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The Jehovah's Witnesses Trade


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Indeed and JW's are one of those many valueless religions on this earth!!


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Originally posted by menace71
Indeed and JW's are one of those many valueless religions on this earth!!

tell that to the millions whose lives have been improved through the application of biblical knowledge. Could you fine nothing positive to say of 12throofs text, personally i thought it was logical, coherent, without ambiguity and exposed Raji Paji post as the counterfeit that it was, but hey, call me biased, it was still beautiful!

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Originally posted by Rajk999
You people just twist everything in the Bible. Did Christ say anything about inherited imperfections? Here is what Christ :

Jesus answered, Neither did this man sin, nor his parents: [b]but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

So .. Christ said that the WORKS OF GOD MADE THE MAN BLIND.

Where the hell you get inherited imperfections from?[/b]
Just for some balance on this discussion, I agree with you that God is the cause of this man's blindness but I disagree with your rendering of this passage. The gospel does not say that his blindness is the work of God, simply that he is blind so that God's works may be revealed, which obviously is Jesus' miraculous healing. Obviously, however, God is the cause of this blindness -- Jesus immediately answers Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents. I think the effect of this is that blame cannot be attributed either to the man or his parents, but rather to God.

I think Robbie is wrong to interpret this as some affirming that God is a source of evil. Suffering and evil are not the same. Job suffers immensely from the devil, with the tacit approval of God. St Paul himself tells that his own sufferings have been permitted by God for some mysterious purpose to glorify His name. He tells that his suffering is actually a grace,

7 And lest the greatness of the revelations should exalt me, there was given me a sting of my flesh, an angel of Satan, to buffet me. 8 For which thing, thrice I besought the Lord that it might depart from me. 9 And he said to me: My grace is sufficient for you: for power is made perfect in infirmity. Gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 2Corinthians12:7-9

Consequently I think it is quite reasonable to interpret John 9:1 as an affirmation that God causes human suffering. I think Robbie is completely lost in conflating suffering with evil. Certainly this goes against the biblical understanding of suffering.

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Originally posted by Conrau K
Just for some balance on this discussion, I agree with you that God is the cause of this man's blindness but I disagree with your rendering of this passage. The gospel does not say that his blindness is the work of God, simply that he is blind so that God's works may be revealed, which obviously is Jesus' miraculous healing. Obviously, however, God is the c ...[text shortened]... ing suffering with evil. Certainly this goes against the biblical understanding of suffering.
Here we go with the opinions again. How many times did you use the term "I think" or "I agree" or " I don't agree" in your posting here?
The Bible is never open to any private interpretaion and it sounds to me that's what your doing.

2 Peter 1:19-21 (New Living Translation)

19 Because of that experience, we have even greater confidence in the message proclaimed by the prophets. You must pay close attention to what they wrote, for their words are like a lamp shining in a dark place—until the Day dawns, and Christ the Morning Star shines[a] in your hearts. 20 Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophet’s own understanding,[b] 21 or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God.

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Originally posted by 12throotof2
... I tell my kid , Opinions are just like Buttholes , everyone has one , and they ALL stink .
Yours included pops.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Here we go with the opinions again. How many times did you use the term "I think" or "I agree" or " I don't agree" in your posting here?
The Bible is never open to any private interpretaion and it sounds to me that's what your doing.

2 Peter 1:19-21 (New Living Translation)

19 Because of that experience, we have even greater confidence in the ...[text shortened]... n initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God.
Good thing the "prophets" from the Watchtower Society are there to give you THEIR interpretation to relieve you from thinking at all. Of course, in cases where there is no dogma to fall back on, you're left with the likes of RC that seem unable to produce or even recognize coherent thought.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Here we go with the opinions again. How many times did you use the term "I think" or "I agree" or " I don't agree" in your posting here?
The Bible is never open to any private interpretaion and it sounds to me that's what your doing.

2 Peter 1:19-21 (New Living Translation)

19 Because of that experience, we have even greater confidence in the ...[text shortened]... n initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God.
Here we go with the opinions again. How many times did you use the term "I think" or "I agree" or " I don't agree" in your posting here?

Quite a few times. I don't quite see your point. Do you disagree with my point here and, if so, could you possibly respond to my argument? Why would Jesus say that this man's blindness was neither due to himself or his parents but rather was intended to reveal the work of God, if in fact God had no causal role at all? Why do you conflate suffering with evil when St Paul explicitly teaches that suffering is above all a grace from God?

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Goodness me ... another JW !! Are you thinking clearly?

God made so many millions throughout the thousands of years - of blind, deaf and dumb, and retarded and deformed ....etc etc .. and still there are many of those today....

... so that ...... Christ can heal those few in his few during 33 years on the earth?

You are really funny.
And you get dumber with every comment you make. You dare call yourself a Christian and you make these stupid comments? You are really the Anti Christ Raj and the others here need to wake up and see that.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
tell that to the millions whose lives have been improved through the application of biblical knowledge. Could you fine nothing positive to say of 12throofs text, personally i thought it was logical, coherent, without ambiguity and exposed Raji Paji post as the counterfeit that it was, but hey, call me biased, it was still beautiful!
Guys a Douche King!! No doubt. If he came to my door I'd slam it in his sorry face. He was even giving you and G-75 some guff about arguing with us so called Heathens. What a hypocrite. Makes me wanna be a JW!! NOT!!


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Originally posted by menace71
Guys a Douche King!! No doubt. If he came to my door I'd slam it in his sorry face. He was even giving you and G-75 some guff about arguing with us so called Heathens. What a hypocrite. Makes me wanna be a JW!! NOT!!

well thankyou Jesus, how very very Christian of you!

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Originally posted by menace71
Indeed and JW's are one of those many valueless religions on this earth!!

Not an educated statement at all.

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Originally posted by Conrau K
Just for some balance on this discussion, I agree with you that God is the cause of this man's blindness but I disagree with your rendering of this passage. The gospel does not say that his blindness is the work of God, simply that he is blind so that God's works may be revealed, which obviously is Jesus' miraculous healing.....
So explain to me how that makes sense. Rather than just discard my point like the other JWs here and call me Anti-Christ and other childish names for no reason .. please explain why I am wrong here.

I am saying that God has made deformities and abnormalities in millions and million of people since he made man, and they exist today in increasing numbers and variety. How can you conclude that God made them specifically so that the miraculous works of Christ could be demonstrated on them when Christ only spent a few years healing people?

Christ stated clearly that the works of God is manifest in people like that. People will see the power of God in ALL people like that, NOT JUST THE FEW that Christ healed.

The JWs are claiming that God made 2 perfect people and other forces/people messed it up. I cant see any biblical evidence for that.

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Originally posted by menace71
Guys a Douche King!! No doubt. If he came to my door I'd slam it in his sorry face. He was even giving you and G-75 some guff about arguing with us so called Heathens. What a hypocrite. Makes me wanna be a JW!! NOT!!

Go Manny, Go!! You tell 'em . Its about time you came out of your shell.

The JWs are hypocrites. There you go Rob, chew on that.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Go Manny, Go!! You tell 'em . Its about time you came out of your shell.

The JWs are hypocrites. There you go Rob, chew on that.
ive been called worse, much much worse, water, ducks back, you get the picture. if you really want to antagonise me you need to be pompous and an intellectual snob! seeing your an Aussie, i have no fear of that! but wait!! Conrau could be the anomaly in all of this 😉 I repeat it again, we have transcended every known religious , national and economic barrier, we are truly beautiful!

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Originally posted by Rajk999
So explain to me how that makes sense. Rather than just discard my point like the other JWs here and call me Anti-Christ and other childish names for no reason .. please explain why I am wrong here.

I am saying that God has made deformities and abnormalities in millions and million of people since he made man, and they exist today in increasing numbers an ...[text shortened]... perfect people and other forces/people messed it up. I cant see any biblical evidence for that.
It's obvious Raj that you could read these scriptures a million times and not see the obvious but here you go anyway.....
The quality of a body that is not subject to decay, ruin, or destruction.
Direct references to incorruption are found only in the Christian Greek Scriptures. There the word translates the Greek aphtharsa, formed of the negative prefix a and a form of phtheiro. This latter word means “corrupt” (2Co 7:2) or “spoil” (1Co 15:33), hence to bring to a lower or inferior state; also “put to death” or “destroy.” (2Pe 2:12) The adjective form aphthatos (incorruptible) is also used.
Corruption and Corruptibility. In considering incorruption, it is helpful to analyze first the use of the Greek terms for corruption and corruptibility. Keep in mind that there is a difference between a thing’s being corrupt and its being corruptible, that is, capable of being corrupted.
Corruption and corruptibility may relate both to things material and to things not material. The crown that Greek athletes sought was corruptible —subject to decay, deterioration, or disintegration. (1Co 9:25) Even gold (dissoluble in aqua regia) and silver are corruptible. (1Pe 1:18; compare Jas 5:3.) Boats can be “wrecked” or, literally, “corrupted through” (from the intensive form diaphtheiro), suffering breakdown of their structural form. (Re 8:9) The same Greek word is used with respect to the “ruining” of the earth. (Re 11:18) Man, the fleshly creature, is corruptible (Ro 1:23); in his imperfect state his body is subject to damaging diseases and eventually to dissolution in death, the body breaking down in decay. (Ac 13:36) As regards things not material, good habits can be corrupted, or spoiled, by bad associations (1Co 15:33); men may become mentally corrupted, turned away from sincerity, chastity, and truth (2Co 11:3; 1Ti 6:5; 2Ti 3:8), this resulting in moral decay, a corrupting of the individual’s personality.—Eph 4:22; Jude 10.
Even perfect human bodies are corruptible, that is, they are not beyond ruin or destruction. For this reason, the apostle Paul could say that the resurrected Jesus was thereafter “destined no more to return to corruption” (Ac 13:34), that is, never to return to life in a corruptible human body. Only God’s action prevented the fleshly body of his Son’s earthly existence from seeing corruption in the grave. (Ac 2:31; 13:35-37) That body, however, was not preserved for the use of the resurrected Jesus, since the apostle Peter states that Jesus was “put to death in the flesh, but . . . made alive in the spirit.” (1Pe 3:18) It thus seems evident that God disposed of that body miraculously, thereby not letting it see ruinous decay.—See BODY (Christ’s Body of Flesh).
Angels, though spirit creatures, are shown to have corruptible bodies, inasmuch as they are declared to be subject to destruction.—Mt 25:41; 2Pe 2:4; compare Lu 4:33, 34.
Human enslavement to corruption. While Adam, even in his perfection, had a corruptible body, it was only because of his rebellion against God that he came into “enslavement to corruption” and passed this condition on to all of his offspring, the human race. (Ro 8:20-22) This enslavement to corruption results from sin or transgression (Ro 5:12) and produces bodily imperfection that leads to degradation, disease, aging, and death. For this reason, the one ‘sowing with a view to the flesh reaps corruption from his flesh’ and does not gain the everlasting life promised those who sow with a view to the spirit.—Ga 6:8; compare 2Pe 2:12, 18, 19.
God is not responsible for the wickedness so prevalent in the world. Many people are taught that God is ruling this world that we live in, that God long ago determined everything that happens to us, and that he has mysterious, inscrutable reasons for inflicting misery on mankind. These teachings are false. They dishonor God and make him out to be responsible for the wickedness and suffering in the world. So we may have to use God’s Word to set such matters straight. (2 Timothy 3:16) Jehovah is not the ruler of this corrupt system of things; Satan the Devil is. (1 John 5:19) Jehovah does not predestine his intelligent creatures; he gives each one freedom and opportunities to choose between good and bad, right and wrong. (Deuteronomy 30:19) And Jehovah is never the source of wickedness; he hates wickedness and cares for those who suffer unjustly.—Job 34:10; Proverbs 6:16-19; 1 Peter 5:7.

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