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Originally posted by @rajk999This does nothing to rescue your statement from being exposed as untrue, by the Bible's own teaching (Matt. 12:35,37; Luke 12:1-3).
All who live righteously are counted as God's people.
All who live sinfully are not of God.
Proclaim whatever you like. God does not know you if you violate his commanents.
Read Romans 2.
Your erroneous assertion -
Verbal proclamations are meaningless to God.
Originally posted by @rajk999You can only forget how I corrected you about romans 2 and salvation.
I can only help you understand what's in the bible. Other stuff like the dumb questions you ask .. Ask God for help.
It is tiring listen to you repeat was has already been refuted.
I ask again, how righteous must one be to be righteous. It is lijely every person on earth who has reached the age of 20 has done one righteous act. Everyone is then righteous.
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Originally posted by @sonshipRomans 2 addresses the idea held by many Jews that their superior knowledge and apparent privileged position with God meant exclusion for others not sharing their customs.
This does nothing to rescue your statement from being exposed as untrue, by the Bible's own teaching.
Your erroneous assertion -
Verbal proclamations are meaningless to God.
Christians of today are infected with the same disease of false security.
Paul corrected that misconception.
Take your time and read the whole chapter.
Originally posted by @rajk999How does any of this salvage the incorrect statement you made ?
Romans 2 addresses the idea held by many Jews that their superior knowledge and apparent privileged position with God meant exclusion for others not sharing their customs.
Christians of today are infected with the same disease of false security.
Paul corrected that misconception.
Take your time and read the whole chapter.
Verbal proclamations are meaningless to God.
Originally posted by @eladarAsk again
You can only forget how I corrected you about romans 2 and salvation.
It is tiring listen to you repeat was has already been refuted.
I ask again, how righteous must one be to be righteous. It is lijely every person on earth who has reached the age of 20 has done one righteous act. Everyone is then righteous.
FMF: Is Rajk999 a good Christian to follow, sonship?Aside from this specific claim of his regarding do-nothing-lip-service religiosity ~ and seeing as you must have read 5,000 or more of his posts on his Christian theology, which is at times markedly different from yours, spread over many years ~ generally speaking, is Rajk999 a good Christian to follow?
Originally posted by @sonship
At the moment I am focused on the specific claim I would say in not reliable.
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Originally posted by @rajk999
God sees your works.
Are you saying that the making "verbal pronouncements" can not also be considered a work ?
Galatians 5:19 speaks of "the WORKS of the flesh". And among those works of the flesh are actions which involve making verbal proclamations.
"And the works of the flesh are manifest, which are such things as ... outbursts of anger ..."
Many "outbursts of anger" involve speaking. Would then the SPEAKING and what WAS SPOKEN be a "work" that meant something to God ?
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Originally posted by @rajk999
All your talk is nothing. God sees your works.
Often when you begin to write like this is signals that you cannot rationally argue that what I said is in error.
Works involve speaking and verbal proclamations also.
Otherwise the Apostle Paul would not exhort the Christians to "SPEAK TRUTH" to one another.
"Therefore having put off the lie, SPEAK truth each one with his neighbor for we are members one of another." (Eph. 4:25)
So God cares about "verbal pronouncements" also, right ?
"Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his practices and have put on the new man ..." (Col. 3:9,10)
"Verbal pronouncements" here are meaningful to God. Right ?
Or are you going to hide out behind saying all my talk is nothing ?
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Originally posted by @sonshipYou are an idiot of the highest order. You deserve an award for gross stupidity. By verbal pronouncements Im sure you very well know that I refer to verbal professions of faith and proclaimng ones belief with the mouth. This by it itself is nothing to God... as its all talk and mouth worship.All your talk is nothing. God sees your works.
Often when you begin to write like this is signals that you cannot rationally argue that what I said is in error.
Works involve speaking and verbal proclamations also.
Otherwise the Apostle Paul would not exhort the Christians to [b]"SPEAK TRUTH" to one another.
[quote] "There ...[text shortened]... eaningful to God. Right ?
Or are you going to hide out behind saying all my talk is nothing ?
Paul here speaks of two groups of people the Jews v Others. The Jews believed themselves to be superior to others but Paul corrected that false notion:
For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law:
but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.
Therefore if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law,
shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision? (Romans 2:25-26 KJV
Here is Pauls point in simple language and applying it to Christians:
Its good to be a Jew [Christian] IF you keep the law,
But if you dont then you are nothing
Others without law who are righteous are counted as Jews/Christians
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Originally posted by @rajk999You are an idiot of the highest order.
This sophomoric ad hom adds ZERO strength to your argument.
You deserve an award for gross stupidity.
This adds absolutely no strength to your teaching either.
By verbal pronouncements Im sure you very well know that I refer to verbal professions of faith and proclaimng ones belief with the mouth.
Jesus said "every careless word".
That would include professing of one's faith and all other words.
Would it not ?
Pay attention to the word "E-V-E-R-Y" in every idle word.
"And I say to you that ***EVERY*** idle [or careless] word which men shall speak, they will render an account concerning it in the day of judgment.
For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned." (Matt. 12:36,37)
The sense I definitely get here is EVERY WORD - even idle or careless ones not to mention intentional and significant ones like professions of faith.
Cont. latter.