-Removed-By the Holy Spirit.
By the Holy Spirit we know the power and effectiveness of the blood of Christ.
That was a very good question.
When we confess and pray with our heart turned toward the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit will work and operate.
This is expressed in the line of a hymn which says ;
"His Spirit answers to the blood and tells me I am born of God"
But if you require something more exactly in the text of Scripture I would recommend "The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God." (Rom. 8:16)
The Spirit bears withness jointly with our innermost spiritual being subjectively informing us that we have a life relationship with our Abba Father our Daddy Father. And we know the peace pervading our heart means His forgiveness.
He not only forgives our past sins. He doesn't remember them by any means any more. THEY HAVE BEEN JUDGED.
Forgive me for the caps, but its important.
The forgiveness that we sense is based not on sentimentality or God's liberal overlooking of our sins as if to say "Let's just forget about it. We know you didn't mean it."
No, the peace is because our sins have been judged in Christ on Calvary.
It is righteous of God to totally erase, remove, obliterate the guiltiness of our sins. It is RIGHTEOUS for Him to do so BECAUSE we have believed in Christ as our Lord and Savior.
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and RIGHTEOUS . . . to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)
"Father God, You are obligated to cleanse me from all unrighteousness because I have believed in Jesus Christ. You are faithful and You are RIGHETOUS to forgive me all my sins because of the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary. Thankyou Lord. Amen."
Maybe I misunderstand your question.
What I read is:
How can you not know that “precious blood” in in the Bible?
The typo "in in" I assume means "is in".
Then if that correction is valid then I read
How can you not know that “precious blood” [ IS ] in the Bible?
You can know that phrase "the precious blood of Christ" is mentioned in the Bible by reading the Bible.
You can know that that blood of Christ is precious at any point along the way of your reading the Bible given that you believe it applies to you.
You can know that that blood is precious in its application to you by you confessing your sins and experiencing your conscience put at perfect peace by God's forgiveness.
You can also come to a realization its preciousness by being shepherded and helped by a more experience believer who teaches you something of applying the blood of Christ specifically to your confessed sins.
It is precious because redemption is precious.
It is precious because God's forgiveness is precious.
It is precious because the peace that only God can give a human spirit and
heart is precious.
You mix the word of God with faith. And it becomes a precious truth that you taste subjectively and not just read objectively and academically on a page in black and white.
When we come to the Scriptures we should also simultaneously come to God.
When we come to the word of God we should come with an attitude willing to be changed by God, reaching out to God, trusting in God, turning our heart to God.
-Removed-You're obviously a bloodsucker, metaphorically or not. Happy now?
On the other hand, Christianity and Zen etc. can readily seem like arbitrary mentations, which is not to suggest that they are not so.
I don't care for your attempts to challenge and torture other people, but I suppose in a way I might understand it. Not trying to form a rapport -- heaven forbid! But of course I am better than you, for not choosing to go down that path. 😉
That snark above was wrong of me, but I will let it stand, because I know you can take it, and I imagine you know how to stand outside of things.
We are all transitory and full of pain now and then.
What are you going to do about it, turn up the rheostat on the pain of others?