animals. That would better indicate a linear time line for such events.
Who is the author?
For those who enjoy bashing the Bible by questioning its integrity I will say one thing. The Bible is the ONLY religious text in which a scientific disciplilne is based, namely Biblical archeology. These scientists are not a bunch of rabid fundis out to prove the Bible error free, rather, the Bible has been shown to be historically reliable enough to use as a basis for their escavations.
Originally posted by ahosyneyIf it is not inspired by God it is a man who wrote it and, therefore, it would matter little as to who that man was that wrote it because it would not be from God. Likewise, if it is inspired by God it matters little who the author was because man is merely the pen of God. Therefore the only concern is if it is inspired by God, no?
[b]So in this verse the author is not dicussing these things in chronilogical order.
Who is the author?[/b]
Originally posted by whodeyThe Bible is the ONLY religious text in which a scientific disciplilne.
For those who enjoy bashing the Bible by questioning its integrity I will say one thing. The Bible is the ONLY religious text in which a scientific disciplilne is based, namely Biblical archeology. These scientists are not a bunch of rabid fundis out to prove the Bible error free, rather, the Bible has been shown to be historically reliable enough to use as a basis for their escavations.
What does this prove?
Do they say that the author of Genesis is GOD?
Originally posted by whodeyNo, how can I tell it is inspired by GOD if I don't know who give it to me. What if he was lying?
If it is not inspired by God it is a man who wrote it and, therefore, it would matter little as to who that man was that wrote it because it would not be from God. Likewise, if it is inspired by God it matters little who the author was because man is merely the pen of God. Therefore the only concern is if it is inspired by God, no?
Originally posted by ahosyneyNo, but it does represent that fact that there is truth in the Bible and it is of historical significance even though it was not designed to be a historical text. Thus truth is present in the Bible, therefore it is up to as to how much of it you accept.
[b]The Bible is the ONLY religious text in which a scientific disciplilne.
What does this prove?
Do they say that the author of Genesis is GOD?[/b]
Originally posted by ahosyneyI thought I just explained that. It matters little who the author is, rather, it only matters if the author was inspired by God himself. If God did not inspire the author then the book is of no real religious significance in ragards to the actual truth about who the real God is. For example, we know that Mohammad wrote the entire Quran. So what? The question is not did he write the text, rather, the question is was he inspired by God to do so? God can and has inspired many other prophets other than Mohammad. I think we can both agree to this. Therefore, you either take what they wrote as what they actually wrote or you take another mans word for it in regards to what they actually wrote. I cannot help it if it is only Mohammad with whom you only regard as having the truth about the other prophets. One thing is certain, however, someone is lying. Is it Mohammad or is it the entire New and Old Testament in the Bible?
No, how can I tell it is inspired by GOD if I don't know who give it to me. What if he was lying?