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The Jehovah's Witnesses Trade

The Jehovah's Witnesses Trade


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Originally posted by duecer
hmmmmm, really? Cuz you're the one who seems to be getting upset and defensive, I on the other hand refuse to engage in debate; because regardless of how correct I am, you will not see the error of your position, or admit that you are wrong. Again, you have not proven that my assessment as previously typed is wrong, instead you occupy yourself with mudslinging and innuendo.....great job debating
You're just continuing to come up with excuses.

I've pointed out a number of deficiencies in your "assessment" and could point out many more. However, you continue to refuse to engage in meaningful discussion. If you weren't afraid, you would have continued instead of making yet another inane post.

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Originally posted by 12throotof2
.In #3 "That God's Works may be made Manifest " , Do you know what happened next ? God "works" were the healing of that man and in front of the Pharisees and Sadducees as well as the general Public so that there would be a "Witnessing" of God's Works . ....
Goodness me ... another JW !! Are you thinking clearly?

God made so many millions throughout the thousands of years - of blind, deaf and dumb, and retarded and deformed ....etc etc .. and still there are many of those today....

... so that ...... Christ can heal those few in his few during 33 years on the earth?

You are really funny.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
You're just continuing to come up with excuses.

I've pointed out a number of deficiencies in your "assessment" and could point out many more. However, you continue to refuse to engage in meaningful discussion. If you weren't afraid, you would have continued instead of making yet another inane post.
you've done nothing of the sort. I reject the premise of your arguments in their entirety, they are either ill thought out, or unfounded accusation, neither of which requires an answer from me.

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Originally posted by duecer
you've done nothing of the sort. I reject the premise of your arguments in their entirety, they are either ill thought out, or unfounded accusation, neither of which requires an answer from me.
lol. And the excuses continue. Your vague "rejection" is just another way to avoid engaging in a meaningful discussion. Care to try for some more?

Once again:
I've pointed out a number of deficiencies in your "assessment" and could point out many more. However, you continue to refuse to engage in meaningful discussion. If you weren't afraid, you would have continued instead of making yet another inane post.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
lol. And the excuses continue. Your vague "rejection" is just another way to avoid engaging in a meaningful discussion. Care to try for some more?

Once again:
I've pointed out a number of deficiencies in your "assessment" and could point out many more. However, you continue to refuse to engage in meaningful discussion. If you weren't afraid, you would have continued instead of making yet another inane post.
once again: no you have not....try again

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Originally posted by duecer
once again: no you have not....try again
This is reminiscent of a little kid shouting, "Have not! Have not!" whilst thinking that that constitutes a reasonable argument.

Stop all this nonsense and address the germane points of my posts.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
This is reminiscent of a little kid shouting, "Have not! Have not!" whilst thinking that that constitutes a reasonable argument.

Stop all this nonsense and address the germane points of my posts.
A: there are no germaine points to your post

B: My post, the well thought out lucid argument that it is, still stands undisputed

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes yes, i am from my father the devil, we've already established that, whats new?
You are what you are Robbie and that's a liar.

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Originally posted by duecer
A: there are no germaine points to your post

B: My post, the well thought out lucid argument that it is, still stands undisputed
lol. And the avoidance continues.

You really should read up on ego defense mechanisms. If you're able to comprehend it, you'll learn a lot about yourself.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
You are what you are Robbie and that's a liar.
yes yes, but as i stated we have already established that, have you never told a lie?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
lol. And the avoidance continues.

You really should read up on ego defense mechanisms. If you're able to comprehend it, you'll learn a lot about yourself.
pot kettle black

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes yes, but as i stated we have already established that, have you never told a lie?
You've established an ongoing pattern of lying and otherwise using dishonest tactics. With your lies and dishonest tactics came a pattern of denials. Each denial was in and of itself a lie. You lie to in an attempt to protect your belief system since your belief system is unstable. If your belief system were stable, you would not feel compelled to lie as you do. Your belief system is built upon sand rather than rock.

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Originally posted by duecer
pot kettle black
And the avoidance continues.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
And the avoidance continues.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Goodness me ... another JW !! Are you thinking clearly?

God made so many millions throughout the thousands of years - of blind, deaf and dumb, and retarded and deformed ....etc etc .. and still there are many of those today....

... so that ...... Christ can heal those few in his few during 33 years on the earth?

You are really funny.
Thinking Clearly , That requires Accurate information about the subject being thought about doesnt it ?

You state that God MADE deaf people , and that God MADE defects in the human species ............

God didn't make the entire human species , he and his son , made 2 humans . Not more , not less , just those two . They were perfect up to a point where they decided they didnt need God's direction to survive and thrive .

Their State of perfection depended on the Attachment and Relationship with God .
When that was broken , their support was removed and the degradation began .
Then ,......THEY had Children , of which YOU are a product of that event and history . The Children Began life in a process of degradation .

Genetic degradation is not God's fault . It is our own .

You mention the word "Retarded " the use of that word shows your hardheartedness , and lack of appreciation for what you do actually have .

But Jesus said this in John 17 verse 3 , By their Taking in Knowledge of you the Only True God , and of your son Jesus Christ , THIS means their everlasting life "

Those who take in accurate knowledge , not Biased , or half researched , or personal opinions , but accurate knowledge would have access to the concept of everlasting life ,......... because they RE establish that relationship with God .

This will be my last post here , I will not "Debate " over a book that has been written and established for thousands of years . What is written is what is written . and that isnt going to be changed .

Debates belong in politics , or Recipes but not Spirituality . discussion and research . and learning belong there .

To take a Sacred subject , such as that and make it a matter of debate and a forum for spouting personal opinion is offensive to God . You make the attempt to reduce God to YOUR level , that of an ignorant self assuming human who has tremendous amounts of trouble just putting one foot in front of another .

Not Just another JW ,........ no . I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses ,

In other words a Witness for the Person Named Jehovah . A representative of him in the universal issue of who actually has the right to direct mankind's direction in life , and to determine who has the right to be in the positions of leadership .

I can assure you , that it isnt you .

Have a good day Ravi , go sit by a seashore , watch the sun rise , listen to the water , in solitude , and try to contemplate your real value and position in the universe , then look down at the sand ........... one grain of sand , one star out of the vastness of the universe and we stupid humans have the audacity to have a personal opinion about self worth in relation to all that .

Man cannot walk even to direct his Steps .

The Earth is ruined , The politicians and world leaders are Mad Hatters , Religions as a whole have proved pointless and valueless because they refuse to actually Listen to what is Written , and thereby make up their OWN rules and ,..........Personal Opinion ..................

I tell my kid , Opinions are just like Buttholes , everyone has one , and they ALL stink .

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