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the bible is written in stone

the bible is written in stone


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Originally posted by josephw
Jesus was without sin, correct? He knew no sin. Jesus also kept the law perfectly. In fact, Jesus took the law to the nth degree. For example: Matt.5:27,28

"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already ...[text shortened]... you either. I believe I know the answer, and I'm very curious to hear what you have to say.
You say "I'll not beat around the bush with you either", but let's face it, you pretty much are.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
You say "I'll not beat around the bush with you either", but let's face it, you pretty much are.
How so? I've tried to have an open minded debate. I've been fair. I answered your questions to the best of my ability, and asked questions of you in plain language. And yet you have not offered me one syllable in answer to a single question.

I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.

Now be honest and tell me, HOW does one become righteous?

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Originally posted by josephw
How so? I've tried to have an open minded debate. I've been fair. I answered your questions to the best of my ability, and asked questions of you in plain language. And yet you have not offered me one syllable in answer to a single question.

I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.

Now be honest and tell me, HOW does one become righteous?
You say "you have not offered me one syllable in answer to a single question" though I gave you a rather lengthy response to "If you were going to tell someone about Christ, what would you say?"

On other questions I've asked for clarification on terms, but you haven't exactly been forthcoming.

On my lastest question I asked for you to elaborate on a previous post, yet you pretty much only gave me more questions while saying that you weren't going to "beat around the bush".

Am I missing something here?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
You say "you have not offered me one syllable in answer to a single question" though I gave you a rather lengthy response to "If you were going to tell someone about Christ, what would you say?"

On other questions I've asked for clarification on terms, but you haven't exactly been forthcoming.

On my lastest question I asked for you to elaborate on a ...[text shortened]... ying that you weren't going to "beat around the bush".

Am I missing something here?
Am I missing something here?

Well if you're not then I am! 😉

Would it be truthful to say that maybe we are just trying not to be misunderstood? Or that we both know where we're going with this and it's just too difficult to get there in this format? Perhaps this isn't the place to have this discussion.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
You say "you have not offered me one syllable in answer to a single question" though I gave you a rather lengthy response to "If you were going to tell someone about Christ, what would you say?"

On other questions I've asked for clarification on terms, but you haven't exactly been forthcoming.

On my lastest question I asked for you to elaborate on a ...[text shortened]... ying that you weren't going to "beat around the bush".

Am I missing something here?
The answer you gave to joseph contained very little of your own words and massive amounts of quoting. In this sense it was out of balance. You are not offering joseph any insight into your thinking on christ , you only offer the same quotes that you always offer in the belief that they can only be interpreted in one way only-- ToO's way of course.

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Originally posted by knightmeister
The answer you gave to joseph contained very little of your own words and massive amounts of quoting. In this sense it was out of balance. You are not offering joseph any insight into your thinking on christ , you only offer the same quotes that you always offer in the belief that they can only be interpreted in one way only-- ToO's way of course.
Why do you feel compelled to provide a running commentary? Do you feel that josephw is incapable of speaking for himself? Thus far he's shown greater cognitive ability than you.

It's not about "ToO's way". It's about Truth. Something that you've shown time and again that you have little affinity for. I'm sure this'll be difficult for a chronic liar such as yourself to understand.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Why do you feel compelled to provide a running commentary? Do you feel that josephw is incapable of speaking for himself? Thus far he's shown greater cognitive ability than you.

It's not about "ToO's way". It's about Truth. Something that you've shown time and again that you have little affinity for. I'm sure this'll be difficult for a chronic liar such as yourself to understand.
Despite your deflections my point still stands. Your answer contained very little of your own words and gave little insight into your thinking on Christ. It looked as if you had answered his question but you hadn't. Your response was like one of those high school essays you come across that contain far more quotes in the word count than actual words from the writer.

Why is it that whenever anyone tries to probe you on what you actually believe and whether you actually live by what you believe you start accusing them of being a distorter or a liar? It's a pattern in your posts that occurs time and time again.

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Originally posted by knightmeister
Despite your deflections my point still stands. Your answer contained very little of your own words and gave little insight into your thinking on Christ. It looked as if you had answered his question but you hadn't. Your response was like one of those high school essays you come across that contain far more quotes in the word count than actual words fr ...[text shortened]... of being a distorter or a liar? It's a pattern in your posts that occurs time and time again.
Because you are a distorter and liar.

Pretty simple isn't it?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Because you are a distorter and liar.

Pretty simple isn't it?
I know , maybe too simple for you , and it all started when I began to ask you about what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit (a key part of his teaching by the way) and you just would not go there. So instead of being a good boy and letting you off the hook I pursued it (as any pursuer of truth would do) and still you would not go there. Ever since then I have become the "distorter" and "liar". Neat Huh?

And here you are still not going there and following your own agenda on Jesus. What is one to do ? If I don't challenge you I am not standing up for the Gospel of grace which you are subtley trashing , if I stand up to you I am a "distorter" and a "liar".

My point is do not forget how all this started. I haven't.

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Originally posted by knightmeister
I know , maybe too simple for you , and it all started when I began to ask you about what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit (a key part of his teaching by the way) and you just would not go there. So instead of being a good boy and letting you off the hook I pursued it (as any pursuer of truth would do) and still you would not go there. Ever since then ...[text shortened]... istorter" and a "liar".

My point is do not forget how all this started. I haven't.
Like usual this too is a lie as your whole life is a lie. You've lived outside the truth so long that you can no longer distinguish between the truth and what you make up in that little mind of yours.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Like usual this too is a lie as your whole life is a lie. You've lived outside the truth so long that you can no longer distinguish between the truth and what you make up in that little mind of yours.
Yes yes , this is all very well but why not just engage in the debate and we will see who is right and who is wrong and what the truth really is. Your problem is you are all talk and no substance. I'm quite confident if we really got going deeper into these matters you would be found out. I know Joseph feels this way too and so did Ephin. You won't let any of us go where you do not want to go.

You are like a shadow boxer who is good at shouting taunts from behind the ropes but dare not get into the ring. If you want a debate then let's get going and look at EVERYTHING Jesus said and not just the bits that fit your interpretations. Let's really find out what the truth is. The problem is that you just simply won't go there. You are all talk with no walk at the moment. And before you say it I have eyes and I see very clearly what you are doing.

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Originally posted by knightmeister
Yes yes , this is all very well but why not just engage in the debate and we will see who is right and who is wrong and what the truth really is. Your problem is you are all talk and no substance. I'm quite confident if we really got going deeper into these matters you would be found out. I know Joseph feels this way too and so did Ephin. You won't let ...[text shortened]... at the moment. And before you say it I have eyes and I see very clearly what you are doing.
All I can say to that is read my previous post.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
All I can say to that is read my previous post.
You could say a lot more but you dare not because of where it might take you. Anytime you want to debate the other 80% of Jesus's words look me up.

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Originally posted by knightmeister
You could say a lot more but you dare not because of where it might take you. Anytime you want to debate the other 80% of Jesus's words look me up.
Are you really that dense? I've told you countless times that I have no interest in "debating" anything with you since you've shown yourself to be incapable of having an honest discussion. What part of that don't you understand?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Are you really that dense? I've told you countless times that I have no interest in "debating" anything with you since you've shown yourself to be incapable of having an honest discussion. What part of that don't you understand?
I fail to see how you know whether I am capable or incapable of honest discussion or debate since everytime I try and go there you baulk at it , evade , or just ignore the thread. It never gets started ! The only "discussion" you seem to want to have is one where you are right and Christianity is wrong.

I understand you have no interest in debating because that would mean answering questions , being challenged and going deeper into the issues . I appreciate that you are not interested in this and that's Ok. Don't worry about it. There will come a time when you will feel more confident and able to test your "truth" in the arena of debate. Best stay in your comfort zone for now eh? It's all part of being a flawed human being.

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