@ghost-of-a-duke saidIts a lovely song about the eternal redemption accomplished through the
It's a lovely song about blood.
death of the Son of God.
And the phrase "fountain filled with blood" William Cowper wrote during his lifetime (1731-1800).
-Removed-Yes . . . mistaken (on a few things).
I just told you that I never did nor WOULD write that Cowper's hymn was created by some lady member of my local church.
Maybe you are recalling me speaking about Fanny Crosby writing some 9,000 or more hymns. (Hard for even me to believe). Years ago I think I posted here about her.
The principle I am addressing is someone complaining about a poetic phrase written about the experiencial enjoyment of a Christian reality - the power of Christ's redemption.
I gave the biblical background for such a poetic expression and you still pushback.
I choose to pushback on you some and tell you Christians don't feel heretical for singing about "a fountain filled with blood". And I suspect that it is really the whole matter of Christ's redemption period which annoys you.
Its the redemption of Christ which you don't agree with. Prove me incorrect.
What do you like about the phrase "sprinkling of the blood" ?
Has the "sprinkling of the blood" been something YOU have benefitted from ?
You are conscience-clear to sing about whatever nonsense you choose sonship.
I reject that "nonsense" is the word to describe the redemption of Jesus Christ.
No one is condemning you or the people of your church.
Are you sober?
You have persistently spoken of the local churches as a cult with an evil cult leader.
This is condemnation.
In fact the erroneous phrase “fountain of blood” is just words, god looks at the heart.
What in the song suggests that God doesn't look at the heart?
No, what is interesting on this subject and since I first challenged you on it months and months maybe over a year ago, is you and your reaction to the challenge.
I agree my reaction is insteresting. I won't lie down and have you walk over a great song celebrating the redemption of Christ to justify for eternity sinners.
He shed that blood for you too.
He is the Lamb of God whose one sacrifice was enough to take away the guilt of the sins of the whole world.
Isn't it interesting ?!
This is always what is interesting, you, and how you personally behave in this this forum.
Ah yes. I should be introspective now.
Before I leave this post, "Emmanuel's veins" in that song is no small thing.
Acts 20:28 speaks of the church purchased with God's blood.
Astounding! Emmanuel means "God with us".
And Paul said - " . . . shepherd the church of God, which He obtained with His own blood." (Acts 20:28)
To be fair Darby said it should be "the blood of His own". Anyway Jesus Christ shed His blood for our sins and He was Emmanuel - God with us
Immanuel (Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל meaning, "God is with us"; also romanized: Emmanuel, Imanu'el; also አማኑኤል ('Amanuel' ) in Geʽez and Amharic, and Emmanouël or Εμμανουήλ in Koine Greek [Κοινή Ελληνική] language of the New Testament) is a Hebrew name that appears in the Book of Isaiah (7:14) as a sign that God will be with ...
Isaiah 7–8 · Summary · Interpretation · Matthew 1:22–23
15 Apr 21
Now, I have stated that I might be mistaken but I don’t think I am. But I might be. So if you want to make this a matter of principle I shall go and find the quote and present it to you.
But know this, in making it a matter of principle, if you are proved to be wrong I shall expect a full written, detailed and sincere apology from you on the same day and in a brand new thread. Is this agreed?
Why not? Sure.
I already said you were MISTAKEN (and about a few more things).
And I said the PRINCIPLE I was concerned with was misdirecting unbelief in Christ's redemptive work on Calvary under the guise of sticking to the text and harping on "fountain filled with blood" is not written in it.
THAT is what I said is the principle which I was addressing.
Go back and read it.
I am sick of you calling me out for stuff you claim not to have said and then I go find it, present it to you and you disappear.
Look, you may have a stop watch and a calender, but even like Ghost, When I answer is when I answer.
Stop gaslighting me.
And I also could say I am sick of you calling the local churches a cult.
But I do expect it.
If we were not condemned by some in this way I would think we are probably not being faithful to the Lord.
So have a good think about it before deciding.
You do what you want. But you're wasting your time to try to find such a post by me. Your memory is faulty on that. And your emotional involvement fuels that miss-recollection.